DCE GmbH to Manufacture Amiga-based Computers

DCE's A5000 Langen/Oberhausen, Germany, October 24th, 1997 - Following on from AMIGA International's recent announcements about an open licensing policy for the Amiga, an agreement has been reached which licenses DCE Computer Service GmbH to manufacture and distribute its own range of Amiga motherboards and computers.

DCE Computer Service GmbH, based in Oberhausen, Germany, have developed a new advanced board based on Amiga A4000, on the Amiga Chip Set and the OS 3.1. The agreement with AMIGA International, Inc. allows the use of the Amiga OS 3.1, supply agreements on Amiga proprietary chips and the use of the "powered by Amiga" logo on all its products.

"As promised we continue an open license policy, to broadening our Amiga market. DCE Computer Service GmbH is well known in Europe for advanced technology developments. This new developed board in standard ATX, with a modular system, MPEG, ZORRO 2/3 is another milestone for the future of our Amiga technology", said Petro Tyschtschenko, President of AMIGA International, Inc. in Langen, Germany.

Thomas Dellert and Petro Tyschtschenko

Mr. Thomas Dellert, Managing Director of DCE Computer Service GmbH, "I believe that this new board development based on Motorola CPU 68030/50 MHZ and 68060/50MHZ; 64 MB/128MB Ram, a standard PC Keyboard, 1.44 MB floppy disk, 1.7 GB IDE HDD, 10 - 24 speed IDE CD Rom, AGA Chip Set, scan doubler and HF modulator optional BU LD in an standard ATX comfort tower case is one of the steps for Amiga to be back for the future."

About DCE Computer Service GmbH

DCE Computer Service GmbH was founded 1987 in Oberhausen, Germany. The service company is wholly owned by Thomas Dellert. The company started as a service shop for wholesale dealer and consumer markets. Since now the company became one of the leading available Amiga repair shops. In 1993 DCE was nominated to the European Amiga Repair Service Centre by Commodore. Since that time DCE is in charge of the Amiga Service. Since 1995 DCE is working on developments and productions to make the Amiga expansible. DCE's standard of performance is underpinned by an own production line of the highest standard of production engineering to create omplex sophisticated conductive plates. Several successful tests in Amiga Magazines have furnished the proof of high efficiency of the goods produced by DCE. The consequent development of their own products underlines the position of DCE as an innovative company, which has the opinion that a successful future can only be achieved by the permanent seek of the optimum and by market adaptation of their own products. Currently DCE has 12 employees, and it is one of DCE's fundamental policy to support them with further technical education.

DCE Computer Service GmbH
Kellenbergstr. 19 A
46145 Oberhausen, Germany
Phone: +49 208 660673
Fax: +49 208 630496
WWW: http://www.dcecom.de/html/index.html
E-Mail: dce@ruhr-net.de

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