Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax12.Scn.Fnt MODULE TableElems; (** CAS 13-May-92 / 28-Sep-93 **) IMPORT Input, Display, Fonts, Printer, Files, Oberon, Texts, TextFrames, Viewers, MenuViewers, TextPrinter; CONST Menu = "System.Close Edit.Search Edit.Replace All Edit.Parcs TableElems.Update "; mm =; Scale = mm DIV 10; MinW = 3*mm; MinH = 3*mm; unit = TextFrames.Unit; Unit = TextPrinter.Unit; middleKey = 1; TAB = 9X; CR = 0DX; MaxCol = 32; MaxRow = 32; (*elem.opts set elements*) headCol = 0; headRow = 1; colL = 2; rowL = 3; leftL = 4; rightL = 5; topL = 6; botL = 7; TYPE Row = POINTER TO RowDesc; RowDesc = RECORD next: Row; lsp, dsr: LONGINT; pos: ARRAY MaxCol OF LONGINT; x, y: ARRAY MaxCol OF LONGINT END; Elem* = POINTER TO ElemDesc; ElemDesc* = RECORD(Texts.ElemDesc) def*: Texts.Text; parc: TextFrames.Parc; opts: SET; nofCols, nofRows: INTEGER; lw: LONGINT; width: ARRAY MaxCol OF LONGINT; row: Row (*rows chained from bottom to top*) END; Viewer* = POINTER TO ViewerDesc; ViewerDesc* = RECORD(MenuViewers.ViewerDesc) elem*: Elem END; W: Texts.Writer; PROCEDURE Min (x, y: LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN IF x < y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Min; PROCEDURE Max (x, y: LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN IF x > y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Max; PROCEDURE UnmarkMenu (V: Viewers.Viewer); VAR R: Texts.Reader; T: Texts.Text; ch: CHAR; BEGIN T := V.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text; Texts.OpenReader(R, T, T.len - 1); Texts.Read(R, ch); IF ch = "!" THEN Texts.Delete(T, T.len - 1, T.len) END END UnmarkMenu; (* generate table structure *) PROCEDURE Matches (VAR S: Texts.Scanner; key: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (S.s[i] # 0X) & (CAP(S.s[i]) = key[i]) DO INC(i) END; RETURN (S.class = Texts.Name) & ((key[i] = 0X) OR (i >= 3)) & (S.s[i] = 0X) END Matches; PROCEDURE Opts (s: ARRAY OF CHAR): SET; VAR opts: SET; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN opts := {}; i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO ch := CAP(s[i]); IF ch = "H" THEN INCL(opts, headRow) ELSIF ch = "V" THEN INCL(opts, headCol) ELSIF s[i] = "*" THEN opts := {headRow, headCol} END; INC(i) END; RETURN opts END Opts; PROCEDURE LineOpts (s: ARRAY OF CHAR): SET; VAR opts: SET; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN opts := {}; i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO ch := CAP(s[i]); IF ch = "H" THEN INCL(opts, rowL) ELSIF ch = "V" THEN INCL(opts, colL) ELSIF ch = "L" THEN INCL(opts, leftL) ELSIF ch = "R" THEN INCL(opts, rightL) ELSIF ch = "T" THEN INCL(opts, topL) ELSIF ch = "B" THEN INCL(opts, botL) ELSIF s[i] = "*" THEN opts := {rowL, colL, leftL, rightL, topL, botL} END; INC(i) END; RETURN opts END LineOpts; PROCEDURE ColOpts (VAR cm: ARRAY OF CHAR; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (s[i] # 0X) & (i < LEN(cm)) DO ch := CAP(s[i]); IF (ch = "C") OR (ch = "L") OR (ch = "N") OR (ch = "R") THEN cm[i] := ch END; INC(i) END END ColOpts; PROCEDURE RowOpts (VAR rm: ARRAY OF CHAR; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (s[i] # 0X) & (i < LEN(rm)) DO ch := CAP(s[i]); IF (ch = "B") OR (ch = "C") OR (ch = "L") OR (ch = "T") THEN rm[i] := ch END; INC(i) END END RowOpts; PROCEDURE Offset (VAR R: Texts.Reader): LONGINT; BEGIN IF