Hi Kevin, Thank you for letting us in on your Membership drive, I think that it's great to see how commited your group is on increasing its membership. Asimware Innovations Inc, would love to help out. I have come up with promotional pricing for your members. The only catch is that you will have to take the orders and at the end of your drive send in one large order. Here is our pricing, AsimCDFS v3 $45.00 MasterISO $119.00 Texture Heaven I and II (double CD) $12.00 PhotoCD Manager $21.50 Audio Thunder $59.95 Please let me know if this is acceptable. Sincerely, | Asimware Innovations Inc. Tammy Lynn Rodley | 600 Upper Wellington St, Unit #D tammy@asimware.com | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9A 3P9 | Phone: (905)578-4916 Sales & Marketing | Fax: (905)578-3966 --- Please contact khisel@cucug.org if you wish to place a member order for Asimware products.