User Group Database


By special request from many Amiga Dealers, Team *AMIGA* is compiling a
database of worldwide Amiga User Groups.  This database will be given to
any *AMIGA* related company wishing to reach the Amiga user base with new
product listings, specials, etc.

*Your User Group does NOT have to belong to Team *AMIGA* to be listed. 
This listing is open to everyone wishing to be included in snail mailing
and emailing from Amiga ONLY related companies so that you can pass the
info to other members of your User Group!  Each company has already agreed
that ONLY Amiga related info will be passed to you!

This is our effort to put the user base with our Dealer/Developers with
both of us getting the most bang for the buck!

Please help our loyal dealers/developers by signing up your user group
today.  It costs you nothing to be listed!

Simply fill in the below template and forward to:

Gary Caine

Inet :
Fido : 1:140/58.1


Gary Caine
Box 464
Dalmeny, Sask. Canada
S0K 1E0

--------------------------------Cut User Group Form---------------------

Email me with the subject title "Team Amiga User Group"

Please use this form.
Enter "N/A" for info that doesn't apply.

User Group Name:

Contact Person:



Phone Number:

Inet Address:

Fido Address:

HTTP Address:

Number of Members:

------------------------------End Cut User Group form-------------------

Team Amiga reserves the right to make this entire database available to any
AMIGA related company that agrees to send *AMIGA* ONLY related mailings!

Another FREE service provided by Team *AMIGA*!


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