## version $VER: zjtoolmui.catalog 1.0 (17.9.96) ## codeset 0 ## language fran MSG_OK ; _Ok MSG_CANCEL _Abandonner ; _Cancel MSG_ERR_ERROR Erreur:\40 ; Error:\40 MSG_ERR_NO_MUI_APP Impossible de cr er l'application MUI! ; Can't create MUI application! MSG_ERR_OPEN_LIBRARY Impossible d'ouvrir %s version %ld ou mieux! ; Can't open %s version %ld or higher! MSG_ERR_CREATE_PORT Impossible de cr er MessagePort! ; Can't create Message Port! MSG_ERR_MEMORY moire insuffisante! ; Not enough memory! MSG_ERR_CREATE_IOREQUEST Impossible de cr er IORequest! ; Can't create IORequest! MSG_ERR_OPEN_DEVICE Impossible d'ouvrir %s unit %ld! ; Can't open %s unit %ld! MSG_MUI_DEVICE \33bDevice ; \33bDevice MSG_MUI_UNIT \33bUnit ; \33bUnit MSG_MUI_STATE Etat: ; State: MSG_MUI_WRITE_LOCK Protection _en criture ; _Write Lock MSG_MUI_READ_WRITE_LOCK Protection en _lecture/ criture ; _Read/Write Lock MSG_MUI_UNLOCK verrouiller ; _Unlock MSG_MUI_TEMP_UNLOCK verrouiller _temporairement ; Unlock _Temporarily MSG_MUI_EJECT Eje_cter disque ; _Eject MSG_MUI_MN_PROJECT Fichier ; Project MSG_MUI_MN_ABOUT A propos de... ; About... MSG_MUI_SC_ABOUT MSG_MUI_MN_QUIT Quitter ; Quit MSG_MUI_SC_QUIT MSG_MUI_MN_MISC Divers ; Misc MSG_MUI_MN_FORMAT Formater bas-niveau ; Low-level format MSG_MUI_SC_FORMAT MSG_MUI_APP_DESCRIPTION Programme pour lecteurs Zip et Jaz ; Tool for Zip and Jaz drives MSG_MUI_MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE ZJToolMUI ; ZJToolMUI MSG_MUI_DEVICES Lecteurs ; Devices MSG_MUI_ABOUT \33cZJToolMUI %ld.%ld\nCopyright 1996 Oliver Hitz.\n\nC'est une application MUI.\nMUI est Copyright 1992-96 Stefan Stuntz. ; \33cZJToolMUI %ld.%ld\nCopyright 1996 by Oliver Hitz.\n\nThis is a MUI application.\nMUI is Copyright 1992-96 by Stefan Stuntz. MSG_MUI_OPEN_DEVICE Impossible d'ouvrir! ; Can't open device! MSG_MUI_UNKNOWN_DRIVE Inconnu. ; Unknown drive. MSG_MUI_DRIVE_NOT_READY Lecteur pas pr ; Drive not ready. MSG_MUI_TEMP_UNPROTECTED verrouill temporairement. ; Temporarily unprotected. MSG_MUI_READ_WRITE_PROTECTED en lecture/ criture. ; Read/write protected. MSG_MUI_WRITE_PROTECTED_PASSWORD criture avec mot de passe. ; Write protected with password. MSG_MUI_WRITE_PROTECTED criture. ; Write protected. MSG_MUI_UNPROTECTED Disque pas prot ; Unprotected. MSG_PASSWORD_WINDOW_TITLE Mot de passe ; Password MSG_MUI_PASSWORD Mot de passe: ; Password: MSG_MUI_UNLOCK_MESSAGE \33cVeuillez taper un mot de passe pour\nd verrouiller le disque. ; \33cA password is needed to unlock this disk. MSG_MUI_WRITE_LOCK_MESSAGE \33cVous pouvez optionellement prot ger le disque\navec un mot de passe.\n\33bATTENTION:\33n Si vous oubliez votre mot de passe,\nvous n'avez que la possibilit de sauvgarder\nle contenu et de formater ce disque. ; \33cYou may optionally enter a password to write\nprotect your disk.\n\n\33bCAUTION:\33n If you forget your password, the\nonly way to access your disk will be to copy\nit onto another and to reformat this one. MSG_MUI_REENTER_PASSWORD \33cVeuillez r ter votre mot de passe. ; \33cPlease reenter your password: MSG_MUI_READ_WRITE_LOCK_MESSAGE \33cVeuillez taper un mot de passe.\n\n\33bATTENTION:\33n Ne l'oubliez jamais, car sinon vos\ndonn es seraient perdues. ; \33cPlease enter a password.\n\33bCAUTION:\33n If you forget your password, the\ndata on this disk can NEVER be recovered. MSG_MUI_PASSWORDS_DIDNT_MATCH \33cLes deux mots de passe n' taient pas identiques.\nL'op ration est abandonn ; \33cYour passwords didn't match!\nOperation not done. MSG_MUI_WRONG_PASSWORD \33cLe mot de passe est faux!\nL'op ration est abandonn ; \33cWrong password!\nOperation not done. MSG_MUI_FORMAT_TITLE Formater bas-niveau ; Low-level format MSG_MUI_FORMAT_GADGETS _Oui!|*_Non ; _Yes!|*_No MSG_MUI_FORMAT_CONFIRM1 \33c\33bATTENTION:\33n\n\33bTOUS\33n vos donn es sur ce disque seront effa es.\nEst-ce que vous voulez continuer? ; \33c\33bCAUTION:\33n\nThis will erase \33bALL\33n data on your disk!\nDo you want to go on? MSG_MUI_FORMAT_CONFIRM2 \33cCette op ration durera quelques minutes et\nne peut pas tre interrompu.\nContinuer? ; \33cThis operation will take some minutes and cannot\nbe interrupted. Proceed? MSG_MUI_FORMAT_DONE \33cLe disque est format .\nVeuillez maintenant utiliser HDToolBox\nou un programme quivalent pour le faire\nacc ssible AmigaDOS. ; \33cDisk formatted successfully.\nUse HDToolBox or a similar program to make it usable\nfor AmigaDOS. MSG_MUI_FORMATTING En train de formater bas-niveau.\nCela va durer quelques minutes.\nSoyez patient... ; \33cLow-level format in progress.\nThis will take some minutes.\nBe patient... MSG_MUI_NO_PREFS Impossible de trouver un fichier pr rences. ; No prefs file found.