Amiga to be Part of ZKM Internet Media Party

We received the following note from Petro Tyschtschenko, President, AMIGA International, Inc. about the upcoming ZKM Internet Media Party. Credit for the promotion of this event in the Amiga community also goes to Lamar Morgan President, Amiga Atlanta, Inc. who first alerted us to this event. It sounds interesting and has the interest of Amiga Technologies, too, so check it out!

-Kevin Hisel, CUCUG

Dear Kevin,

I encourage all Amigians to check out a most extraordinary event - the ZKM Internet Media Party. It takes place Saturday, Oct.18th for 24 hours - on the Internet and at 150 Goethe-Instituts throughout the world. The ZKM/Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany is the word`s first institution dedicated purely to art in relation to the new media. The ZKM encompasses a Media Museum, a Museum of Contemporary Art, a Mediathek, an Institute for Visual Media, and Institute for Music and Acoustics, and a Media Theatre. For its opening on October 18th, the ZKM is planning a big party, and the Goethe-Institut Atlanta, together with Atlanta artists, will join them live on the Internet. Art projects on the Internet will include Jochen Gerz`s "Berkeley Oracle" and Lynn Herschman`s virtual version of the new museum in Karlsruhe.

Although this is not an AMIGA-specific event, it was members of the AMIGA Atlanta User Group (AAi) and user from the AMIGA Karlsruhe University that set up the computer systems and helped make the connectivity between the Goethe-Institut Atlanta and the ZKM Center in Karlsruhe possible. Several members of our German AMIGA community will join the party.

Believe me, this is one party you should not miss - either by connecting to ZKM`s website or by visiting one of the 150 Goethe-Instituts throughout the world on Saturday, October 18th. Remember, this is the first such event of it`s kind in the world - and Amigians are involved to make it happen.

For more information on this extraordinary event, please visit the ZKM homepage (

I appreciate your support.

Best regards

Petro Tyschtschenko

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