Anti-Virus programs

Rick's Aminet Review

BootX an anti-virus program by: Peter Stuer

This is a great virus program! I can say that I've tried many, but BootX is a simple, and effective anti-virus program! It knows almost every virus, and it also learns new viruses! Another great feature, is you can Iconify it while you're doing other things on your computer, and it checks your system! Plus, the author "Peter Stuer" puts a new virus recognition file every month or so. BootX Recognizes all Kick 3.0 bootblocks, and has an alarm incase of a virus. It provides optimal protection. The current version is: 5.23b

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale:

Efficiency & Speed........10
Ease of use...............9

Overall Program Rating....9.5

BootX is available from the Aminet in the util/virus directory as: BX5.23b.lha The new recognition file is also available in the util/virus directory as: bxrec225.lha

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