Amiga RGB -> PC VGA Hardware Hack - "What is this?", you might think. As the title says it's simply a hardware hack for the serious Amiga user, letting nearly anyone connect a "standard" PC-VGA monitor to the Amiga-computer. - "How's it done then?", you continue! =8^) The trick is pretty simple if you know it! When the PC-monitor "needs" a digitally HIGH sync-signal, the Amiga actually deliver a digitally LOW sync-signal. And the other way. So to make those two things work together you ... invert the sync-signals. The easiest way to do this is to use an Intergrated Circuit (IC) called 74LS08N, which contains 4 AND-gates. (If you're into digtal circuits you might know what to do by now!!) Gate 1 has it's input's at pin 1 and 2 and it's output at pin 3. By hardwiring pin 1 and 2, the output is OPPOSITE (also called inverted) to the input. Phew ... A picture explains more than 2063 bytes ... have a look at the enclosed picture "VGA_Hack.IFF"! - "Is it possible I'm going to brake something?" Yes!! Let an experienced person do the soldering according to the diagram. Most electronics will not stand the electrical shock of +5V. Note that the author of this doc and diagram has NO responsibilities for anything that goes wrong ... though, the hack should be pretty easy to do! - "Should I note anything else?" Yeppers! The adaptor described in the IFF-file states that some crossing might be needed. A friend (A4000-owner) to the author (A1200-owner) uses HIS original VGA-converter, but was forced to build a adaptor-cable. The cable is used to adapt the 15 pins (RGB-output) to 9 pins (VGA-socket). It can also be used together with the described converter. Though, WHEN USED WITH THE CONVERTER, CROSSING IN THE ADAPTOR ISN'T NEEDED. This is already done in the converter. - "Are you ever going to get finished with this doc?", you hopefully ask! This hardware hack was done by TranXeye / Nova Lythern, after trying several other hacks. But I found this solution being the best. =B-» And so do I hope that you people out there do ...