Welcome to: Mart's Mainly Amiga and Warhammer Quest Pages!!!

This page introduces you to all the available Warhammer Quest heroes at this moment. First you can see what the special abilities of the four standard heroes are and where they came from. Then the seven other heroes from the expansion packs follow. It would be nice to put some heroes on this list that were made by you. Just sent in the name of the hero, his statistics, his equipment, armour, pinning and special rule and a little story. You can also give me an internet address where people can get more info about the hero.

Please note that this page is still under construction...


W 1D6+9   M 4   WS 3   BS 5+   S 4   T 3(4)   I 3   A 1(+1)

Equipment	: Lantern
Armour		: Thick furs, giving him +1 Toughness
Pinning		: Breaks from pinning on a roll of 6+
Special Rules	: Going beserk (getting an extra attack sometimes while in combat)
		  Further details of the special rules are on the warrior card

The Barbarian is a great warrior from the land Norsca, which lies north of the Empire. It's a very cold land full of frozen fjords and snow-capped mountains. The barbarian in Warhammer Quest is a beserker. That means that he is very strong and big and he is even feared by other Norse man. The barbarian searches for immense treasures and wants to kill hundreds of Orcs and Goblins.


W 1D6+8   M 4   WS 4   BS 5+   S 3   T 4(5)   I 2   A 1

Equipment	: Rope
Armour		: Chainmail, giving him +1 Toughness
Pinning		: Breaks from pinning on a roll of 5+
Special Rules	: Great axe (always counting the highest score when rolling two dice in combat)
		  Further details of the special rules are on warrior card

The Dwarfs are an ancient race. They build their cities beneath the ground. Hundreds of years ago, thousands of Orcs and Goblins assaulted the Dwarf homeland. City after city fell. This Dwarf searches for lost Dwarf treasures and wants revenge by killing every Orc and Goblin he meets. Dwarfs are immensly strong and resilient and above all else they are proud.


W 1D6+7   M 4   WS 4   BS 4+   S 3   T 3   I 6   A 1

Equipment	: Healing Potion
Armour		: None
Pinning		: The Elf can never be pinned
Special Rules	: Dodge a blow (an Elf always rolls a dice when he is attacked, if he rolls a
 		  six he dodges the blow)
		  An Elf can use his sword or his bow. They both cause 1D6+3 damage

Elves are joyous, frivolous, haughty and disdainful of other creatures. Their slender build belies their strength and toughness, for Elves are powerful creatures, and deadly in battle. Most of the Elves don't live in the Old World, but live at the Elf kingdom of Ulthuan.


W 1D6+6   M 4   WS 2   BS 6+   S 3   T 3   I 3   A 1

Equipment	: Hand of Death Scroll
Armour		: None
Pinning		: Breaks from pinning on a roll of 4+
Special Rules	: The Wizard casts spells
		  Further details of spellcasting can be found in the rule book

A very long time ago, Elves mages taught some of their magic to men. Since that time Wizards of mankind have established the Colleges of Magic. They have developed their skills there and now Magic is a strong force that can be used for good and evil purposes.


W 1D6+7   M 4   WS 4   BS 6+   S 3(6)   T 3(5) I 4 A 1

Equipment	: The Questing Favour Equipment card
Armour		: Knightly Armour and a shield, giving him +2 Toughness
Pinning		: The Knight escapes from pinning on a roll of 6+
Special Rules	: A Knight uses only Honourable Weapons, he doesn't use missile weapons
		  A Knight uses a special death blow, you can find rules on the warrior card









If you have any suggestions or other Warhammer Quest links for this page, please mail me.
The last changes were made on 14-09-1997...
Mart's Mainly Amiga and Warhammer Quest Pages (c) 1997 All Rights Reserved