The Status Register


This newsletter will never appear on Prairienet BEFORE the monthly CUCUG meeting it is intended to announce. This is in deference to actual CUCUG members. It is, after all, THEIR newsletter. For advance notification of CUCUG's meeting, look in the "Information About CUCUG" section.

January 1995

To move quickly to an article of your choice, use the search feature of your Reader. Just type "/" ie., a backslash, and enough of your choice to ensure a successfull search. Enjoy.

January News:

January Meeting Date Changed!

The January meeting will be held at the Bresnan Meeting Center (Champaign Park District Headquarters) as usual, but due to someone beating us to the punch, we've had to move from our regular third Thursday of the month to the next day, Friday, the 20th, at 7pm. So, mark it on your calendars. CUCUG meets one day later than normal. Directions to the Center are on the back of this newsletter.

The January meeting will be one of our split SIG meetings. However, independently, both SIGs came to the same concept for their activities. Both will be asking members what they want to see and do at the meetings. We're very serious in wanting to know what each of you thinks, so please come with ideas and suggestions. Both SIGs will also be addressing any and all questions or problems you might have. In short, we're going to have a free form bull session. Should be fun. We won't have to go out into the lobby to do what we all do most meetings anyway.


Welcome New Members

We would like to welcome the new members who joined us in December: Jeremy Burroff (C64) and Bailey Parker (C64, C128 and an Amiga 2000). You might look at all the Commodore machines Mr. Parker has and wonder if he has ever been a CUCUG member before. That he has. Mr. Parker returns to us from an extended hiatus. Welcome back.


Hannah Marie Serbe

by Kim and Victor Serbe Hannah Marie Serbe was born at 11:12am on Tuesday, 12/13/94. She was 6 pounds, 19 inches. Mother and father are fine, but sleepy. Grandma and Grandpa have been priceless.


AmigaWorld's Commodore Hotline

information from January 3, 1995. "Hi, this is Dan Sullivan at AmigaWorld. It's Tuesday, January 3rd. As recorded last time, CEI of Miami placed a formal written offer and cash deposit with the liquidators on Dec. 15th to buy the rights to the Amiga.

This has now triggered the final auction round of the bidding.

On December 22nd the former Commodore UK management group made their formal counteroffer plus deposit to acquire the Amiga.

The liquidators are now making their final evaluations of the two offers.

A decision is expected very soon.

No further bids are anticipated.

While CEI reportedly put an expiration date of Dec. 30th on their bid, apparently they are willing to wait just a little while longer for the liquidators to make a final decision.

Again, all signs point toward the final ruling on the liquidation very shortly.

I will update this message immediately after a decision is announced."


Renew Your Membership

The renewal of CUCUG continues. These folks renewed in December: Quentin Barnes, Jeremy Burroff, Fred Cline, Emil Cobb, Richard Cooprider, Jim Deschene, Richard Hall, Nelson Jones, Stephen Kohen, John Lynn, (Bailey) Glenn Parker, Paul Petersen, Mark Pulokas, Dennis Reed, Richard Rollins, Jon Sago, J. Marlowe Slater, Jim Swisher, Tim Urbin, A. Richard Weil, William Whetzel, and Greg Zalucha.

Needless to say we want to see you back again too. With the death of Commodore and the future uncertain, we rely on each other far more than before. Please join with us again.


Intel Finally Gives Up

AP- Dec. 20, 94 - 20:21 EST V0497 SANTA CLt there always one of these) , I want to mention five people in particular. The first person is one of my best friends and without him I probably would never have stayed in this club in the first place. KEVIN HOPKINS has filled the position of newsletter editor for so many years that I can't even remember who did it before him. Because I do not write very well he offered to take the position of secretary for me and has done his usual excellent job. Kevin has been there for me any time I needed him both for the club and for me personally. Why I even got him to do a presentation one time. I told him it would take about 45 min. and just before he started I told he had only about 15. He still went on but had to cut it on the fly. I'm still sorry about that one but it shows how he did everything I needed and more. The second person I what to thank is EMIL COBB. I have known Emil even longer than I have been in the club. We go back to High School and boy was I surprised to see him at that first meeting. Emil has been my vice-president for many years and even after that he agreed to take over the job of Sergeant-at-arms when his time was so limited. He also has been there any time that I have needed help. The third person that I want to thank is MARK LANDMAN. Mark has been my Treasurer for many years. I had to be both the Treasurer and the President for about six months and I know what the job involves. He has done an exceptional job on the finances and has been responsible for getting the taxes done for many years. The fourth person I want to thank is CRAIG KUMMEROW. Craig has not only put up with me mispronouncing his name but has done a fantastic job running the 64 sig. I have always been worried about this group and Craig took over this sig and I have never had to worry about them again. Finally I want to thank KEVIN HISEL. What can I say about Kevin that I haven't already said. He single-handedly makes and sells the club disks, (he has the help of the lovely library lady Cammy), the major income for the club. He took over the BBS after the death of Art Lewis and not only continued it as Art would have wanted but has made many improvements that have benefited club members. Over the years, he has come to be my friend and I have always valued his common sense and humor. I don't think I could have been President without him.

