FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - May 31, 1997 Amiga Browser Market Share Changes Amicrawler.Com today released the reults of the Amiga web browser market share for the month of May 1997. The most widely used was IBrowse, from Omnipresence International, with a 67.8% market share. AmigaVoyager (VaporWare) followed a distant second with a 21.8% share (up from 14.6% in March), and AWeb (AmiTrix Development) with 6.8% (down from 16.1%). The long-term data compiled over the months between March and May 1997 show IBrowse with 72.1%, AmigaVoyager with 17.1%, and AWeb with 10.2%. Browsers such as AmigaMosaic with 0.3% and ALynx with 0.1% have shown a steady decline. A similar study performed by BrowserWatch shows IBrowse with a 74.8% market share, AmigaVoyager with 21.9%, and AWeb with 3.2%, among graphical Amiga web browsers. This study used a smaller sample of only 1,661 visitors over many weeks, while the Amicrawler study used a sample size of over 220,000 visitors. For further information, please visit the Amiga Browser Watch at David Tiberio