X Patch Manager Ver 0.9

About XPM ver 0.9

XPM is a patch manager for Korg X syntesizers. It is currently under development, but I will release a demo as soon as possible. Ver 0.9 is now only supporting Korg X5, but further versions will also support Korg X3 and maybe Korg 01.

What do I need XPM for ?

If you don't have a Korg synth and an Amiga you don't need this program. However I you have both, XPM will help you to organize you programs (sounds) in an easy way. If you are familiar with DiskMaster, Mtool or similar disk manager for Amiga, XPM is a similar tool but for organizing program banks. You can copy programs from one bank to another, rename programs, and you can transfer and receiv program banks between your Amiga and you Korg. XPM also let you organize your program program banks off line (without interfering with your syntesizer).


You have to remeber that XPM is in an early stage of development, so don't expect to much. But it is more to come:

Screen shot of:IffGif
Main window Click here Click here
Converting from mididump to useful data Click here Click here

If you have some questions about this program, feel free to email me

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Last modified: Tue Jan 21 12:44:28 MET 1997