My second point is, when I took over the reigns as President, the club had just come back from the brink of not having enough funds to operate. Thanks to Steve Gast and Jeff Stevenson, our first President (My mentor) and our first Treasurer, we were saved. Since then I felt it was my responsibility to protect our assets as best I could. I hope this concern is felt by our next President as well. I know he shares my views on this. We are the only club that I know of that is still in the black and not on the edge of ruin.

My last point is one that I know you have heard before but I feel it needs repeating. Jim Huls is our new President and he deserves our support!! We have a machine that no longer has a manufacturer and support is dropping. This is your club and without your support it will die... Jim will need programs and other needs filled. Only a few people have supplied programs over the years, (Jim Lewis, Ed Serbe, Jim Huls, Kevin Hisel, Mark Landman, Dave Witt, Mike Latinovich are names that come to mind), and this is an area in which you can help. Even if you can't talk about something for a full 45 min. 10 or 15 would be fine. I have enjoyed being your President for low these many years and have had the opportunity to meet many new and interesting people. I have tried to allow the people who run our committees to have a free hand and found that when you do people have a tendency to surprise you. Thank you again for all you support and friendship. I hope our club will live long and prosper for many years. So .........

Happy to help.

Richard Rollins, Past President

Goals for the New Year

From Jim Huls

I just wanted to let everyone know that my eyes and ears are open to any ideas one might have for the club. Since I'm and on the net quite frequently, please feel free to post to me. If you don't feel comfortable voicing your ideas or comments in public, you're welcome to post privately on Starship, email me at, or just grab me at a meeting.

I really like the way the club has been running for years and have no intention of truly changing anything. I do have a few goals for the club in the new year though.

  1. Have more of the latest software and hardware shown and demoed
     at the meetings.

2. Give CUCUG more of a net presences. (KH1 has already been doing a nice job of this with the CUCUG home page on the WWW.)

3. Increase membership and club funds.

4. Build close relations with the new owners of the Amiga technology.

5. Enhance relations with many of the software developers.

I'm not interested in ever being a campaign manager in politics so there might be a few other points I'll be pushing for the club that I just can't think of at the moment. ;-)

As far as I'm concerned the format for the general and board meetings should remain the same. They are well organized, productive, and effective. Like I said, I have no plans to make any alterations since I feel the current format works rather well. My main focus will be to build off of the club's success.

Before I end this I want to ask for help from the general club members on the first point I mentioned. I believe there to be enough new products available for the Amiga that are purchased by members to warrant a few showings. Of the latest available, I'd be very interested in seeing Pagestream 3, ImageFX 2.0, Lightwave, any of the most recent graphics cards, Final Writer Release 3, Wordsworth 3.1, TurboCalc 2.0, Brilliance 2.0, Newtek's Flyer, and much more I'm sure. :-) If you have any of the above, I'd certainly appreciate you contacting me to set up a time to demo it. Of course I'm open to other products and suggestions as well. Those are just a few that I personally know I would want to see. That and more animations of course (Ed Serbe? Mark Landman? Anyone?). :-)

On the 8 bit side, contact myself or preferably Craig and we'll get you setup. Craig has done a fantastic job with the C64/128 SIG and I'm not about to get in his way. :-) I used to have a C64 and C128 so I know that they are viable machines for many people and hope to see some good showings at the meetings.

With the members currently in the club, I don't see a problem with reaching any of the goals listed. I've been a happy member of CUCUG for years and always seem to learn or see something new from others in the club. After being on the net for years now, I constantly read about other clubs across the country who are dead, disbanding, or on the edge. I'm not about to see this happen to CUCUG, which is part of the reason for me participating in a few of the demos in the last year. If you've got something to show, let us know! After all no matter how badly C= was run, they did produce the best computers on the market.


December General Meeting

reported by Kevin Hopkins

President Rollins opened the December 15th meeting with an introduction of CUCUG's officers. But, unlike the way he has done this duty throughout his tenure as President, he made a point of thanking each of the elected official for his help and friendship over the years, as he now prepares to leave office. Richard also made a special point of thanking Craig Kummerow and Kevin Hisel, unelected yet vital members of the CUCUG corps.

