I hope you had a chance to have a look at issue 9 of The Amiga Informer. It was our largest issue to date and contained over eight main news stories, fifteen news bytes and product announcements, sixteen reviews and summaries, and, of course, our usual informative columns.

At The Informer, we have a unique way of bringing you information. Through our network of internationally connected correspondents, we are able to gather information as it happens and often we get inside reports directly from the source. Unlike some publications, we don't just reprint press releases that are posted to the internet, but instead investigate and research our stories and provide you with a commentary view of the events happening in the Amiga world.

We have an innovative approach to bringing you this information too. Unique among Amiga publications, The Informer provides our readers with both a detailed and professional print magazine, and a comprehensive website where readers can enjoy current and past articles and columns. The website provides instant links to the web sites and email addresses of both our advertisers and the Contacts listed within those articles. In addition, our subscribers get regular news reports sent directly to their email address, courtesy of Amiga Update Newsletter. By taking advantage of the power of the internet and the expediency of electronic correspondence, we are able to provide our readers with the latest and most comprehensive reporting available to Amiga enthusiast.

The Informer also provides a means for the small developer or vendor to reach the Amiga community. By printing our magazine in grayscale instead of a full color glossy format, we are able to maintain affordable subscription and advertising rates. This gives small companies a chance to advertise and let readers see just what products are available in the market today. We also give a voice to the development community by offering them free announcements for their new products and upgrades and providing a web-based Developers Forum where developers can air their views on matters of interest to the entire Amiga community.

The combination of these and other services are what is making The Informer the fastest growing Amiga print publication in North America. By listening to the suggestions of our readers, and keeping our fingers on the pulse of the world-wide Amiga community, we will continue to provide our readers with the most comprehensive and informative Amiga publication available.

You can purchase the latest copy of The Amiga Informer from one of the following retailers:

AV Solutions, St. Paul, MN
Commodore Country, Burleson, TX
Computer Advantage, Johnston, IA
Digital Arts, Bloomington, IN
GfxBase, LaSalle, QC
JW's Lil Shoppe, Walla Walla, WA
Maxximum Video, Boise, ID
National Amiga, London, ON
Sixty-four and More, El Cajon, CA
Systems For Tomorrow, Independence, MO
The Lively Computer, La Mesa, CA
Turtle Lightning, Midland, TX
Wonder Computers, Ottawa, ON

Or you can subscribe by calling our toll free order line at:

1-888-88-AMIGA (888-882-6442)
1-914-566-4665 for orders outside of the US or Canada

Rates for a six issue, one year subscription are:
$15 for US subscribers
$18 for Canadian subscribers
$28 for all other subscribers

Visit our website at www.amigainformer.com for a look at what we offer. You can try our on-line, no risk, no obligation subscription offer at www.amigainformer.com/subscribe.cgi (sorry, this can only be offered to US and Canadian addresses).

Thanks for your support,

Fletcher Haug, Editor
PO Box 21
Newburgh, NY 12551-0021
Phone/fax: 914-566-4665