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Dec Alpha

Dec Alpha







VertiLectric is an exciting new plugin-extension for NewTek's LightWave 3D 4.0. AND 5.0 VertiLectric allows LightWave animators to create highly realistic lightning and electrical arc effects.

VertiLectric is a plug-in for both the Modeler and Layout portions of LightWave 3D. This two-fisted approach gives you maximum flexibility when composing and generating your animations.

VertiLectric Features in Modeler:

Create bolts through any two (or more) points.

Write words in electric script.

Control detail level, number of branches, and jaggedness.

Enter specific seeding values, or let VertiLectric generate a bolt at random.

Generate "morphable" bolts.

Make multi-sided bolts with controllable taper. Make Trees, Ribbons, Seaweed and other organic shapes.

Bonus Plug-in: Points2Nulls generates null-objects from points in Modeler.

VertiLectric Features in Layout

Strike objects as they move through the scene.

Simple setup. Just pick some source objects and select their targets. Each Source may have up to 2000 targets!

Auto-strike parameters lets VertiLectric do the work for you.

Complete control for: When a bolt strikes, Where it hits, What it looks like, and How long it lasts.

ScreamerNet II compatible.

Export strike envelopes to synchronize with items in layout.

Create lightning storms, laser beams, plasma-ball, and other effects quickly and easily.

VertiLectric 1.0 for Intel & DEC Alpha is now shipping.