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It is now, believe it or not, even cheaper to burn your own CDs. Nick Veitch takes a look at the latest crop of burners






D2 2x6x

Traxdata 4600

Trax 4600

Traxdata 2600

Trax 2600

One Professional


HP Surestore


Back in the old days, Amiga owners didn't have much choice over what hardware and software to use to write CDs. The HP4020i was the only affordable writer that worked -- and it was �850 -- and MasterISO was the only CD writing software you could use and remain relatively sane.

These days there are quite a few packages you can use to burn CDs on the Amiga, from MakeCD and Burn It to thankfully updated versions of MasterISO. If you really want to suffer, you can even use the original Commodore ISOBuild software. A new version of MasterISO is due "real soon now", which should hopefully add features like a Disk-At-Once mode.

But, the reason we are all here is to find out about the latest generation of CD-ROM writers. They're still not cheap, but you can pick one up now for as little as �300. Most of the reason for the price drop is the widespread use of these devices. They are no longer restricted to mastering audio CDs or games for console systems, but for more mundane things like presentations, transporting everyday data and making system backups. The technology has also become more advanced, which always helps, and now even quad speed writers are within the budget of some home users and most small businesses.

The factors you should consider if you are thinking about buying a drive are really all tied up with what you want to do with it. You should find out what software supports it, whether it can support CDDA (direct audio through the SCSI port) and whether this will be your only drive, or in addition to your normal CD-ROM drive. In the case of the former, you may want one with a faster read time. There are a number of drives that work fine but cause problems with certain SCSI configurations (the A3000 seems to crop up on this list a lot), so it's best to find out before you get the drive.