Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 30 Dec 95 Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt FoldElems MODULE GraphicUtils; (** Markus Knasm ller 9 Aug 94 - IMPORT Display, Display1, Fonts, Input, Oberon, Printer, TextFrames, TextPrinter, Texts; CONST grey1* = 12; grey2* = 13; grey3* = 14; black* = 15; white* = 0; CR = 0DX; MR = 0; MM = 1; ML = 2; cancel = {ML, MM, MR}; left* = 0; center* = 1; right* = 2; (** alignment *) ehm = 4; evm = 3; (* element: horizontal margin, vertical margin*) mhm = 5; mvm = 2; delay = 150; (* for scrolling *) VAR dUnit*, pUnit*: LONGINT; (** for device independent coordinates *) PROCEDURE Min (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Min; PROCEDURE Max (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x > y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Max; PROCEDURE ReplConstC (f: Display.Frame; col, x, y, w, h, mode: INTEGER); BEGIN IF f # NIL THEN Display.ReplConstC (f, col, x, y, w, h, mode) ELSE Display.ReplConst (col, x, y, w, h, mode) END END ReplConstC; PROCEDURE CopyPatternC (f: Display.Frame; col: INTEGER; pat: LONGINT; x, y, mode: INTEGER); BEGIN IF f # NIL THEN Display.CopyPatternC (f, col, pat, x, y, mode) ELSE Display.CopyPattern (col, pat, x, y, mode) END END CopyPatternC; PROCEDURE CheckString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, w: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; VAR ret, let: INTEGER); VAR i, cx, cy, cw, ch, dx, x0: INTEGER; pat: LONGINT; cond: BOOLEAN; BEGIN i := 0; x0 := x; cond := TRUE; WHILE (s[i] # 0X) & (cond) DO Display.GetChar (fnt.raster, s[i], dx, cx, cy, cw, ch, pat); IF x + dx < x0 + w THEN INC (x, dx); INC (i) ELSE cond := FALSE END END; ret := (w - (x - x0)); let := i END CheckString; PROCEDURE DrawString* (f: Display.Frame; s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, w: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; mode: INTEGER; align: INTEGER; VAR ret: INTEGER); VAR i, let, cx, cy, cw, ch, dx: INTEGER; cond: BOOLEAN; pat: LONGINT; BEGIN IF f # NIL THEN Oberon.RemoveMarks(f.X, f.Y, f.W, f.H) END; CheckString (s, x, y, w, fnt, cx, let); ret := cx DIV 2; IF align = left THEN cx := 0 ELSIF align = center THEN cx := cx DIV 2; END; INC (x, cx); FOR i := 0 TO let - 1 DO Display.GetChar (fnt.raster, s[i], dx, cx, cy, cw, ch, pat); Display.CopyPatternC (f, black, pat, x + cx, y + cy, mode); INC (x, dx) END END DrawString; PROCEDURE GetStringLength* (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font): INTEGER; VAR i, x, dx, cx, cy, cw, ch: INTEGER; pat: LONGINT; BEGIN i := 0; x := 0; WHILE (s[i] # 0X) DO Display.GetChar (fnt.raster, s[i], dx, cx, cy, cw, ch, pat); INC (x, dx); INC (i) END; RETURN x END GetStringLength; PROCEDURE CheckPString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, w: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; VAR ret, let: INTEGER); VAR fno: SHORTINT; i, cx, cy, cw, ch, dx, x0: INTEGER; pat, pdx: LONGINT; cond: BOOLEAN; BEGIN fno := TextPrinter.FontNo (fnt); i := 0; x0 := x; cond := TRUE; WHILE (s[i] # 0X) & (cond) DO TextPrinter.GetChar (fno, pUnit, s[i], pdx, dx, cx, cy, cw, ch, pat); IF x + dx < x0 + w THEN INC (x, dx); INC (i) ELSE cond := FALSE END END; ret := (w - (x - x0)); let := i END CheckPString; PROCEDURE PrintString* (s: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, w: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; align: INTEGER; VAR ret: INTEGER); VAR i, let, cx: INTEGER; mystr: ARRAY 62 OF CHAR; BEGIN CheckPString (s, x, y, w, fnt, cx, let); ret := cx DIV 2; IF align = left THEN cx := 0 ELSIF align = center THEN cx := cx DIV 2; END; INC (x, cx); FOR i := 0 TO let - 1 DO mystr[i] := s[i] END; mystr[let] := 0X; Printer.String (x, y, mystr,; END PrintString; PROCEDURE DrawBox* (f: Display.Frame; pressed: BOOLEAN; x, y, w, h: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER); BEGIN