The floor was then opened for our Question and Answer Session.

Following the Question and Answer Session, Richard performed the annual duty of reading the club's Financial Report. He was happy to report that the club is quite solvent.

Then the business of electing new officers for next year was conducted. Richard appointed Jon Sago and Bill Baxter as the Election Tellers. Kevin Hisel explained the Election Procedure and then opened the floor for further nominations. As there were none, the floor was closed and the ballots were then distributed. Despite the fact that only one candidate per office stood for election, ballots are handed out because write in candidates are allowed. The membership voted, the Tellers gathered the ballots and then retired to count them.

In the intervening time, Kevin Hisel presented the Library's new Amiga disks for this month.

CUCUGAMI #135: Attorney (a legal forms creator), Auto3D (a program to create 3D pictures; you need to be a tinkerer to get this one to work, but it's pretty neat), GnuChess (an Amiga port of chess from Unix; it plays very well), and CalDix (more accurate than the Pentium).

CUCUGAMI #136: 3DTicTacToe (You have to have the brain of Spock to win), Smoke'em Poker (a poker game with 6 players - Beerware - programmed in CanDo; you can set the sex, skill level, etc. of the other players; it names the hands you have - quite tutorial), and MathAttack (math problems for kids).

After Kevin's presentation the Election Tellers returned with the tallies. The slate of candidates was elected. The new officers of CUCUG for 1995 are:

President: Jim Huls
Vice President: David Witt
Treasurer: Mark Landman
Secretary: Kevin Hopkins
Corporation Agent: Jim Lewis

Richard Rollins thanked the Tellers and gave his parting speech, stating that he had enjoyed been President of CUCUG.

The floor was then turned over to Kevin Hisel, who read the proposed changes to CUCUG's By-Laws. Action will be taken on them at the January meeting.

Geoff Miller of Amiga Game Zone magazine

After the break, Geoff Miller of Amiga Game Zone magazine came to show us some of the new game software available for the Amiga. This is the second time Geoff has made his way to one of our meetings to show software. The first time he had a partner who did most of the talking. Not to put to fine a point on it, but the demonstration this time suffered from the lack of that point man. We spent most of the time watching programs load. This reinforces an old lesson taught to us by Jim Oldfield. "If you're going to show a bunch of programs, video tape the action and leave out the load time."

Some of the programs we saw at least part of were Rise of the Robots and Cannon Fodder. A game Geoff spoke highly of was Super Stardust (PAL version), but as our large screen monitor doesn't show PAL (as Geoff had been informed, prior to the meeting), we were unable to see it.

More to Geoff's strength, as a disseminator of news, he told us that there is a trend of software manufacturers selling packages with multiple games in them. He made note of the Flashback Collections which contain five games for the price of one. He said of the new titles coming out there is a 60/40 percentage of PAL to NTSC video. Another combination package Geoff mentioned was Sim Classic. This contains Sim City, Sim Ant, and Sim Life. Other titles earning honorable mention were Alien Breed, Tower Assault,UFO - Enemy Unknown (an AGA or CD32 strategy game) and Jungle Strike.


December Board Meeting

recorded by Kevin Hopkins

The December meeting of the CUCUG executive board was held on Wednesday, December 21st at 7PM at Kevin Hisel's house (address and phone number, both in the book). Present at the meeting were: Richard Rollins, Dave Witt, Mike Latinovich, Jim Lewis, Jim Huls, Craig Kummerow, Emil Cobb, Kevin Hopkins, and Kevin Hisel. Due to a medical emergency, Mark Landman was unable to attend this meeting. Happily, Mark's wife was fine.

Richard Rollins: Richard began by personally thanking Jim Lewis, Craig Kummerow, Emil Cobb, Kevin Hisel and Kevin Hopkins, each in turn, for the years of support throughout his CUCUG presidency. He said it had been a lot of fun and he had enjoyed it. Jim Lewis spoke for everyone in returning the compliments back to Richard, thanking him for his many years of service to the club.

The ritual releasing all those serving in non-elected positions was performed. Presidential power changed hands from Richard Rollins to Jim Huls at 7:33:33 pm. Jim's first act as President was to reinstate all those serving in non-elected positions.

The first order of new business was to pick a meeting date for January. All the other third Thursday dates for 1995 were secured, but the January date had already been rented out. Discussion concluded that the usual meeting date should be bracketed by a day one way or the other, with the strongest desired date the Friday just after. [This is the date that has since been booked.] The next Board meeting will continue as has been established: the Wednesday following the General meeting. In January this will be the 25th.

