

Experience modeling power previously unavailable to LightWave users! The RailToolz environment allows you to use the smooth flowing nature of spline curves to create your models.

  • RailBend
    Bends your object along a 2D or 3D curve. In "Normal" mode RailBend is control curve compatible. In "Clone" mode it automatically detects multiple curves in the background layers and will copy and bend your data to each curve.
  • RailForm
    Deforms your data with a closed curve and is control curve compatible. Perfect for making organic modifications to your model.
  • RailLength
    Returns the length of your curve and allows you to change that length based on absolute values. Perfect for maintaining the length of your object for RailBend and other operations.
  • RailMold
    Contours or molds your data based on curve profiles and is control curve compatible. Excellent tool for reshaping hard-to-model areas. You can also use RailMold in place of spline patches (in many cases) to build organic models.
  • RailOffset
    Creates polygons from curves. Specify a desired width and end type and a polygon will form along the length of your curve! It automatically detects multiple curves and creates a polygon for each curve. RailOffset uses a control curve to vary the width of your polygon along the length of your form curves. Also, specify a depth and it will create a solid shape from your polygons. Perfect for creating floor plans!
  • RailRout
    Routs your polygons based on the curve profile in the chosen view. Use this tool instead of repetitive usage of the bevel tool; just sketch your curve and RailRout will do the sequential beveling for you! RailRout also allows you to Snapshot, Save and Load the curve profiles as router files for easy retrieval. In most cases you can use this tool in place of lathing.
  • RailScale
    Squeezes and expands your data based on curve profiles and is control curve compatible. Use as a powerful and controllable tapering tool!
  • RailSlice
    Segments your data based on curve profiles. It also allows you to use Boolean operations! Use as a precursor to any deforming operation.
  • RailStretch
    Stretches your data with a curve. Perfect for fitting data to the hard-to-reach areas of your models!
  • RailTwist
    Twists your data based on curve profiles and is control curve compatible. Twist your models with maximum control!
  • RebuildRail
    Recreates your curve with the desired number of points. Use as a precursor to rail tool operations to ensure proper curve construction.
  • SmartRail
    Automatically aligns and extrudes your polygons along the curve in the background layer. It detects multiple curves and will copy, align and extrude your data to each curve. When there is no data in the foreground, it allows you to create a disk or load a polygon to do the extrusions.


MacroForm includes additional macros that complete the RailToolz environment. They aid the visualization process and make modifications a breeze.

Apply works with rail tools that are control curve compatible (excluding RailOffset). It allows you to use these tools in "interactive" mode. If you need to make additional changes to your data via a form and/or control curve, just alter your curve and activate Apply; it will automatically reshape your data.

Reset will reset your data back to its original form before the forming operation.


MacroForm also includes six time-saving utilities that are designed to streamline the modeling process.

  • Align & Center
    Aligns, centers and sizes your foreground and background data. This is not just a mere centering tool; for example, you can align the right, left, right to left, or left to right sides of your data on each axis independently!
  • Dimensions
    Returns the physical size of your data and allows you to alter that size. Dimensions uses absolute rather that relative values to do its scaling operations, i.e. type in an absolute size (10 feet) instead of a scaling factor (0.75)!
  • Distance & Angles
    Returns the distance and the angles between two points. Use this tool as a highly accurate "tape measure." Perfect for finding rotational value for your data.
  • KeyMaster
    Returns the current 10 function keys. It allows you to edit this setup and Save and Load groups of 10 function keys! It will also allow you to run the current function key macro directly from this screen.
  • NewBox
    Creates boxes with rounded edges!
  • Slice & Dice
    Slices or dices your data in the current view. Use this tool to segment your data in preparation for any deforming operation.

Every tool included in MacroForm has parameters for complete customization offering maximum flexibility.

Experience the power of MacroForm today!