IF f # NIL THEN Oberon.RemoveMarks(f.X, f.Y, f.W, f.H) END; IF (w <= 4) OR (h <= 4) THEN Display.ReplConstC (f, grey3, x, y, w, Min (h, 2), mode) ELSE IF pressed THEN Display.ReplConstC (f, grey1, x, y, w, h, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, grey3, x, y + 2, w - 2, h - 2, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, grey2, x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4, mode); Display.DotC (f, grey3, x, y + 1, mode); Display.DotC (f, grey3, x + w - 2, y + h - 1, mode); ELSE Display.ReplConstC (f, grey3, x, y, w, h, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, grey1, x, y + 2, w - 2, h - 2, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, grey2, x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4, mode); Display.DotC (f, grey1, x, y + 1, mode); Display.DotC (f, grey1, x + w - 2, y + h - 1, mode); END END END DrawBox; PROCEDURE PrintBox* (x, y, w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN Printer.ReplConst (x, y, w, 2); Printer.ReplConst (x + w - 2, y + 2, 2, h - 2); Printer.ReplConst (x, y + 2, 2, h - 2); Printer.ReplConst (x + 2, y + h - 2, w - 4, 2); Printer.Circle (x, y + 1, 0); Printer.Circle (x + w - 2, y + h - 1, 0) END PrintBox; PROCEDURE DrawPatternBox* (f: Display.Frame; pressed: BOOLEAN; pat: Display.Pattern; x, y, w, h, pX, pY, mode: INTEGER); lowerCol, upperCol : INTEGER; BEGIN IF f # NIL THEN Oberon.RemoveMarks(f.X, f.Y, f.W, f.H) END; IF pressed THEN lowerCol := grey1; upperCol := grey3; INC(pX); DEC(pY) ELSE lowerCol := grey3; upperCol := grey1 END; Display.ReplConstC (f, lowerCol, x, y, w, 2, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, lowerCol, x + w - 2, y + 2, 2, h - 2, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, upperCol, x, y + 2, 2, h - 2, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, upperCol, x + 2, y + h - 2, w - 4, 2, mode); Display.DotC (f, upperCol, x, y + 1, mode); Display.DotC (f, upperCol, x + w - 2, y + h -1, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f, grey2, x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4, mode); IF pat # 0 THEN Display.CopyPatternC (f, black, pat, x + pX, y + pY, mode) END END DrawPatternBox; PROCEDURE PrintPatternBox* (pat: Display.Pattern; x, y, w, h, pX, pY: INTEGER); (** not yet implemented *) BEGIN PrintBox (x, y, w, h) END PrintPatternBox; PROCEDURE Set* (VAR r: Texts.Reader; t: Texts.Text; l: INTEGER); (* sets the reader r in the text t to line l *) VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader (r, t, 0); FOR i := 0 TO l - 1 DO REPEAT Texts.Read (r, ch) UNTIL ch = CR END END Set; PROCEDURE DrawLine (VAR r: Texts.Reader; f: Display.Frame; x, y, w: INTEGER); VAR e: Texts.Elem; ch: CHAR; dx, x0, y0, w0, h: INTEGER; pat: Display.Pattern; m: TextFrames.DisplayMsg; BEGIN Texts.Read (r, ch); WHILE (w > 0) & ~r.eot & (ch # CR) DO IF r.elem # NIL THEN e := r.elem; m.prepare := TRUE; m.fnt := r.fnt; m.col := r.col; m.pos := Texts.Pos (r) - 1; e.handle (e, m); DEC (w, SHORT (e.W DIV TextFrames.Unit)); IF w > evm THEN m.prepare := FALSE; m.fnt := r.fnt; m.col := r.col; m.pos := Texts.Pos (r) - 1; m.frame := f; m.X0 := x; m.Y0 := y; m.elemFrame := NIL; e.handle (e, m); INC (x, SHORT (e.W DIV TextFrames.Unit)) END ELSE Display.GetChar (r.fnt.raster, ch, dx, x0, y0, w0, h, pat); DEC (w, dx); IF w > evm THEN CopyPatternC (f, r.col, pat, x + x0, y + y0, Display.paint); INC (x, dx) END END; Texts.Read (r,ch) END END DrawLine; PROCEDURE Flip (f: Display.Frame; menu: Texts.Text; lsp, dsc, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; in: BOOLEAN; sc, cmd: INTEGER); VAR r: Texts.Reader; itemH, x1, y1 : INTEGER; BEGIN IF (cmd >= 0) & (cmd >= sc) THEN y1:= y + h - (lsp * (cmd - sc + 1)) - dsc - mvm; y := y1 + dsc - 1; x1 := x + mhm; itemH := lsp + 1; DEC (w, 4); INC (x, 2); Oberon.RemoveMarks(x,y,w,h); IF