There was a discussion of how the new postal rates will effect the club's finances. Kevin Hopkins said he was thinking of reducing the newsletter by a page to counter the rising rate by reducing printing costs. The consensus of the Board was that this was unnecessary.

Jim Lewis: Jim reported that the IRS wants more information before deciding our tax status.

Dave Witt: Reviewing the General Meeting, Dave said, "The meeting was there." He gave some insights as to why Geoff's performance was sub-standard.

Looking forward, Dave offered his assistance to the new President.

Mike Latinovich: Mike said, "Geoff's demo didn't do anything for me. He's not Jim Oldfield. Kevin's disk demo was good, as usual. Congratulations to the newly elected officials. Next year will be great."

Jim Huls: Jim said he had posted his goals for the coming year to the BBS and he hoped that everyone had seen them [see this item elsewhere in this issue]. He briefly reiterated what he had written. Principally, he doesn't want to change much. He wants to increase membership and the clubs funds. He also want to raise the net awareness of the membership and show them the benefits there are in that knowledge. He said, "This year is going to be a very big challenge." He also wanted to say that he has been very impressed by the efficiency of the behind the scenes activities within the club. Most members don't know all the work that gets done quietly on their behalf.

Jim made a few general comments on Geoff's demo.

He also said, "You will be hearing from me for help."

Kevin Hopkins: Kevin brought the discussion back to the subject of the January meeting. "We've decided on a date, but what are we going to do at that meeting?" This spawned a discussion. One Board member suggested Pagestream 3, but KH1 said the program is not stable. Jim Lewis will do a scanner program later in the year, but January is too soon. Other possible demos mentioned were Lynx, Vic Serbe doing Midi, networking and getting net literate. Some of these topics raised the problem of not having a working phone line out of the Bresnan Center. The suggestion was made that we could video tape a presentation of Lynx to get around the phone problem. Finally, it was decided to poll the members and see what they wanted to do. Craig laughed and said that the C64/128 SIG was going to do the same thing, have an organizational meeting. The Amiga SIG will follow up on this with a Q&A session with extended discussion of any topics members may bring up.

Kevin then distributed the mail and passed around the one newsletter he brought. He made note of the exploration of Lynx he had been doing in the last month.

Kevin Hisel: Disk sales this month were nominal. Kevin reported that BBS usage has been very low at 14.6%.

Craig Kummerow: Craig reported that he had brought two boxes of donated items to the December meeting and had done pretty well. He only has one box left. There were no takers on the hardware.

Craig reported that the club's A500 has now been passed to the care of Vice President Dave Witt. Craig now has possession of the A2000.

Craig requests C64/128 SIG members to bring ideas with them to the January meeting. The SIG will reattempt the BBS demo in February if we can arrange a phone line.

Emil Cobb: Emil reported that he had received another 1541 drive from Steve Gast.


The Back Page

The Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group, (CUCUG), a not-for-profit corporation and Authorized Commodore User Group #00251, was organized in 1983 to support and advance the knowledge of area Commodore computer users.

Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Bresnan Meeting Center in the Champaign Park District Headquarters (398-2591). The Center is located at 706 Kenwood, 1/2 block south of the corner of Kenwood and John Street, in west Champaign. Kenwood is the fourth south-bound street off of John as you are going west, after crossing Mattis. The Center is in the northwest corner of Centennial Park, northwest of Centennial High School.

ASCII text files of all recent Status Register newsletters are available for downloading on our BBS or our WWW site. Other user group newsletter editors may leave a comment to the BBS Sysop to request free access. To initiate a newsletter exchange, just send us your newsletter. As a matter of CUCUG policy, a newsletter exchange partner will be dropped after three months of no contact.

This newsletter was prepared with PageStream 2.22 on an Amiga 3000 25/100 and output to an HP Laserjet IIP plus. Pagestream was donated to CUCUG by Soft-Logik Publishing Corporation.

For further information, please attend the next meeting as our guest, or contact one of our officers(all at area code 217):

President:         Jim Huls         892-8730
Vice-President:    David Witt       684-2815
Secretary/Editor:  Kevin Hopkins    356-5026
Treasurer:         Mark Landman     398-2910
Corporate Agent:   Jim Lewis        359-1342
Librarian/Sysop:   Kevin Hisel      352-1002
C64/128 SIG:       Craig Kummerow   784-5919
Board Advisor:     Richard Rollins  469-2616   

Call our Starship CUCUG BBS at (217) 356-8056, always online, up to 14,400 baud, supporting all CBM computers. Email us at

or surf our home page at

Call Prairienet free at (217) 255-9000. Login as "visitor".