Team Newicons Announces V4.0 Release of GUI Icon Enhancement System

September 27, 1997 - Team NewIcons is proud to announce the latest release of their revolutionary GUI icon enhancement system, NewIcons version 4.0. The NewIcons system transparently allows up to 256 color icons on the Amiga Workbench, and is supported by several Workbench enhancements such as Scalos and Directory Opus Magellan. Included with this release is a stunning new set of 32 color icons, as well as remarkable improvements in NewIcons' speed and functionality.

The NewIcons package includes the DefIcons utility, which transforms all those iconless files on your hard drive into visually identifiable virtual icons on the fly as they load into an opening Workbench window. Deficons recognizes over a hundred different filetypes and identifies them almost instantly during loading.

Most notably, the NewIcons System has the following new features:

NewIcons is directly supported in many commercial products, including Cloanto's Personal Paint 7, GPSoft's Directory Opus Magellan, and dozens of other commercial, shareware and freeware packages. Team NewIcons is also proud to announce that NewIcons comes preinstalled on all Micronik tower systems sold by Blittersoft.

Team NewIcons releases this software free of charge, a freeware gift with our thanks to the Amiga community. We look forward to the future of the Amiga Operating System, with our hope that palette independent icons will be included as a default standard with future versions of AmigaOS.

The NewIcons System can be obtained from the Official NewIcons Support Site at


Philip A. Vedovatti,

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