R.voff = 0 THEN RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN LONG(R.fnt.height) * unit * R.voff DIV 64 END END Offset; PROCEDURE DispPrepElem (E: Elem; e: Texts.Elem; fnt: Fonts.Font; col: SHORTINT; pos: LONGINT); VAR disp: TextFrames.DisplayMsg; BEGIN disp.prepare := TRUE; disp.fnt := fnt; disp.col := col; disp.pos := pos; disp.indent := 0; e.handle(e, disp) END DispPrepElem; PROCEDURE PrintPrepElem (E: Elem; e: Texts.Elem; fnt: Fonts.Font; col: SHORTINT; pno: INTEGER; pos: LONGINT); VAR print: TextPrinter.PrintMsg; BEGIN print.prepare := TRUE; print.fnt := fnt; print.col := col; print.pos := pos; print.indent := 0; print.pno := pno; e.handle(e, print) END PrintPrepElem; PROCEDURE GetElem (E: Elem; e: Texts.Elem; fnt: Fonts.Font; col: SHORTINT; pos: LONGINT; VAR dx, x, y, w, h: LONGINT); BEGIN x := 0; y := -E.parc.dsr; DispPrepElem(E, e, fnt, col, pos); dx := e.W; h := e.H; PrintPrepElem(E, e, fnt, col, -1, pos); dx := Max(dx, e.W); h := Max(h, e.H); w := dx END GetElem; PROCEDURE Parse (E: Elem): LONGINT; CONST StrClass = {Texts.Name, Texts.String}; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; row: Row; pbeg, beg, pos: LONGINT; state, st, r, c: INTEGER; ch, period: CHAR; margL, margR, margB, margT, gridW, lsp, dsr, min, max, cmin, cmax, cw, wl, wr, dx, x, y, w, h: LONGINT; cm: ARRAY MaxCol OF CHAR; rm: ARRAY MaxRow OF CHAR; h1, h2, w1, w2: ARRAY MaxRow, MaxCol OF LONGINT; PROCEDURE Setup; BEGIN E.opts := {headRow, headCol, colL, rowL, leftL, rightL, topL, botL}; E.lw := 2*Scale; period := "."; r := 0; WHILE r < MaxRow DO rm[r] := "L"; INC(r) END; cm[0] := "L"; c := 1; WHILE c < MaxCol DO cm[c] := "N"; INC(c) END; margL := 1*mm; margR := margL; margB := 3*Scale; margT := margB; gridW := 5*mm END Setup; PROCEDURE Scan (VAR S: Texts.Scanner); VAR i: SHORTINT; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ch := S.nextCh; i := 0; LOOP IF ch = CR THEN INC(S.line) ELSIF (ch # " ") & (ch # TAB) THEN EXIT END; Texts.Read(S, ch) END; IF ("A" <= CAP(ch)) & (CAP(ch) <= "Z") THEN REPEAT S.s[i] := ch; INC(i); Texts.Read(S, ch) UNTIL (CAP(ch) > "Z") OR ("A" > CAP(ch)) & (ch > "9") OR ("0" > ch) & (ch # ".") OR (i = LEN(S.s)-1); S.s[i] := 0X; S.len := i; S.class := Texts.Name; S.nextCh := ch ELSIF ch = "/" THEN S.class := 6; S.c := ch; Texts.Read(S, S.nextCh) ELSE S.nextCh := ch; Texts.Scan(S) END END Scan; PROCEDURE Options; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, E.def, 0); Scan(S); LOOP IF S.eot THEN RETURN ELSIF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "/") THEN Scan(S); IF Matches(S, "TABLE") THEN RETURN ELSIF Matches(S, "BOTTOM") THEN Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) & (S.i <= 100) THEN margB := S.i*Scale END ELSIF Matches(S, "COLUMNS") THEN Scan(S); IF S.class IN StrClass THEN ColOpts(cm, S.s) END ELSIF Matches(S, "GRID") THEN Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) & (S.i <= 100) THEN gridW := S.i*Scale END ELSIF Matches(S, "HEADS") THEN Scan(S); IF S.class IN StrClass THEN E.opts := E.opts + Opts(S.s) END ELSIF Matches(S, "LEFT") THEN Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) & (S.i <= 100) THEN margL := S.i*Scale END ELSIF Matches(S, "LINES") THEN Scan(S); IF S.class IN StrClass THEN E.opts := E.opts + LineOpts(S.s) END ELSIF Matches(S, "NOHEADS") THEN Scan(S); IF S.class IN StrClass THEN E.opts := E.opts - Opts(S.s) END