FUSION - Screenshots

FUSION speedometer results on a CyberStorm MKII 060 with Picasso IV.
This screenshot shows the incredible performance possible with Fusion. The video mode used is the Picasso96 Direct driver in 256 colours. Also note the "About this Mac" window showing Virtual Memory with the 68060. (Speedometer is not able to detect a 68060, so reports 68040). Remember the speed comparisons are against a Quadra 605!

Fusion Speedometer

Fusion even supports the latest System 8.0!

Fusion Sys 8 - 1

Fusion Sys 8 - 2

Not everybody has a fast graphics card, so A1200 owners will be pleased to see the speedometer results for 256 colour AGA Amiga video. Still very fast!

Fusion Amiga Speedometer

A closer look at that Virtual Memory support!

Fusion VMem

Monitor Control Panel features

Control Panel

Macintosh Netscape Navigator (Creating the Microcode Solutions web page!)

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