Syntax10.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt LineElems Alloc Doc - Document opener SHML 7 Mar 95 Open files according to their extension with installed open command Doc.Open ^ Doc.Open "^" | name Open file name according to its extension with installed command. Doc.Defaults Clear all installed command - extension pairs and initialize from Doc.Configuration.Text Doc.List List all command - extension pairs. The syntax of the Doc.Configuration.Text is: {open_command "*" | extension} where a line with an * lists the default open command used for unknown extensions. Example: XE.Open * XE.SysOpen Tool Browser.ShowDef Sym Decoder.Decode Obj CaptionEdit.Open Cap Hex.Open Fnt Kepler.Open Kep Draw.Open Graph Paint.Open Pict