Tips & Tricks for Amiga Owners!

Workbench Tips!

  • Assigns in your User-Startup

    Did you know, that instead of having your User-Startup full of assigns to programs that you may or may not use this time, you can do the following!

    Now for example you're using Yam as your e-mail program. All you do is go into your CLI and use ED. You ED a new file named "AssignYam." Then you type the following 2 lines: Assign YAM: Work:Yam endcli

    Then you get a project icon and rename it the same as your file, "AssignYam." And for a default tool, type: sys:c/iconx Now, when you want to use Yam, all you do is double click on the AssignYam icon, and it's assigned! And the nice thing, is if you don't plan on using Yam, it's not assigned, and it saves a little RAM, and space on your Work:

  • An Overscan tip for 1084(s) users!

    Did you know that with your 1084s you can run a screenmode as high as 720 X 241 in NTSC, and no flicker? Here's how: First, you adjust your overscan prefs to 720 X 241. Then, you adjust your manual monitor settings in the back of your 1084s until you see the whole screen. Then, you go into you screenmode prefs, and take off the default 640X200, and type in 720X241. Then, select that as your default, save the prefs, and overscan prefs, re-boot, and now you're running 720X241 in NTSC!

  • Background Sound with IBrowse!

    Well, it's really simple to get Background sound with IBrowse. For .wav backgrounds, put a copy of Play16 in the C: directory of your Workbench. To test it, reload my site with IBrowse, you should hear a wav with Marge & Homer. The same goes for .midi put a copy of GMPlay in the C: Directory, (Just the main executable, and of course you've already set your mime types!) Then try going on a site with a .midi as a background.

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