ELSIF Matches(S, "NOLINES") THEN Scan(S); IF S.class IN StrClass THEN E.opts := E.opts - LineOpts(S.s) END ELSIF Matches(S, "PERIOD") THEN Scan(S); IF S.class IN StrClass THEN period := S.s[0] END ELSIF Matches(S, "RIGHT") THEN Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) & (S.i <= 100) THEN margR := S.i*Scale END ELSIF Matches(S, "ROWS") THEN Scan(S); IF S.class IN StrClass THEN RowOpts(rm, S.s) END ELSIF Matches(S, "TOP") THEN Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (0 <= S.i) & (S.i <= 100) THEN margT := S.i*Scale END ELSIF Matches(S, "WIDTHS") THEN Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Int) & (1 <= S.i) & (S.i <= 10) THEN E.lw := S.i*Scale END END; Scan(S) ELSE Scan(S) END END END Options; PROCEDURE AcceptCell; BEGIN row.pos[c] := pos; w1[r, c] := cw; h1[r, c] := cmax - cmin; h2[r, c] := -cmin; min := Min(min, cmin); max := Max(max, cmax); CASE state OF 0, 1: w2[r, c] := cw | 2: w2[r, c] := wl | 3: w2[r, c] := -1 END; pos := Texts.Pos(S); INC(c); cmin := -E.parc.dsr; cmax := 0; cw := 0; state := 0; IF c > E.nofCols THEN IF c < MaxCol THEN INC(E.nofCols) ELSE DEC(c) END END END AcceptCell; BEGIN Setup; Options; INC(margL, E.lw); INC(margR, E.lw); INC(margB, E.lw); INC(margT, E.lw); E.nofCols := 0; E.nofRows := 0; ch := S.nextCh; WHILE ~S.eot & (ch # CR) DO Texts.Read(S, ch) END; beg := Texts.Pos(S); TextFrames.ParcBefore(E.def, beg, E.parc, pbeg); (*parse*) pos := beg; E.row := NIL; IF ~S.eot THEN NEW(row); r := 0; min := 0; max := 0; c := 0; cmin := -E.parc.dsr; cmax := 0; cw := 0; state := 0; LOOP Texts.Read(S, ch); IF S.eot THEN EXIT ELSIF ch = CR THEN AcceptCell; IF TextFrames.gridAdj IN E.parc.opts THEN dsr := E.parc.dsr; WHILE dsr < -min DO INC(dsr, E.parc.lsp) END; lsp := Max(E.parc.lsp, dsr + max); INC(lsp, (-lsp) MOD E.parc.lsp) ELSE dsr := Max(E.parc.dsr, -min); lsp := Max(E.parc.lsp, dsr + max) END; row.dsr := dsr + margB; row.lsp := lsp + margB + margT; WHILE c < MaxCol DO row.pos[c] := E.def.len; h1[r, c] := 0; h2[r, c] := 0; w1[r, c] := 0; w2[r, c] := -1; INC(c) END; := E.row; E.row := row; INC(r); IF r = MaxRow THEN EXIT END; NEW(row); min := 0; max := 0; c := 0 ELSIF ch = TAB THEN AcceptCell ELSE st := state; IF (state < 2) & (ch = period) THEN wl := cw; state := 2 ELSIF (state = 0) & ((ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") OR (ch = "+") OR (ch = "-") OR (ch = "#")) THEN state := 1 ELSIF state = 0 THEN state := 3 END; IF (st # 0) OR (ch # "#") & (ch # "&") THEN IF (S.elem # NIL) & ~(S.elem IS TextFrames.Parc) THEN GetElem(E, S.elem, S.fnt, S.col, Texts.Pos(S)-1, dx, x, y, w, h) ELSE TextPrinter.Get(TextPrinter.FontNo(S.fnt), ch, dx, x, y, w, h) END; INC(y, Offset(S)); cmin := Min(cmin, y); cmax := Max(cmax, y + h); INC(cw, dx) END END END; E.nofRows := r END; (*format*) IF E.nofRows < 2 THEN EXCL(E.opts, headRow) END; IF E.nofCols < 2 THEN EXCL(E.opts, headCol) END; c := 0; WHILE c < E.nofCols DO IF cm[c] = "N" THEN wl := 0; wr := 0; r := 0; WHILE r < E.nofRows DO IF w2[r, c] > wl THEN wl := w2[r, c] END; IF (w2[r, c] >= 0) & (w1[r, c] - w2[r, c] > wr) THEN wr := w1[r, c] - w2[r, c] END; INC(r) END; cw := wl + wr ELSE cw := 0 END; r := 0; WHILE r < E.nofRows DO IF w1[r, c] > cw THEN cw := w1[r, c] END; INC(r) END; INC(cw, margL + margR); IF gridW > 0 THEN INC(cw, (-cw) MOD gridW) END; r := E.nofRows; row := E.row; WHILE r > 0 DO