Speech by Petro Tyschtschenko Press conference Bordeaux Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests Good afternoon... Welcome to our first press conference here with Solectron and thank you very much for attending. Let me introduce myself, my name is Petro Tyschtschenko, I am the president at Amiga Technologies GmbH. I have the great pleasure to be here to tell you about the backgrounds of the Amiga rebirth. Amiga is back, back for the future. It finally happened ! Amiga is back on the market. This was an amazing task to accomplish and many people from several companies helped to make impossible things possible. I would like to thank the people from Solectron for their involvement, their competence and professionalism. What they achieved in the last two months is truly an exceptional logistic performance. I would also like to thank Motorola for their precious help and cooperation in making the rebirth of the Amiga possible. Thanks to Mitsumi for supplying us just in time our special Amiga keyboards. Thank you also to Microvitec, who I believe provided us the best Amiga monitor ever. As you can see, the Amiga project involved several companies in a remarkable team and the ambitious goal was reached in time. Our Amiga story began in 1985. The first Amiga was presented in New York. Since then, it has established itself as the platform of those who want true multitasking and integrated Multimedia. More, ladies and gentlemen than just typing letters or numbers on a PC. Amiga Technologies GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of ESCOM AG. ESCOM AG is a public company. 25 % belongs to Quelle, 10 % to Siemens-Nixdorf, 12,5 % to RWE, 38,5 % to Manfred Schmitt, founder and chairman of the board, 14 % split to other shareholders. Amiga Technologies GmbH was founded in May 1995. We are a young company but we already have historical dates : here is the first Amiga 1200 board made by Solectron. which I just received from Mister Gallant. It came out of the line on the 13th of September 1995. A rebirth in France. To be quite honest this one was faulty, it had two condensators soldered with reverse polarity. This board functioned only a few minutes. But the error was recognized quickly... fixed... and for the forthcoming boards, all tests passed successfully. Be aware: For all machines, we do systematic testing on each unit. Now lets talk about the story of the Amiga rebirth: Everything began in June 1995, after ESCOM AG acquired the rights to the Amiga Technology from the former Commodore company. I went to the Far East first to the Philippines, Cavite, the city where the old Commodore company had a manufacturing facility. My goal was to make sure that we could get the component stocks left there by Commodore. Everything there was an enormous mess and nightmare, nothing was organized. I have had first doubts that we never could do it at all. June: raining season in the Philippines Typhoons time and floods. Pinatubo ? quiet, thank god. But I didn't give up and with the help of Mr. Gwynne Thomas, who I'd like to thank for the wonderful job he made, we succeeded in making things move in this complicated component business. Taylor made Amiga components were gathered together through liquidators all around the world and shipped from the Far East to Europe and the USA. It was really a difficult task. Originally, it was planned to produce Amigas in the United Kingdom, because there were people there that had great experience with Amiga production. But we finally decided to go for a partnership with Solectron here in France. We didn't leave the UK though, since we have our partner Microvitec for Monitors. Our M1438S monitor has already been celebrated by the Amiga-press for its perfect compatibility with Amiga video-modes. There will be a press conference in Bradford on the 17th of October to celebrate this cooperation. Bordeaux is perfect for us. Not only the wine, we also appreciate the pleasant surroundings and the competencies of the people at Solectron. Solectron, maybe you have noticed this already, won the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, which guaranteed us that our machines would be reliable. Now that the first units went over the shelves and that we get the first positive impressions from our customers, we know that we have made the right choice. I have learned here in Bordeaux: "impossible n'est pas Solectron". Our Amiga production that has been set to 100.000 units for the three last months of 1995 is already sold out in preorders. All these machines will be produced in Bordeaux. We are pleased by the demand from our dealers. We are also pleased to hear from the Amiga press that they are flooded with phone calls from people who want to know where they can get Amigas. To satisfy this demand, our logistic system is working perfectly. We can ship directly from Bordeaux to our different customers. Indeed, with such a system, we are a sales company and not a warehouse company. This enables us to keep down stock costs to a minimum. Ladies and gentlemen, as I said before, this is a very special day for my team and myself, we are proud that we did it. I am very satisfied of the people at Amiga Technologies, who were available anytime during four months to help building up our company. In spite of all the rumors spread by doomsayers on the market, we respected the schedules and the Amiga is back as promised. I would also like to thank the Amiga press for their support and the Amiga users for their endless patience. "AMIGA 95 SERA LE CRU DE LA RENAISSANCE" ---- Courtesy, Jason Compton at Amiga Report