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Aurora Works Logo

Aurora Works is a Canadian-based game company dedicated to supporting the Amiga. At AW, our goal is to create quality computer entertainment. With our games, we promise to bring solid, enjoyable game play, implementing multi-player options whenever possible. AW currently supports only the Amiga line of computers, one of the most powerful, versatile, and 'personal' personal computers available today. For more information on Amiga computers, please visit the Amiga Web Directory, the hub of the Amiga online world.

Aurora Works supports high end Amiga computers and the coming next generation machines such as phase5's A/Box Amiga compatible. Our products are developed for the current retargetable graphics standard on the Amiga, Cybergraphx. Where performance standards are met, our games will be ported to non-graphic card capable Amigas such as the 1200 computer model. We will strive to make each game system and multitasking friendly, making the best use of the latest Amiga operating system.

We can be reached at or at the following address:

Aurora Works Inc.
358-114 Queen Mary Rd.
Kingston, Ontario K7M 7E8

All text, graphics, and files contained herein are �1996,1997 Aurora Works Inc.
Last modified: 1 Jul 97