DEC(r); IF cm[c] = "L" THEN row.x[c] := margL ELSIF cm[c] = "R" THEN row.x[c] := cw - margR - w1[r, c] ELSIF (cm[c] = "C") OR (w2[r, c] = -1) THEN row.x[c] := (cw - w1[r, c]) DIV 2 ELSIF cm[c] = "N" THEN row.x[c] := (cw - wl - wr) DIV 2 + wl - w2[r, c] END; IF rm[r] = "B" THEN row.y[c] := margB + h2[r, c] ELSIF rm[r] = "T" THEN row.y[c] := row.lsp - h1[r, c] - margB + h2[r, c] ELSIF rm[r] = "C" THEN row.y[c] := (row.lsp - h1[r, c]) DIV 2 + h2[r, c] ELSIF rm[r] = "L" THEN row.y[c] := row.dsr END; row := END; E.width[c] := cw; INC(c) END; RETURN beg END Parse; (* operations on elements *) PROCEDURE CopyText* (T: Texts.Text): Texts.Text; VAR B: Texts.Buffer; t: Texts.Text; BEGIN NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Texts.Save(T, 0, T.len, B); NEW(t); Texts.Open(t, ""); t.notify := T.notify; Texts.Append(t, B); RETURN t END CopyText; PROCEDURE Open* (E: Elem; def: Texts.Text); VAR row: Row; beg: LONGINT; i: INTEGER; BEGIN E.def := def; beg := Parse(E); E.W := 0; i := 0; WHILE i < E.nofCols DO INC(E.W, E.width[i]); INC(i) END; E.H := 0; row := E.row; WHILE row # NIL DO INC(E.H, row.lsp); row := END; IF (headRow IN E.opts) & (rowL IN E.opts) THEN INC(E.H, E.lw * 2) END; IF (headCol IN E.opts) & (colL IN E.opts) THEN INC(E.W, E.lw * 2) END; IF E.W < MinW THEN E.W := MinW END; IF E.H < MinH THEN E.H := MinH END END Open; PROCEDURE Load* (E: Elem; VAR r: Files.Rider); VAR text: Texts.Text; f: Files.File; pos, len: LONGINT; version, tag: CHAR; BEGIN Files.Read(r, version); NEW(text); Texts.Load(r, text); text.notify := TextFrames.NotifyDisplay; Open(E, text) END Load; PROCEDURE Store* (E: Elem; VAR r: Files.Rider); VAR f: Files.File; pos, len: LONGINT; BEGIN Files.Write(r, 1X); Texts.Store(r, E.def) END Store; PROCEDURE Changed* (E: Elem); VAR R: Texts.Reader; T: Texts.Text; BEGIN T := Texts.ElemBase(E); IF T # NIL THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, 0); REPEAT Texts.ReadElem(R) UNTIL R.elem = E; T.notify(T, Texts.replace, Texts.Pos(R)-1, Texts.Pos(R)) END END Changed; PROCEDURE Line (x, y, w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN Display.ReplConst(Display.white, x, y, w, h, Display.replace) END Line; PROCEDURE DrawString (E: Elem; F: Display.Frame; pos: LONGINT; x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR R: Texts.Reader; e: Texts.Elem; pat: Display.Pattern; px, pdx: LONGINT; dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; disp: TextFrames.DisplayMsg; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, E.def, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); px := LONG(x0) * unit; IF (ch = "#") OR (ch = "&") THEN Texts.Read(R, ch) END; WHILE ~R.eot & (ch # TAB) & (ch # CR) DO IF R.elem # NIL THEN IF R.elem IS TextFrames.Parc THEN pdx := 0 ELSE e := R.elem; DispPrepElem(E, e, R.fnt, R.col, Texts.Pos(R)-1); pdx := e.W; disp.prepare := FALSE; disp.fnt := R.fnt; disp.col := R.col; disp.pos := Texts.Pos(R)-1; disp.frame := F; disp.X0 := SHORT(px DIV unit); disp.Y0 := y0 + SHORT((Offset(R) - E.parc.dsr) DIV unit); disp.indent := 0; e.handle(e, disp) END ELSE TextPrinter.GetChar(TextPrinter.FontNo(R.fnt), unit, ch, pdx, dx, x, y, w, h, pat); Display.CopyPattern(R.col, pat, SHORT(px DIV unit) + x, y0 + SHORT(Offset(R) DIV unit) + y, Display.replace) END; INC(px, pdx); Texts.Read(R, ch) END END DrawString; PROCEDURE Draw* (E: Elem; F: