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Red When Excited helped create the original Blitz Basic -- now they've released their own update. John Kennedy asks what it means for new and experienced Blitz programmers.

Blitz Basic has grown into one of the best software development systems available on the Amiga. And it's really good to see continued development. Red When Excited were responsible for various aspects of the original Blitz release and they brought the SuperTed editor and powerful RI libraries to Blitz 2.1. Now they have released a software pack off their own bat and, given their pedigree, it's fair to see it as an official upgrade.

The pack comes on three disks containing a wide variety of libraries and utilities. The games programming fraternity will be pleased to see the inclusion of two special editor utilities for handling Shapes and Maps. Now it's easier than ever before to take images stored in an IFF file, and either manually or automatically convert them to Shapes for inclusion in Blitz (or even Assembler or C) programs. A stand-alone program makes designing levels and backgrounds for games as easy as using Deluxe Paint: there's no doubt that programmers will save hours of work.

The library is the ticket

However, it's the libraries where you will find the most important additions to the Blitz programming environment. Red When Excited have enhanced the capabilities of Blitz programs by including many new and updated versions of the library files which Blitz uses to add various functions to its list of built-in commands. Blitz can now make use of Datatypes (so you will be able to deal with all sorts of weird file formats such as GIF or WAV), and there is also improved support for adding ARexx ports, controlling the palette, animations and encryption. There are now over 300 commands which control almost every aspect of the Amiga's hardware and operating system.

The documentation exists in the form of extensive AmigaGuide documents. Although printed instructions are always nice to have, you can't beat an online instruction manual capable of loading and compiling example programs in front of your eyes.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

All programmers will be delighted with the updates to SuperTed, the program editor. It's more stable, and borrows a few features from other editors. It can now deal with several open files at once and there's also a history of previous files, which makes it easier to pick up where you left off. There is now also an ARexx port which makes it possible to integrate utilities such as the supplied Calculator and special Dock plug-ins.

The debugging system has also been given an overhaul and is more reliable and powerful. You can step through Blitz programs line-by-line, but also view 680x0 machine code and examine the contents of Blitz objects. It's hard to explain just how useful a debugger is until you've used one -- the Blitz system is one of the best I've seen.

This is a welcome update, which all Blitz programmers should snap up straightaway. At first glance it may look as though it's not going to make any vast difference, but once you start to explore the new features you'll be pleased you upgraded. The improvements to SuperTed are worth the money alone -- if you are a games programmers the Shape and Map editors are worth their weight in gold. Top marks to Red When Excited for breathing new life into an already powerful programming system: now we need more budding programmers to make the most of these tools.

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New, improved SuperTed now features an ARexx port (notice the docking toolbar in the bottom right) and a user-definable menu. Ideal for launching the new calculator program.

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As you can see, Blitz now supports ToolTypes. What you can't see is that it also supports Datatypes and ARexx ports.

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When things don't go to plan, the Debugger will help you track down what's happening.

  • DISTRIBUTOR: Guildhall Leisure Services (+44) 01320 890000
  • PRICE: �19.99 (�14.99 for registered Blitz users)
  • REQUIREMENTS: Blitz BASIC 2 v1.9 or later, 2Mb RAM, 5Mb hard disk space.
  • MANUAL: 4/5
    On-line documentation is usually a pain -- this is well written and helpful.
    Not for the total beginner. You'll need to be able to program in Blitz.
  • FEATURES: 4/5
    Addresses missing features such as Datatypes support with powerful
  • VALUE: 4/5
    Good price for a much needed update.
    Adds new life to Blitz. It's easier to use and adds power to Blitz programs.
  • 86%