in THEN ReplConstC (f, black, x, y, w, 1, Display.replace); ReplConstC (f, black, x + w - 1, y, 1, itemH - 1, Display.replace); ReplConstC (f, white, x, y + 1, 1, itemH - 1, Display.replace); ReplConstC (f, white, x, y + itemH -1, w, 1, Display.replace); ReplConstC (f, grey1, x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, itemH - 2, Display.replace) ELSE ReplConstC (f, grey2, x, y, w, itemH, Display.replace) END; Set (r, menu, cmd); DrawLine (r, f, x1, y1, w) END END Flip; PROCEDURE DrawMenu* (f: Display.Frame; menu: Texts.Text; sc, cmd, x, y, w, h, mode: INTEGER; VAR n, lsp, dsc: INTEGER); (** draws the menu with the coordinates x, y, and the dimensions w, h in frame f if f # NIL ; otherwise it is drawn to the screen; computes number of lines, line space & descender of item lines *) VAR def, wid, x0, y0, i: INTEGER; r: Texts.Reader; PROCEDURE MeasureMenu; (* compute number of items, default item, with, line space descender of item lines *) VAR r: Texts.Reader; ch, oldCh: CHAR; wid0, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; p: LONGINT; BEGIN wid := 0; n := 1; lsp := 0; dsc := 0; wid0 := 0; oldCh := 0X; def := -1; Texts.OpenReader (r, menu, 0); Texts.Read (r, ch); WHILE ~ r.eot DO IF ch = CR THEN wid := Max (wid, wid0); wid0 := 0; INC (n) ELSIF r.elem # NIL THEN lsp := Max (lsp, SHORT (r.elem.H DIV TextFrames.Unit)); INC (wid, SHORT (r.elem.W DIV TextFrames.Unit)) ELSE lsp := Max (lsp, r.fnt.height); dsc := Min (dsc, r.fnt.minY); Display.GetChar (r.fnt.raster, ch, dx, x, y, w, h, p); INC (wid, dx) END; oldCh := ch; Texts.Read (r, ch) END; IF oldCh = CR THEN DEC (n) END; wid := Max (wid, wid0); INC (lsp); END MeasureMenu; BEGIN IF f # NIL THEN Oberon.RemoveMarks (f.X, f.Y, f.W, f.H) END; MeasureMenu; y0 := y; x0 := x; ReplConstC (f, black, x0, y0, w, h, mode); ReplConstC (f, grey2, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, w - 2, h - 2, Display.replace); Set (r, menu, sc); y := y + h - mvm - lsp - dsc; x := x + mhm; WHILE (y + dsc >= y0 + mvm + 1) & (~ r.eot) DO DrawLine (r, f, x, y, w); DEC (y, lsp); INC (i) END; Flip (f, menu, lsp, dsc, x0, y0, w, h, TRUE, sc, cmd) END DrawMenu; PROCEDURE TrackMenu* (f: Display.Frame; menu: Texts.Text; x, y, w, h, n, lsp, dsc: INTEGER; VAR sc, cmd: INTEGER); (** handles a mouse click into the menu; sc is the first command which is shown in the menu; cmd the selected command *) VAR bot, top, dif, newCmd, mx, my: INTEGER; keys, keysum: SET; i: LONGINT; BEGIN bot := y + mvm; top := y + h - mvm; sc := Max (sc, 0); dif := (h - 2 * mvm - 1) DIV lsp; Input.Mouse (keys, mx, my); keysum := {}; cmd := Max (0, cmd); WHILE keys # {} DO keysum := keysum + keys; Oberon.DrawCursor (Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, mx, my); newCmd := (top - my) DIV lsp + sc; IF (keysum = cancel) OR (cmd = -1) THEN Flip (f, menu, lsp, dsc, x, y, w, h, FALSE, sc, cmd); cmd := -1 ELSIF (mx >= x) & (mx <= x + w) & (newCmd >= sc) & (newCmd <= sc + dif - 1) THEN IF (newCmd # cmd) & (newCmd < n) THEN Flip (f, menu, lsp, dsc, x, y, w, h, FALSE, sc, cmd); Flip (f, menu, lsp, dsc, x, y, w, h, TRUE, sc, newCmd); cmd := newCmd; END ELSIF (mx >= x) & (mx <= x + w) & (my > top) & (sc > 0) THEN DEC (sc); DEC (cmd); DrawMenu (f, menu, sc, cmd, x, y, w, h, Display.replace, n, lsp, dsc); i := Oberon.Time (); WHILE Oberon.Time () - i < delay DO END; ELSIF (mx >= x) & (mx <= x + w) & (my < top - dif ) & (cmd < n - 1) THEN INC (sc); INC (cmd); DrawMenu (f, menu, sc, cmd, x, y, w, h, Display.replace, n, lsp, dsc); i := Oberon.Time (); WHILE Oberon.Time () - i < delay DO END; END; Input.Mouse (keys, mx, my); END; END TrackMenu; BEGIN dUnit := Display.Unit; pUnit := TextPrinter.Unit; Display.SetColor (11, 230, 230, 230); Display.SetColor (12, 210, 210, 210); Display.SetColor (13, 150, 150, 150); Display.SetColor (14, 100, 100, 100); END GraphicUtils.