O.S. & Workbench Utilities

Rick's Aminet Review

Re-Org a disk de-fragmenter by Holger Kruse

This is a fantastic disk utility! It speeds up your hard/floppy disk access by 30%! It reorganizes the data on your hard/floppy disk and puts the data by order of blocks! Another words, it starts putting data on block one, and continues in numerical order. Unlike other disk de-fragmenters, Re-Org doesn't make mistakes of deleting or forgetting data when it's moving data blocks! It's fast! And, you'll definately notice the results instantly!

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale:

Efficiency & Speed........10
Ease of use...............9

Overall Program Rating....9.5

Re-Org is available on Aminet in the util/disk directory as:ReOrg.lha Link to the Aminet util/disk directory

My dad has supported me, and given me his opinions on programs he has downloaded. I am only one person, and I can't download all the programs!

Thanks Dad!

DiskSalv. A disk recovery utility by: David Haynie

Well, what can I say about DiskSalv that hasn't already been said? David Haynie started DiskSalv way back in the 1.2 O.S. He is the pioneer in disk recovery and repair! His latest Aminet version (11.32) has certainly helped me out of some really tight spots! And the un-delete feature is unmatched! This program is a MUST for everybody! Between DiskSalv, and ReOrg; you won't need to worry about disk efficiency, and loss of data!

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale

Efficiency & Speed.............10
Ease of use....................9

Overall Program Rating.........9.5

DiskSalv is available from the Aminet in the disk/salv as:Disksalv11.32.lha

Link to the aminet disk/salv directory

TaskBar 6.1 by: Robert Ennals

TaskBar is a nifty little utility for your workbench! If you're familiar with Windows 95, then this task bar is very similar. If you're not familiar with Win95, then; what TaskBar's all about is it's a small bar on the bottom of your screen. It has a "START" button. When it's pressed, a menu comes up, and you can run your programs with a click of one button. Rather than click twice on your disk icon, and go through all the drawers to get to the program you want. TaskBar gives you the choice to run progs, from a menu. TaskBar is totally configurable, and you can run any program from it! I also tried "StartMenu" also available from the Aminet. I found StartMenu to be hard to configure, and a larger than necessary program, and takes up quite a bit of RAM. TaskBar has as many features as StartMenu, and is smaller. Also, it doesn't take alot of RAM (Maybe 100k) and I find it quite useful! TaskBar comes with an Installer Script, and is easy to run, and use!

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale:

Efficiency & Speed..........9
Ease of use.................8

Overall Program Rating......8.5

TaskBar is available from the Aminet in the util/wbench directory as:Taskbar.lha

Link to Aminet

Extractor V1.02 by: Sam Becket

The Extractor is a great de-archiving utility for your Workbench. It de-archives DMS, LHA, LZX, ZIP! With the ease of the user interface, you simply click to where you want to de-archive the file! You must have the LHA, LZX, UNLZX, ZIP, UNZIP, DMS, UNDMS commands in the c directory of your workbench! Really though, this program is a breeze to use!

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale:

Efficiency & Speed..........8.5
Ease of Use.................9

Overall Program Rating......8.5

Extractor is available from the Aminet in the util/arc directory as:ExtractorV102.lha

Link to the Aminet util/arc directory

TIFFView V1.17 by: Bert Wynants

This is a graphics utility which I feel is a must for anyone who downloads gifs & jpegs from the net! This neat little program will show your gifs, jpegs, and iff, and let you save them as .iff! It's a fairly fast and very efficient gfx conversion/shower utility. It's an easy to use program, and you run it from Workbench. Myself, I find it useful to covert to iff, and change the image in DPaint, then convert it back to gif or jpeg! The available version is 1.16. There is a patch on the Aminet for 1.17.

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale:

Efficiency & Speed..........7
Ease of use.................8

Overall Program Rating......8

TIFFView is available from the Aminet in the gfx/show directory as:TIFFView116.lha TIFFView 1.17 patch is also available in the gfx/show directory as:TIFFView117pch.lha

Link to the Aminet gfx/show directory.

View Tek V2.1 by: Thomas Krehbiel

This is a great program for viewing gifs, jpegs and iff pictures. The resolution and colours are photo quality! View Tek makes the pictures look great even without a graphics card and only 16 colours! Of course View Tek is compatible with all the graphics cards! It's easy to use, and the picture quality is excellent! Plus, you can convert jpegs & gifs to iff in seconds! It's fast for converting.

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale:

Efficiency & Speed..........8
Ease of use.................9

Overall Program Rating......9

View Tek is available from the Aminet in the gfx/show directory as:ViewTEK21.lha Link to the Aminet gfx/show directory.

Magic Menu 2.15 by: Martin Kordonfer & Olaf Barthal

This is a Workbench enhancer for the intuition menus! In all your programs that have pull down menus, it changes the menu to a 3D nicely crafted menu that'll even mahe a Win95 user jealous! In the archive, there is a 68000 version, and a 68030+ version. I was impressed, and it makes a great compliment to Magic Workbench!

Program Rating 1 to 10 Scale:

Efficiency & Speed..........9
Ease of Use.................9

Overall Program Rating......9

Magic Menu2.15 is available from the Aminet in the util/wkbnch directory as: MagicMenu2_15.lha Link to the Aminet

If you have any comments, or a program you feel I should look at and evaluate. Then please e-mail me at the address below.

To contact mefreez@istar.ca

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