Syntax10.Scn.Fnt (* scanner module generated by Coco-R *) MODULE -->modulename; IMPORT Texts, SYSTEM; CONST EOL = 0DX; EOF = 0X; maxLexLen = 127; -->declarations ErrorProc* = PROCEDURE (n: INTEGER; pos: LONGINT); StartTable = ARRAY 128 OF INTEGER; src*: Texts.Text; (*source text. To be set by the main pgm*) pos*: LONGINT; (*position of current symbol*) line*, col*, len*: INTEGER; (*line, column, length of current symbol*) nextPos*: LONGINT; (*position of lookahead symbol*) nextLine*, nextCol*, nextLen*: INTEGER; (*line, column, length of lookahead symbol*) errors*: INTEGER; (*number of errors detected*) Error*: ErrorProc; ch: CHAR; (*current input character*) r: Texts.Reader; (*global reader*) chPos: LONGINT; (*position of current character*) chLine: INTEGER; (*current line number*) lineStart: LONGINT; (*start position of current line*) apx: INTEGER; (*length of appendix*) oldEols: INTEGER; (*nr. of EOLs in a comment*) start: StartTable; (*start state for every character*) PROCEDURE NextCh; (*return global variable ch*) BEGIN Texts.Read(r, ch); INC(chPos); IF ch = EOL THEN INC(chLine); lineStart := chPos + 1 END END NextCh; PROCEDURE Comment(): BOOLEAN; VAR level, startLine: INTEGER; oldLineStart: LONGINT; BEGIN (*Comment*) level := 1; startLine := chLine; oldLineStart := lineStart; -->comment END Comment; PROCEDURE Get*(VAR sym: INTEGER); VAR state: INTEGER; lexeme: ARRAY maxLexLen+1 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE CheckLiteral; BEGIN IF nextLen < maxLexLen THEN lexeme[nextLen] := 0X END; -->literals END CheckLiteral; BEGIN -->GetSy1 IF ch > 7FX THEN ch := " " END; pos := nextPos; col := nextCol; line := nextLine; len := nextLen; nextPos := chPos; nextCol := SHORT(chPos - lineStart); nextLine := chLine; nextLen := 0; state := start[ORD(ch)]; apx := 0; LOOP IF nextLen < maxLexLen THEN lexeme[nextLen] := ch END; INC(nextLen); NextCh; IF state > 0 THEN CASE state OF -->GetSy2 END (*CASE*) ELSE sym := noSym; RETURN (*NextCh already done*) END (*IF*) END (*LOOP*) END Get; PROCEDURE GetName*(pos: LONGINT; len: INTEGER; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; r: Texts.Reader; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(r, src, pos); IF len >= LEN(s) THEN len := SHORT(LEN(s)) - 1 END; i := 0; WHILE i < len DO Texts.Read(r, s[i]); INC(i) END; s[i] := 0X END GetName; PROCEDURE StdErrorProc* (n: INTEGER; pos: LONGINT); BEGIN INC(errors) END StdErrorProc; PROCEDURE Reset* (t: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT; errProc: ErrorProc); BEGIN src := t; Error := errProc; Texts.OpenReader(r, src, pos); chPos := pos - 1; chLine := 1; lineStart := 0; oldEols := 0; apx := 0; errors := 0; NextCh END Reset; BEGIN -->initialization END -->modulename.