m i n d  E Y E

The MindEye is a form of entertainment brought into reality by advances in graphics hardware, audio signal processing, and visual music theory. Combine MindEye high speed graphics software with Amiga's amazing graphics hardware and real time music animation becomes reality. The incredible amount of graphic possibilities means that each and every viewer will discover graphics never before seen. Kinetic perceptions of sound combine with IFF brushes, pictures, and synchronized video create live audio-visual animation.

For more mindEYE Product Information

The mindEYE Pictures is a collection of IFF pictures for mindEYE users. Anti-Gravity has the mindeye ad in Video Toaster User and Amazing Computing.

Geodesic has a very simple Amiga program which will give you an idea of the what some of the mindEYE screens look like. You may download this demo to experience what we are talking about! It uses mouse motion to energize the graphics, instead of the mindEYE hardware.

"The mindEYE is a form of entertainment where you are now in control of the graphics! Very little effort is required to set up beautiful animated scenes which receive their energy from external music and sound. This product can be labeled as an animator's tool, a live art machine, a musician's friend, a sonic visual interpreter, or simply a beautiful entertainment experience. The visuals themselves are very difficult to describe. How do you describe something that is always alive and never remains the same?"

Mark Adams and Dan Egolf, the two who brought you the mindLIGHT, are back!

A few screen shots for your viewing pleasure.
http://www.mindeye.com/gifs/uc0.gif Spinners       http://www.mindeye.com/gifs/uc1.gif Mindlight Merge

http://www.mindeye.com/gifs/uc4.gif Tri Kolai       http://www.mindeye.com/gifs/va3.gif Flame Mozai

http://www.mindeye.com/gifs/wb2.gif Star Kolai      gifs/wb3.gif Xenon Kolai

gifs/wb5.gif Mindlight Frame gifs/wb7.gif Nova Kolai