Why the Amiga?

Sorry Bill Gates! But, this is my thought on Windoze!

Well, that's a fair question! First of all, The Amiga is the first and only computer with TRUE multi-tasking. IBM does not have true multi tasking. The IBM has OS/2 Warp. this is a chip that enables you to access and run more than one application. However, with the experience I have with IBM computers, I know that when you run many applications at one time, that slows down the Pentium chip. Therefore, if you are running at 133mhz, and your clock speed is 133mhz; when you run many applications at one time, yout CPU slows down to probably 100mhz. Thus causing a conflict with your clock running at 133mhz, and the CPU at 100mhz.

The Amiga however, has 3 CPU's Agnes, Paula, and Denise. The Agnes chip is your main processor The Paula chip is your sound generator The Denise chip is your graphics generator There is also a co-processor on the hard drive card equal to the one on the mother board, so your main processor can run at full strength.

As far as graphics go, the Amiga is UN-BEATABLE! Why do you ask? Well, the Amiga operating system is a progammer's dream. The "user friendly" Command Line Interface (CLI) can be accessed directly from the windows environment (Workbench). Many major motion picture and television production companies have chosen the Amiga for their productions. Some of them are:

  • -Jurrasic Park
  • -Twister
  • -Babylon 5
  • -The Indiana Jones exhibit at Walt Disney World

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