Go to Workbench

Andy Smith usually shoots from the hip. This time it's from the lip.

Ten levels and this game would have scored slightly better. If the five levels that the game does have were longer, with more variety, it would score better too. But not by much.

Tommy Gun is a very simple game. Move your character (Tommy Gun) left or right, depending on which way the level scrolls, shooting at the various baddies that pop up and out from everywhere. Get to the end of the level and take on the end of level boss. Destroy him, get a passcode to the next level and you're off again.

And you can even get a mate to join in too -- they'll have to play the Big Cheese character, but you can't have everything can you? Not that things change much when two players are going at it -- there's no sudden increase in the number of baddies or anything. You do seem to take hits more often though, which is the way things should be given that the challenge isn't increased anywhere else.

Free the tomatoes

Back to the in-game entertainment though. As you'd expect, because this has all been done before, Tommy's machine gun runs out of ammo (not entirely but your machine gun fires single rounds) and Tommy himself takes hits. The way to limit the damage is to shoot open the cages to the captured tomatoes (hey, I didn't come up with this!) who will then throw you a goodie such as a health kit, a grenade (acts like a smart bomb that destroys all baddies on the current screen), more ammo and the occasional shield. Just don't get too reckless because you can kill the tomatoes if you shoot anywhere other than the lock.

Not much to it

There's nothing to this game. The levels are very short, the end of level bosses are easy to beat (except the very last one of course), the game does nothing that hasn't been done many, many times before and even the inclusion of the two-player mode does very little to lift it.

It's well put together all right, it looks fine and the music and effects are just dandy, but we're not talking value for money. Even younger players are going to find that Tommy Gun quickly becomes tedious. Like we say for games of this quality ...unlikely to impress your mates or your wallet. Avoid.

Machine-gun sharks and pirate's parrots are the main baddies on this level. Ho hum.

The very final end of level baddie. Shoot out the lights Tommy!

Tommy at the fairground. There's a train about to come out of the Bubble Zone.

  • PUBLISHER: Mutation (mail order only), 15 Burcote Drive, Anchorage Park, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 5UD
  • PRICE: �14.99 (cheques payable to A.R. Cummings)
  • VERSIONS: A1200
  • GRAPHICS: 3/5
    Big, bold, childlike and generally pleasant.
  • SOUND: 3/5
    Techno tunes, brat-a-tat-tat noises and talking.
  • ADDICTION: 3/5
    More than you might imagine, but it won't last long.
    Simple, easy and very simplistically playable.
    Big, bright, bold graphics, but Tommy Gun is ultimately too lacking in challenge.
  • 50%