The Siamese System: Recent Developments

The "legacy of connectivity" grows further

By Michael Webb, Editor-in-Chief, MikeWebb@CompuServe.COM

A fairly recent development, HiQ's Siamese System has brought great levels of integration and combined capability with other computers to Amigas.

Not to rest on their laurels, however, they have continued to develop the concept, and periodically, news has been forthcoming.

The following two press releases, intentionally left unedited, detail some recent developments from HiQ concerning the Siamese System.

Siamese Goes Ethernet

For Immediate Release 28th June 1997

HiQ is now in final testing of the Siamese TCP/IP Ethernet/Internet connection.


HiQ is pleased to announce that the Siamese System now supports the TCP/IP protocol for transfering all file data, Screen Retargetting and other Siamese System.

Ethernet Link

The Ethernet link will allow any Win95/NT system to run the Siamese System software from an Amiga as long as they are both linked via Ethernet and have TCP/IP stacks available to them. So far tests have shown file transfer rates of over 500kbytes/sec on budget type Ethernet cards and the Siamese RTG system positively flies.

Video Toaster / Flyer Users

One final note is for Video toaster and Flyer users, soon you will be able to control your Amiga Video system from any Win95/NT system and transfer data to and from an Alpha Lightwave system for example.

More information will be posted in the coming days, please revisit this site soon. Check on

HiQ's Siamese System goes Alpha

HiQ is pleased to announce that the Siamese System now supports Alpha based WindowsNT workstations. In conjunction with Digital's FX!32 translation system, version 2 of the software now shipping runs transparently and at high speed.

The Siamese System integrates a Windows95/NT PC with any Amiga with an 020 and AmigaOS 3.x. In use the two systems appear as one, greater than the sum of its parts. The supplied software and hardware allows you to use one monitor, mouse, keyboard and printer for both machines, as well as mounting all the drives of the Windows machine on the Amiga. The amazing Siamese RTG allows you to retarget compatible Amiga screens at high speed to your Windows desktop, in resolutions up to 2048x2048, and has to be seen to be believed running on a Wintel machine, let alone an Alpha.

With high end Alpha 21164A CPUs reaching 600mhz, and the 21164PC CPUs coming in at Pentium prices, Alphas are the perfect machines to Siamese with your Amiga. The awesome rendering speed of the Alpha in conjunction with the still unbeaten video capabilities of the Amiga/Toaster/Flyer will unleash your creativity and greatly increase your productivity.

For more information on the Siamese System:

For information on the Alpha:

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