The Advanced C/C++ Development System for the Future of the AMIGA !

StormC is an integrated development system which contains all development tools imperative for efficient engineering: editor, compiler, linker, debugger and RunShell with many outstanding features.

The heart of StormC is its visual project manager which manages every part of the project, e.g. sources, headers, libraries, documents, binaries.

The very fast editor displays key-words colourfully to get a better readability and a syntax check.

The StormC compiler handles ANSI C and C++ sources and generates optimised code for the whole Motorola 68xxx family (including 68060 and 68881/882).

The RunShell is a powerful run-time system that monitors the running application and prevents it from crashing the system. It also offers resource tracking and it can start the source-level debugger during (!) run-time of the program.

StormShell - Visual Project Manager

Management of Multiple Projects
Hierarchical Projects with Section Folding
Drag & Drop
Automatic File Type Recognition (Sources, Headers, Libraries, Docs, AmigaGuide, Binaries ...)
Toolbar with Tooltips (Help Function)
Full Configurable Option Requesters
GoldED Support
New Options

StormED - Fast Source Editor

Multiple Window Editor
Syntax Colouring
User Defined Dictionary
Perfect Source Structuring
Unlimited Undo/Redo
Fast Search & Replace
Bracket Matching
New Colour Controls
New Project Template

StormC - Very Fast ANSI-C & C++ Compiler

2-in-1 Compiler: ANSI-C & C++ (AT&T 3.0)
Exception Handling
High-Speed Compiler
Fast Turn-Around
Code Generation for all Motorola 68xxx (incl. 68060, 68881/68882)
Single-Pass Compiler
Powerful Inlining
Highly Compatible with SAS/C, DICE, Aztec C, MaxonC, GCC
Pre-Compiled Headers
Multiple-Pass Optimiser
New Key-word "__saveds"

StormLINK - Optimising Linker

Very Fast Linking
Near-Code Optimiser
Type-Save Linking
Generates ROM Code
Easy Generation of Shared Libraries
Compatible with SAS/C- and MaxonC Libraries
Code Folding (Optimisation at Linking)
Linking of Binaries


Simple Creation of Linker Libraries
Easy Generation of Library Sets

RunShell - Outstanding Run-time system

Resource Tracking
Controlled Program Interrupt
Any Time Start of Debugger

StormDEBUG - Comfortable Source-Level Debugger

Output into Editor Window
Easy Breakpoint Settings
Automatic Value Refresh
Comfortable Inspect Windows for Variables, Structs, Classes etc.
History and Breakpoint Window
Editable Type Casting
HEX Editor
History and Breakpoint Window
Improved GUI

Further Features

Full StormWIZARD Support (optional GUI Editor)
Fully Localised (German, English, French, Italian)
Full Multitasking
Customised Environment
Extensive Libraries for ANSI-C, C++, Amiga OS
OS 3.1 System Include Files


Any Amiga Model with Hard Drive
AmigaOS 2.0 or better
3 MB RAM (some functions need at least 6 MB RAM)
CyberGraphX Compatible

For more information and screenshots click here

For information about StormWizard click here

Price : �269.95 UKP
Upgrade from any Commercial compiler or *ANY* language (incuding Basic) for �179.95 UKP

Order Now!

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