From dewd@brainstormFri Dec 15 19:16:00 1995 Date: Fri, 15 Dec 95 23:55:18 From: Jeroen Oudejans Reply to: Jeroen Oudejans To: Subject: AT newsflash! Lines: 54 X-Mailer: ADMail 1.6 Copyright 1995 S.T.Brown This is my translation of a news-bulletin found on the Escom HomePage : *CD-ROM drive Q-Drive 1241* The Q-Drive 1241, the CD-ROM for the Amiga 1200, will be released at the end of January 1996. The Q-Drive can be connected to the PCMCIA port. The 1241 is a Quad Speed Panasonic drive. Software for reading PhotoCD's and playing audio CD's will be part of the package. Also Aminet #8 will be included. The drive will have a price-tag of about HFl. 599,- (about US$ 350,-) *Amiga 1200 with a Internet package : Surfer* At the end of January 1996 Amiga Technologies will release a new package, called The Surfer. This package includes a 14K4 modem, a dialer, a ftp-client, an Email program, an IRC-client, an Email program, a news-reader and a WWW browser. Estimated price : HFL. 400 (about US$ 235,-) *The Amiga xxx * A new Amiga is planned to be shown at the CeBIT 1996. This new Amiga (exact name still unknown) will have 2 simm-sockets, a 68030 (clockspeed unknown), and a CD-Rom drive (instead of the floppy-drive). The new Amiga will be not be available before the third quarter of 1996. Expected price HFl 1899,- (about US$ 1117,-) *New monitors 15" en 17"* The new monitors are probably released in April 1996. *Amiga-Mac* A bundle with Mac CDRoms and Emplant software will be released in the second quarter of 1996. (personal note : I don't quite understand what this will be. A kind of SS ?) *Amiga set Top Box* A set-top box, based on the Amiga technology is planned for fall 1996. It will have a infrared keyboard with built-in mouse. *PowerAmiga* The PowerAmiga is expected to be released in the second quarter of 1997. _ _-//------------------------------------------------------------------ \X/eroen Oudejans /\ /\ Amiga, back for the future! ---------------------------------------------------------------------