I wanted to have a little more disk space on my floppys so i had decided to buy an XL-Drive whit a capacety of 1.76Mb on a disk, the second reason was that i could read and write PC disks.
After connecting the in my opinion to expensive (F230,--) drive it turned out that i had to install a patch in order for the drive to work correctly, there was a disk whit the patch in the distribution.
Now i went to the store to buy my first boxes of HD-disk, but after i tried to format the new disks i could trow away 40% direcly, becourse the computer could simply not format these disks.
Also the use whit diskspare that should format the disk to a capacety of 1.96Mb did not work.
After mailing the company (POWER COMPUTING LIMITED) i've got a mail back who was exacly one line long, they wrote: we don't know any diskspare.
In other words look it up yourself.
The reading and writing whit PC disks is working fine as working in normal Amigados mode.
Product : XLDRIVE
My Rate : 6

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