## version $VER: PhxLnk.catalog 4.21 (13.03.96) ## codeset 0 ## language magyar \nPhxLnk Amiga DOS Linker V%d.%02d\n\ Copyright 1992-96 by Frank Wille and Volker Barthelmann\n\n\ Param terek le sa:\n\ FROM/M\t\tSzerkesztend object s library modulok\n\ TO/K\t\t\tKimeneti f jl\n\ SC=SMALLCODE/S\tCODE szekci k egybef se\n\ SD=SMALLDATA/S\tDATA s BSS szekci k egybef se\n\ ND=NODEBUG/S\t\tDebuger inform figyelmen k l hagy sa\n\ PV=PVCOMPAT/S \tPowerVisor kompatibilis DEBUG blokkok\n\ CHIP/S\t\tMinden szekci a CHIP RAM-ba ker PRESERVE/S\t\t res szekci k meg se\n\ B=BLINKCOMPAT/S\tBLink kompatibilis SMALL DATA offszetek\n\ K1=KICK1/S\t\tKickstart 1.x kompatibilit MAXSECTS/K/N\t\tSzekci k maxim lis sz ma unitonk nt (alap rtelmez s: %d)\n\ DEF=DEFINE/K\t\tSzimb lum defini Minimum h rom szekci ges unitonk nt!\n ; Minimum of three sections per unit required!\n Nem tal lom a "%s" object modult !\n ; Object module "%s" not found !\n Nem tal lom a "%s" library modult !\n ; Library module "%s" not found !\n HUNK_UNIT vagy HUNK_LIB a "%s" f jlban !\n ; Missing HUNK_UNIT or HUNK_LIB in "%s" !\n Nem siker lt a load f sa !\n ; Unable to write load file !\n HUNK_LIB HUNK_INDEX n l a "%s" f lban !\n ; HUNK_LIB without HUNK_INDEX in "%s" !\n HUNK_LIB a "%s" f jlban ismeretlen hunk blokkot tartalmaz!\n ; HUNK_LIB in "%s" contains an unknown hunk block!\n HUNK_RELOC nem megengedett HUNK_EXT ut n a "%s" f jlban !\n ; HUNK_RELOC must not appear after HUNK_EXT in "%s" !\n SMALL DATA c s nem lehets ges a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ban !\n\ A szekci rete meghaladja a 64k-t.\n ; Small Data addressing impossible in unit "%s" of "%s" !\n\ ; Section size exceeded 64k.\n Ismeretlen XDEF t pus a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ban \ (csak ext_def s ext_abs t mogatott) !\n ; Unknown XDEF type in unit "%s" of "%s" \ ; (only ext_def and ext_abs are supported) !\n Ismeretlen XREF t pus a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ban ! ; Unknown XREF type in unit "%s" of "%s" !\n Nem lehets ges relat szekci tt\n\ a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ; Unit "%s" of file "%s" :\nNo relative addressing between different sections!\n ; Relative out of range in unit "%s" of "%s" !\n 8 bites relat s nem lehets ges a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ban !\n ; 8-Bit relative addressing is impossible (Unit "%s" of "%s")!\n Offset $%08lx:\n ; At Offset $%08lx:\n Ismeretlen szimb lumok Hunk Unit F ; Undefined Symbols Hunk Unit File\n Elfogyott a mem ria !\n ; Out of memory error !\n Ismeretlen szekci pus a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ban !\n ; Unknown section type in unit "%s" of "%s" !\n A "%s" hunk nem tartalmazhat m sik hunk-ot vagy unit-ot\n\ a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ban !\n ; Hunk "%s" cannot contain another hunk or unit\nin unit "%s" of "%s" !\n Ismeretlen hunk t pus a "%s" hunk-ban\n("%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitja) !\n ; Unknown hunk type in hunk "%s"\n(Unit "%s" of "%s") !\n A hunk blokk k tszer van jelen a "%s" hunkban\n("%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitja) !\n ; Hunk block appeared twice in hunk "%s"\n(Unit "%s" of "%s") !\n l sok hunk a "%2$s" f jl "%1$s" unitj ban !\n\ Haszn ld a MAXSECTS opci t a puffer n hez.\n ; Too many hunks in unit "%s" of "%s" !\nUse MAXSECTS to resize buffer.\n Olvas si hiba "%s" olvas sa sor n !\n ; Read error while reading "%s" !\n Nem v g a "%s" f jl eset ben !\n ; Unexpected end of file in "%s" !\n Illeg lis f v kiterjeszt s a "%s" f jlban (csak .o, .obj vagy .lib)!\n ; Illegal file name extension in "%s" (try .o, .obj or .lib)!\n l sok offszet a RELOC32SHORT hunkban! V laszd a KICK1 kapcsol ; Too many offsets for RELOC32SHORT! Select KICK1 switch.\n