## version $VER: Ponder.catalog 1.0d (15.04.96) ## codeset 0 ## language deutsch menu_project Projekt ;Project item_about ;About item_font Font... ;Font... item_quit ;Quit menu_game Spiel ;Game item_width Breite ;Width item_height ;Height item_retry Wiederholen ;Retry item_new welcome Willkommen zu Ponder ;O) ;Welcome to Ponder ;O) about_title ber Ponder... ;About Ponder... about_body Ponder v1.0d\x0a 1995-1996 by Jens Tr ger\x0a\x0aDies geniale Spiel ist FREEWARE\x0a\x0aThis world is crying to be free\x0aThis world is dying can`t you see ;Ponder v1.0d\x0a 1995-1996 by Jens Tr ger\x0a\x0aThis genious game is FREEWARE\x0a\x0aThis world is crying to be free\x0aThis world is dying can`t you see requester_gadget ;Okay message_retry Na gut, versuch`s nochmal... ;OK, try again... message_new Fein, mach mal das! ;Well, solve this! message_luck Viel Gl ck, mein Freund. ;Good luck, my friend. message_win ckwunsch, Du hast gewonnen !! ;Congratulation, you win !! message_lose Schade, verloren ;) ;Sorry, you lost ;) error_text Fehler: ;Failed: error_title Ponder FEHLER ;Ponder ERROR fontreq_title Font ausw hlen... ;Select Font...