Eldritch Enterprises, publishers of the Amiga Informer, are happy to announce a special subscription offer to CUCUG members. Any CUCUG member can get a 1 year subscription to The Amiga Informer Zine at a reduced price. Any CUCUG member who decides to subscribe will save $2 on the cost of a subscription. These revised rates are as follows: $12 for USA subscriptions; $14 for Canadian subscriptions; and $19 to all others. All prices are in US dollars. Subscriptions are available by credit cards (Visa & Mastercard) by calling 914-566-4665 or you can download a subscription form from our web site (www1.mhv.net/~eldritch). You can also email us (eldritch@mhv.net) and that request a subscription form be sent to you. This is The Informers way of saying "thank you" to CUCUG and their ex- cellent Amiga Web Directory. We hope that CUCUG members will find The Amiga Informer as useful and invaluable as the AWD. Fletcher Haug Editor - The Amiga Informer Zine