Shock WaveAdd some wild motion to your Camera or Objects! Shock Wave is fully compatible with LightWave 3D V4.0 & 5.0 !
Available now!

Shock Wave Interface

If you're looking for a truly unique and cool tool for LightWave 3D to have some fun with, then Shock Wave is your answer! Add into Lightwave 3D as a generic plug-in or use as a stand alone. Either way, you'll add some really wild motions to your scenes. Use to simulate the blast felt by the camera or person during a rocket taking off. Want to show an earthquake? No problem with Shock Wave. Need an object to go nuts and shake like crazy? Then apply a Shock Wave motion to it! Check out the examples on this page and get ready to be Shock Waved!
Available early Feb. 97!!

beethoven picture In this first example (a 156K .avi), I created a blank scene in LightWave that had nothing in it. I loaded that scene into Shock Wave and added a rocking motion to the camera and saved it out. I then went back to LightWave loaded the Shock Wave scene and saved the camera's motion file out. Next, I took NEWTEK's Beethoven statue and placed it on a table then loaded the camera's motion file back in from the Shock Wave scene and applied it to Beethoven. It seem's like a lot to do to make a statue shake, but the movement looks great!

Shock Wave Logo In this 2nd example (a 356K .avi), I simply created a scene file with the Shock Wave logo in the camera's view and saved it out. I then loaded that file into Shock Wave and added the earthquake like camera shaking and saved the scene!

MechWalker Anim In this 3rd example (a 340K .avi), I simply loaded the MECHWALK.LWS scene that was included on the LightWave CD into LightWave and created a keyfame at 30 for the camera. That happens to be the keyframe that the foot of the MechWalker hits the ground. I then saved the scene out and loaded it into ShockWave. I created a short "bounce" for the camera at keyframe 30 and saved the file out again. Loading it back into LightWave, I selected the camera's motion graph and simply copied and pasted the "bounce" for the camera at every point the MechWalker's foot hit the ground! Now you have the effect of the camera shaking from the weight of the Mech walking!
I've zipped up all the files for you(scene, objects, images & .avi) if you want to look at it closer...!

I'll put some more examples online as soon as I put them together, so keep looking!

Download your LeaseWare copy of Shock Wave now!

Intel Shock Wave