The Amiga Web Directory


Here you can find:

What can an Amiga. (Only german at moment)

The GuruCharts-Page

A little bit software to download:

AlarmistOff.lha biz/misc Close Alarmist Event Log-window after a defined time Alarmist_Ontim.lha biz/misc Corrected Alarmist_OnTimeEdit.rexx Functions.lha biz/misc TurboCalc-Worksheet (shows all functions) (german) FDtoHTML.lha biz/swood Converting FinalData Tables to HTML-Tables Muskeln.lha docs/misc Amigaguide-Archiv of human muscles (only german!) ArmGefaesse.lha docs/misc Brachial anatomy (FW-Doc) (german) Betreuung.lha docs/misc How to help dying peoples (FW-Doc) (german) Branchial.lha docs/misc Branchial (FW-Doc) (german) GehirnAnatomy.lha docs/misc BrainAnatomy (FW-Doc) (german) Glycolyse.lha docs/misc Glycolyse (FW-Doc) (german) KnieAnatomie.lha docs/misc KneeAnatomy (FW-Doc) (german) Krebs.lha docs/misc Cancer and its causes (FW-Doc) (german) Mukoviscidose.lha docs/misc Cystic fibrosis (FW-Doc) (german) PleuraAnatomie.lha docs/misc Pleura (FW-Doc) (german) Projektionen.lha docs/misc Projection (FW-Doc) (german) WK-Syndrom.lha docs/misc Wernicke-Korsakow-Syndrom (FW-Doc) (german) 5NewAMPU-Levels.lha game/data 5 new levels for the AMPU1.0-Game AMPULevels1.lha game/data New levels and sound for AMPU1.0-Game AMPULevel2.lha game/data New levels for the AMPU1.0-Game DenkSpiele.lha game/think Translation of some board games(GERMAN) SantaClaus.lha gfx/3dobj Imagine-object of santa claus BikeMaerchen.lha pix/anim Motor-Bike MZ-ETZ250 Animation Billiard.lha pix/anim Platitudinous from a billiard ball? CrashTest.lha pix/anim I'am damaging a car JungleJongle.lzx pix/anim Very funny Juggling Jonny Animation Nazi-Movie.lzx pix/anim space.lha pix/anim Dedicated to Elite2 Tricera.lha pix/anim Tricera Tops comes to live AGames1196.lha pix/misc Amiga Games CD 11-96 PM3-Catalogue-File AGamesE696.lha pix/misc Amiga Games CD 6-96 PM3-Catalogue-File Aminet12.lha pix/misc Aminet 12 PM3-Catalogue-File Aminet13.lha pix/misc Aminet 13 PM3-Catalogue-File APlusE696-1.lha pix/misc AmigaPlus ExtraCD No.6-96 PM3-Catalogue-File 1 APlusE696-2.lha pix/misc AmigaPlus ExtraCD No.6-96 PM3-Catalogue-File 2 APowerCD33.lha pix/misc Amiga Power CD 33 PM3-Catalogue-File GuruStatistix.lha util/misc Analyses the Guruhistory of MCP (V1.82) RexxSpeeder.lha util/rexx Little hack to speed up Arexx programs (V1.00)

Steffen Clemenz;18.November 1996

The Amiga Web Directory