Yes, it is true i have a CD-Rom player attached to my Amiga, becourse this is one of the best expansions you can get for your Amiga, this means when you are going to buy a CD now and then.
After buying my IDE CD-Rom player i had the folowing problem: how do i attach such a thing to my Amiga 1200.
Al the IDE CD-Rom players i've seen had a 3.5" connector, so has my Mitsumi FX 400 Quad speed Drive.
Between my 3.5" harddisk and the IDE controller there was a cable from 2.5" to 3.5", who had only one 3.5" connector but i needed two one for my hd and one for my new cd.
So you have to cut of the 3.5" connector, you can trow away this connector becourse you don't need it anymore.
After you have done this you have to buy a cable whit 3 3.5" connectors and cut of one at the end.
Now the fun part begins, you must strip the two cable ends the old 2.5" and the new 3.5" cable and put them togetter carefully whit your hot iron, after that you must isolate al the connections.
Everything went wel ? Oke, now connect the 2.5" connector of your new cable to the IDE contoller on the main board, one 3.5" connector to the hd and the last to the cd drive.
Now you can put the 1200's case back together again after cutting a piece material on the back so the cable for the cd player can come treu, Before putting the 1200 back together you must put the hd on master and the CD-Rom on slave, for this there are jumpers on the hd and on the cd-rom, please read also the documentations of your hd and cd.
TIP:For those people who are going to build their Amiga 1200 in to a PC-tower case like i did, in this case the cable has to be quite long becourse in the tower case the IDE controller on the main board is almost at the bottom of the case while the cd player is almost at the top.
I use a large PC power suply wich already has the power connector for the cd drive just plug it in and we are ready for testing.
Boot up the Amiga 1200, and what happens nothing, this is correct becourse whe have to install a CD-Filesystem first.
When you ve done this everyting should work fine, have a lot of fun whit it.
Someone have told me that the hd would be alot slower, when you connect the cd rom this way but this is not treu, the hd is as fast as always.

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