Amigotchi Beta Version (Shareware) Amigotchi is a Tamagotchi for the Amiga! Doh!... The full version will do everything a Tamagotchi does and more,and it wont use batteries or beep in public places causing great embarassement.Instead it will sit nicely in your Workbench. It is still in development but I need your feedback to finish it. Try it now and tell me what you think. Requirements : It works for me :) , and probably on every Amiga.I recomend using the workbench in a high resolution (DblPal His-res No Flicker for me) with about 32 colours for best results. Installation : Just copy the contents of c to c: , and the other files and directorys to where you want them, but always assign tama: to where you put them before you run amigotchi.Run it from itīs icon (a NewIcon, I just love them).If you have problems E-mail me. Features : Does everything a Tamagotchi does, but it remains a baby forever and he doesnīt dies (in this demo).What do you mean, you canīt use a Tamagotchi?...Well, push the buttons and see what happens. In the future : Will grow up, have cool sound effects, and do lots of cool things you will think of and tell me :).I may even do an AmigaGuide document.If I get enough registrations anything can follow, Dinogotchi,SongogotchiKu,Pamela Andergotchi, hmmm...thatīs not a bad idea,give her silicone and watch her as it grows...8D Bugs : You will probably find some and send me an E- mail so I can fix it :).Remeber itīs a Beta Version and I will solve them all. | | REMEMBER - I need your opinions to finish this. | | | My E-mail is : <<<<----------------------------------------------------- | | | GETTING THE FULL PROGRAM | | If you register now you will receive every future versions of the program.The program is almost | completed so you wont have to wait long.All you have to do is send me Ģ3.00 (yeah, I know itīs cheap.| You can send me Dollars,or anything else,as long as I can go to a bank and get Ģ3.00 for it,or you | can go to the bank yourself and buy 1000 portuguese escudos.I would like that.), | in an envelope to : | | Av. Sanfré nš11 Dto | 2765 Monte Estoril | Portugal | | and write your E-mail on it (the envelope, not the money) if you want to receive it by E-mail. | If you dont have an E-mail, just send the above and a floppy disk and add enough money to send | a letter to wherever you live with the disk on it (and the Amigotchi on the disk) | | Still have doubts?? Then E-mail me and Iīll try to clear them. >------------------------------| Fernando Amaral Amigotchi Homepage:http://????