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Editor's Notes

Well, my fellow members of the Amiga community, it has been just under a month since I wrote my previous opening comments in this space, and about half a month since the liquidation deadline of February 28. Needless to say, that day came and went without event. Of course, I'm sure few people were truly surprised, after so many other broken "deadlines" over the last few years.

But is it time to give up? To doubt, to fear that the Amiga may be stuck in an eternal pit of bankruptcy, liquidation, negotiation, and stagnation? Not yet. No, I urge you to hold out hope. I don't want to sound like a broken record by saying every month that "it must be almost over!", but every passing month brings us one step closer to the eventual transition, whatever that may be. I won't make any guarantees (who in his or her right mind would at this point), but I think we're going to hear something soon. Clairvoyance? Not really...just a notion. One thing is certain: this can't go on forever. Of course, neither can the Amiga sustain an infinite period of waiting, waiting, waiting...

But what a journey it has been. It's been almost three years since Commodore fell apart; could we ever, in 1994, have imagined where we'd be now? Not likely. If nothing else, those who follow the Amiga situation get to see plenty of unexpected "plot twists." There have been many.

On a more positive note, the Amiga community continues to sally forth; Phase 5 recently made a major announcement concerning its soon-to-be-introduced PowerPC boards for the Amiga (see article below for details), and significant events continue to occur, such as the Gateway Computer Show (Amiga 97) in St. Louis this past weekend. By the way, for those of you who were there, Beth Wise was representing The Amiga Monitor at the event. Some reports and rumors have already begun to circulate, probably the most potentially disturbing of which being QuikPak's last-minute decision not to attend. As of the moment I write this, no hint of a reason is public knowledge. The rumors are flying, of course, and one cannot help but notice that this coincides with the rather dragged-out proceedings in Germany. We will publish a full report on Amiga 97 in the near future, and if all goes well, we'll be able to explain some of the things about it that are still shrouded in mystery.

So are we on the verge of something important? Does resolution stand around the corner? Several things could happen; we can only be sure when we get there. Stay tuned, because we can't be all that far away.

Michael Webb
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief




PowerPC Comes to the Amiga
By Michael Webb
This long-awaited significant boost in processing power for the Amiga finally lies right around the corner.

The Measure of a Platform
By Michael Webb
In this day and age, it would appear that computer users are being given continually less choice. But why is this? And is there anything we can do to stop it?

The Sam Report: Reservations
By Sam Ormes
Has the liquidation delay been unexpected? After so much, expectations may often give way to one simple question: when will it end?

The Fork in the Road
By Michael Webb
We may, somehow, be looking to a prospective future resurgence of the Amiga; if this is to occur, there will be many questions we will have to answer about where it shall go from here, and how.

Happenings in the World of Amiga
By Michael Webb
A roundup of a few current events from the Amiga community over the last month.


NTSC, the Amiga, and Some Little-Known Abilities
By Bill Graham
This month, Bill Graham examines just what's in an NTSC signal, and how to extract the most information, and what types of incredible effects can result.

Introduction to the Cover Disk: The Hardware Book
By Greg Noggle
This month, we include The Hardware Book, a very thorough reference, as our cover disk. Greg Noggle does the introduction.

The History and Direction of the Computer - A Personal View, Part II
By Jim Kuzma
Jim Kuzma continues his look back through the years of computing, this time from Sinclair to CP/M and beyond.

Upgrading Fun?
By Paul Somerfeldt
Paul Somerfeldt shares his tales of myriad Amiga upgrades, and all the, er, "interesting" things that have happened along the way...


Amiga Browsers: The Big Three
By Michael Webb
A comparative look at the most popular modern Amiga web browers


Amiga Gaming Retrospective: Part 7 - OutRun
By Michael Webb
The Amiga Gaming Retrospective returns this month with a look back at OutRun, an arcade classic, and a great Amiga game of yesteryear.

JET Pilot
By Anthony Becker
Tone reviews the latest flight combat simulator from Vulcan.


By the Editorial Staff
The staff of The Amiga Monitor tackles your problems and answers your questions, just like we do every night live on Genie.

By you, the readers
The readers speak out about the Amiga industry, Amiga community, and The Amiga Monitor.

The Tone Byte
By Anthony Becker
Tone takes a quick look at a number of current Amiga products and issues.

Just For Fun
By Anthony Becker
Announcement! The Amiga Monitor's first advertiser is...well, you'll just have to take a look at our Spoof of the Month to find out.

Lame Humor Department
By Kyle Webb
A satirical, sarcastic, sardonic, and sometimes downright silly look at affairs in the Amiga community, and life in general...also known as The Amiga Monitor's comic page.

The Amiga Monitor: 1996-1997, Excelsior Digital Publishing
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