Display.Frame; x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR row: Row; r, c, x, y, w, h, h1, lw, d: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Align(x: LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN x + (-x) MOD unit END Align; BEGIN IF (E.nofRows = 0) OR (E.nofCols = 0) THEN w := SHORT(E.W DIV unit); h := SHORT(E.H DIV unit); Display.ReplPattern(Display.white, Display.grey1, x0, y0, w, h, Display.replace) ELSE r := E.nofRows; row := E.row; y := y0; lw := SHORT(Align(E.lw) DIV unit); d := SHORT(E.lw * 2 DIV unit); WHILE r > 0 DO DEC(r); x := x0; c := 0; h := SHORT(row.lsp DIV unit); h1 := h; IF (r = 1) & (headRow IN E.opts) & (rowL IN E.opts) THEN INC(h1, d) END; WHILE c < E.nofCols DO w := SHORT(E.width[c] DIV unit); IF c = 0 THEN IF headCol IN E.opts THEN Line(x + w - lw, y, lw, h); IF colL IN E.opts THEN INC(w, d) END END; IF leftL IN E.opts THEN Line(x, y, lw, h1) END ELSIF colL IN E.opts THEN Line(x, y, lw, h) END; IF (c = E.nofCols - 1) & (rightL IN E.opts) THEN Line(x + w - lw, y, lw, h1) END; IF (r = 0) & (topL IN E.opts) OR (r = 1) & (headRow IN E.opts) THEN Line(x, y + h - lw, w, lw) END; IF (r = E.nofRows - 1) & (botL IN E.opts) OR (r < E.nofRows - 1) & (rowL IN E.opts) THEN Line(x, y, w, lw) END; DrawString(E, F, row.pos[c], x + SHORT(row.x[c] DIV unit), y + SHORT(row.y[c] DIV unit)); INC(x, w); INC(c) END; INC(y, h1); row := END END END Draw; PROCEDURE PrintString (E: Elem; pos: LONGINT; pno, x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR R: Texts.Reader; e: Texts.Elem; fnt: Fonts.Font; i, w, dy: INTEGER; voff, fno: SHORTINT; ch: CHAR; first: BOOLEAN; print: TextPrinter.PrintMsg; s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, E.def, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); first := TRUE; IF (ch = "#") OR (ch = "&") THEN Texts.Read(R, ch) END; WHILE ~R.eot & (ch # TAB) & (ch # CR) DO WHILE ~R.eot & (R.elem # NIL) DO IF ~(R.elem IS TextFrames.Parc) THEN e := R.elem; PrintPrepElem(E, e, R.fnt, R.col, pno, Texts.Pos(R)-1); print.prepare := FALSE; print.indent := 0; print.fnt := R.fnt; print.col := R.col; print.pos := Texts.Pos(R)-1; print.X0 := x0; print.Y0 := y0 + SHORT((Offset(R) - E.parc.dsr) DIV Unit); print.pno := pno; e.handle(e, print); INC(x0, SHORT(e.W DIV Unit)); first := TRUE END; Texts.Read(R, ch) END; IF ~R.eot & (ch # TAB) & (ch # CR) THEN fnt := R.fnt; fno := TextPrinter.FontNo(fnt); voff := R.voff; dy := SHORT(Offset(R) DIV Unit); i := 0; w := 0; REPEAT s[i] := ch; INC(i); INC(w, SHORT(TextPrinter.DX(fno, ch) DIV Unit)); Texts.Read(R, ch) UNTIL R.eot OR (R.elem # NIL) OR (ch = TAB) OR (ch = CR) OR (fno # TextPrinter.FontNo(R.fnt)) OR (voff # R.voff) OR (i = LEN(s)-1); s[i] := 0X; IF voff # 0 THEN Printer.String(x0, y0 + dy, s,; first := TRUE ELSIF first THEN Printer.String(x0, y0 + dy, s,; first := FALSE ELSE Printer.ContString(s, END; INC(x0, w) END END END PrintString; PROCEDURE Print* (E: Elem; pno, x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR row: Row; r, c, x, y, w, h, h1, lw, d: INTEGER; BEGIN r := E.nofRows; row := E.row; y := y0; lw := SHORT(E.lw DIV Unit); d := SHORT(E.lw * 2 DIV Unit); WHILE r > 0 DO DEC(r); x := x0; c := 0; h := SHORT(row.lsp DIV Unit); h1 := h; IF (r = 1) & (headRow IN E.opts) & (rowL IN E.opts) THEN INC(h1, d) END; WHILE c < E.nofCols DO w := SHORT(E.width[c] DIV Unit); IF c = 0 THEN IF headCol IN