O4A Release 1.2 New features: - New docu: ModulaToOberon.Text, Oberon2.OOP.Text, OberonV1.Guide.Text, Prog.Guide.Text - Terminal updated, therefor Sessions added - New Icons and Fonts.Tool (thanks to Peter Landmann) - AmigaLoop now uses the Timer Device, therefor System.AmigaLoop has a parameter - F-key support - New Elems: Menu, Info, Index, Mark, Link (see Elem.Guide.Text) - EditKey Hotkey is F5 now - Clipboard Funktions at RAmiga X/C/V - Printing of PictElems works, but is very, very slow (therefor System.PictPrintThresh added) - New StartUp-Script tests your system - System.Quit shows a requester bevor it closes O4A - Nice piece of docu: ReferenceCard.ps - Print it ! (Thanks to the Obeorn peole from Uni-Linz for the idea !) Known limitations: - POINTER TO ARRAY OF POINTER is treated as POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE and therefore collected during a GC. Use a secondary link structure to keep the values referenced Fixed Bugs: - Everything with Screens with > 16 Colors works fine now (Display.invert problems fixed) - Many small bugs fixed Known bugs: - Problems with VARs of PROCEDURE(....):{LONG}REAL Please mail if you see this ! - None, until you send in more bug reports ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oberon System V4 for Amiga V1.2 Source Changes history ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.02.96 - ReplConst, Line and Ellipse in Pictures now use Display.invert in the right way - yellow and pink swaped in Amiga.InitColors for 16 or more Colors - TextFrames.Tick uses Display.White again - with more than 16 Colors, highest one is gray => ScreenMode-Req is visibel 19.02.96 - tried to speed up Text-Display; 75% of time in AmigaGraphics.BltTemplate can not make this faster - Oh, forgot Def in Make.Tool 22.02.96 - improved setting of WriteMask in Pictures, therefor added SetDrawMode 25.02.96 - no need to SetAPen if mode is invert (Pictures) 28.02.96 - added ModulaToOberon.Text Oberon2.OOP.Text - added Sessions.Mod and new Terminal.Mod from ww, Problems !! - added Open command to V24 to start Serial Device 29.02.96 - Sessions works now, problems with Task with time field -1 - fixed bug in Analyzer announced by Stefan 03.03.96 - Added V24.Avail to MainLoop => char at SerialDevice is now an event => bg tasks with .time=-1 are executed (Sessions works fine now) - AmigaLoop now uses the Timer Device; changed Amiga, AmigaTimer, System, Oberon - added new Icons from Peter Landmann, very nice 04.03.96 - fixed color bug in Pictures.CopyBlock (added SetDrawMode) 06.03.96 - finished F-key support (see Oberon4Amiga.Guide.Text) 15.03.96 - forgot Browser.Tool, Kepler.Text, Kepler.Tool & Palette.Kep in archive, sorry - added fixed FoldDemo.Text - added Fonts.Tool from Peter Landmann - added new XE from Stefan (see XE.Mod for XE history) 19.03.96 - cleand up Menues und changed it for new XE (XE.Compiler, XE.Error) - fixed Problems with Pri in AmigaLoop (now only MainLoop changes Pri) - IFF, Clipboard and AmigaIFF are a bit shorter now - added line in Modules.ThisMod, thanks to Claudio - new Procedures ConvAtoO and ConvOtoA in Amiga to convert Chars - use ^ in Clipboard -> all Chars find there way through it 20.03.96 - added Folds from Linz, therefor little change in XE and Folds - added Elems: Menu, Mark, Index, Link, Version, Info, therefor PopupElemsLinz - changed HotKey of EditKeys to F5 21.03.96 - shorted Input a bit (R2O = RawkeyToOberon added) - normal Amiga Clipboard-Keys work in Oberon - Cursor is set to the end of inserted Text after Clipboard.Copy 23.03.96 - No DeleteError at System.DosCall anymore -> no funny error messages at System.Directory 24.03.96 - Printing of Pictures and PictElems works fine now it uses no direct access to the gfx-mem anymore is very, very slow (sorry) System.PictPrintThresh added to define wich color should be black or white 25.03.96 - added directoy System1 for Dialogs, Expr, .... - made Expressions.lha 26.03.96 - made Dialogs.lha 27.03.96 - strated TestSystem and new StartUp-Script 28.03.96 - finished TestSystem and StartUp-Script 02.04.96 - added SyntaxXm Screen and Printer fonts - added CrazyFiller 04.04.96 - began ReferenceCard 09.04.96 - ReferenceCard again - new XE from Stefan, therefor Host added 10.04.96 - ReferenceCard again and again .... - System.Quit shows Requester now, therefor added System.UseQuitRequester 11.04.96 - ReferenceCars now ready - updated all ReadMe files