Syntax10.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc LineElems Alloc Find.Diff ^ Find.Domain ~ Find.All ^ Compare files. Search for a literal string in a sequence of files. Search for clients and imports of a specific module. Search for attributes in info elements Find.Diff ^ Compares two texts starting from the two most recent selections Sets new selections at the first position where the two texts differ. Find.Domain {filename} ~ Specify the files in which Find.All should search for a pattern. Find.All ^ Searches the selection in the files specified with Find.Domain. Lists all lines containing the pattern. Find.AllInfo ^ The selection must be of the form item = pattern where item is one of the headings in an info element (Title, Author, ...) and pattern is any character sequence up to the end of the selection. Lists all modules specified with Find.Domain containing the pattern in their info elements.