E.opts THEN Printer.ReplConst(x + w - lw, y, lw, h); IF colL IN E.opts THEN INC(w, d) END END; IF leftL IN E.opts THEN Printer.ReplConst(x, y, lw, h1) END ELSIF colL IN E.opts THEN Printer.ReplConst(x, y, lw, h) END; IF (c = E.nofCols - 1) & (rightL IN E.opts) THEN Printer.ReplConst(x + w - lw, y, lw, h1) END; IF (r = 0) & (topL IN E.opts) OR (r = 1) & (headRow IN E.opts) THEN Printer.ReplConst(x, y + h - lw, w, lw) END; IF (r = E.nofRows - 1) & (botL IN E.opts) OR (r < E.nofRows - 1) & (rowL IN E.opts) THEN Printer.ReplConst(x, y, w, lw) END; PrintString(E, row.pos[c], pno, x + SHORT(row.x[c] DIV Unit), y + SHORT(row.y[c] DIV Unit)); INC(x, w); INC(c) END; INC(y, h1); row := END END Print; PROCEDURE OpenViewer* (E: Elem); VAR V: Viewer; menu: TextFrames.Frame; body: TextFrames.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; restore: Viewers.ViewerMsg; BEGIN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); menu := TextFrames.NewMenu("TableElems.Text", Menu); body := TextFrames.NewText(CopyText(E.def), 0); NEW(V); V.handle := MenuViewers.Handle; V.dsc := menu; := body; V.menuH := TextFrames.menuH; V.elem := E; Viewers.Open(V, x, y); := Viewers.restore; V.handle(V, restore) END OpenViewer; PROCEDURE Track* (E: Elem; pos: LONGINT; keys: SET; x, y, x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR keysum: SET; BEGIN IF middleKey IN keys THEN keysum := keys; REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, x, y); Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x, y); keysum := keysum + keys UNTIL keys = {}; IF keysum = {middleKey} THEN OpenViewer(E) END END END Track; (* handle elements *) PROCEDURE Handle* (E: Texts.Elem; VAR msg: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR e: Elem; BEGIN WITH E: Elem DO WITH msg: TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF ~msg.prepare THEN Draw(E, msg.frame, msg.X0, msg.Y0) END | msg: TextPrinter.PrintMsg DO IF ~msg.prepare THEN Print(E, msg.pno, msg.X0, msg.Y0) END | msg: Texts.IdentifyMsg DO msg.mod := "TableElems"; msg.proc := "Alloc" | msg: Texts.FileMsg DO IF = Texts.load THEN Load(E, msg.r) ELSIF = THEN Store(E, msg.r) END | msg: Texts.CopyMsg DO NEW(e); Texts.CopyElem(E, e); Open(e, CopyText(E.def)); msg(Texts.CopyMsg).e := e | msg: TextFrames.TrackMsg DO Track(E, msg.pos, msg.keys, msg.X, msg.Y, msg.X0, msg.Y0) ELSE (*ignore*) END END END Handle; PROCEDURE Alloc*; VAR e: Elem; BEGIN NEW(e); e.handle := Handle; := e END Alloc; (* commands *) PROCEDURE Insert*; (** ["^" | name] **) VAR S: Texts.Scanner; text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; e: Elem; t: Texts.Text; m: TextFrames.InsertElemMsg; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) END END; IF (S.class = Texts.Name) & (S.line = 0) THEN t := TextFrames.Text(S.s) ELSE t := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.WriteString(W, "/table"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(t, W.buf) END; NEW(e); e.handle := Handle; Open(e, t); m.e := e; Oberon.FocusViewer.handle(Oberon.FocusViewer, m) END Insert; PROCEDURE Update*; VAR V: Viewer; F: TextFrames.Frame; BEGIN V := Oberon.Par.vwr(Viewer); F :=; Open(V.elem, CopyText(F.text)); Changed(V.elem); UnmarkMenu(V) END Update; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W) END TableElems. Edit.Open ^ test.Txt TableElems.Insert ^ testTable.Txt System.Free TableElems ~