Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt MODULE Splines; (*NW 3.11.90 / 1.2.92*)(*<< fix for REAL arithmetic *) IMPORT Display, Files, Printer, Oberon, Graphics, GraphicFrames; CONST N = 20; TYPE Spline* = POINTER TO SplineDesc; SplineDesc* = RECORD (Graphics.ObjectDesc) n*: INTEGER; open*: BOOLEAN; u*, v*: ARRAY N OF INTEGER END ; RealVector = ARRAY N OF REAL; Poly = RECORD a, b, c, d, t: REAL END ; PolyVector = ARRAY N OF Poly; VAR method*: Graphics.Method; PROCEDURE mark(f: GraphicFrames.Frame; col, x0, y0: INTEGER; sp: Spline); VAR i, n, x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 1; IF THEN n := sp.n ELSE n := sp.n-1 END ; WHILE i < n DO INC(i); Display.ReplConstC(f, col, sp.u[i] + x0, sp.v[i] + y0, 4, 4, 0) END END mark; PROCEDURE markOrg(f: GraphicFrames.Frame; col, x, y: INTEGER; sp: Spline); BEGIN INC(x, sp.u[0]); INC(y, sp.v[0]); Display.ReplConstC(f, col, x, y, 4, 4, 0) END markOrg; PROCEDURE ShowPoly(f: GraphicFrames.Frame; col: INTEGER; VAR p, q: Poly; lim: REAL); VAR t, temp1, temp2: REAL; x, y: LONGINT; (* << due to REAL problem with compiler *) BEGIN t := 0; temp1 := p.a * t + p.b; temp1 := temp1 * t + p.c; temp1 := temp1 * t + p.d; temp2 := q.a * t + q.b; temp2 := temp2 * t + q.c; temp2 := temp2 * t + q.d; x := ENTIER(temp1); y := ENTIER(temp2); Display.DotC(f, col, SHORT(x), SHORT(y), 0); t := t + 1.0; WHILE t < lim DO temp1 := p.a * t + p.b; temp1 := temp1 * t + p.c; temp1 := temp1 * t + p.d; temp2 := q.a * t + q.b; temp2 := temp2 * t + q.c; temp2 := temp2 * t + q.d; x := ENTIER(temp1); y := ENTIER(temp2); Display.DotC(f, col, SHORT(x), SHORT(y), 0); t := t + 1.0 END; REPEAT Display.DotC(f, col, SHORT(ENTIER(((p.a * t + p.b) * t + p.c) * t + p.d)), SHORT(ENTIER(((q.a * t + q.b) * t + q.c) * t + q.d)), 0); t := t + 1.0 UNTIL t >= lim END ShowPoly; PROCEDURE SolveTriDiag(VAR a, b, c, y: RealVector; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN (*a, b, c of tri-diag matrix T; solve Ty' = y for y', assign y' to y*) i := 1; WHILE i < n DO y[i] := y[i] - c[i-1]*y[i-1]; INC(i) END ; i := n-1; y[i] := y[i]/a[i]; WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); y[i] := (y[i] - b[i]*y[i+1])/a[i] END END SolveTriDiag; PROCEDURE OpenSpline(VAR x, y, d: RealVector; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; d1, d2: REAL; a, b, c: RealVector; BEGIN (*from x, y compute d = y'*) b[0] := 1.0/(x[1] - x[0]); a[0] := 2.0*b[0]; c[0] := b[0]; d1 := (y[1] - y[0])*3.0*b[0]*b[0]; d[0] := d1; i := 1; WHILE i < n-1 DO b[i] := 1.0/(x[i+1] - x[i]); a[i] := 2.0*(c[i-1] + b[i]); c[i] := b[i]; d2 := (y[i+1] - y[i])*3.0*b[i]*b[i]; d[i] := d1 + d2; d1 := d2; INC(i) END ; a[i] := 2.0*b[i-1]; d[i] := d1; i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO c[i] := c[i]/a[i]; a[i+1] := a[i+1] - c[i]*b[i]; INC(i) END ; SolveTriDiag(a, b, c, d, n) END OpenSpline; PROCEDURE ClosedSpline(VAR x, y, d: RealVector; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; d1, d2, hn, dn: REAL; a, b, c, w: RealVector; BEGIN (*from x, y compute d = y'*) hn := 1.0/(x[n-1] - x[n-2]); dn := (y[n-1] - y[n-2])*3.0*hn*hn; b[0] := 1.0/(x[1] - x[0]); a[0] := 2.0*b[0] + hn; c[0] := b[0]; d1 := (y[1] - y[0])*3.0*b[0]*b[0]; d[0] := dn + d1; w[0] := 1.0; i := 1; WHILE i < n-2 DO b[i] := 1.0/(x[i+1] - x[i]); a[i] := 2.0*(c[i-1] + b[i]); c[i] := b[i]; d2 := (y[i+1] - y[i])*3.0*b[i]*b[i]; d[i] := d1 + d2; d1 := d2; w[i] := 0; INC(i) END ; a[i] := 2.0*b[i-1] + hn; d[i] := d1 + dn; w[i] := 1.0; i := 0; WHILE i < n-2 DO c[i] := c[i]/a[i]; a[i+1] := a[i+1] - c[i]*b[i]; INC(i) END ; SolveTriDiag(a, b, c, d, n-1); SolveTriDiag(a, b, c, w, n-1); d1 := (d[0] + d[i])/(w[0] + w[i] + x[i+1] - x[i]); i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO d[i] := d[i] - d1*w[i]; INC(i) END ; d[i] := d[0] END ClosedSpline; PROCEDURE CompSpline(f: GraphicFrames.Frame; col, x0, y0: INTEGER; sp: Spline); VAR i, n: INTEGER; dx, dy, ds: REAL; x, xd, y, yd, s: RealVector; p, q: PolyVector; BEGIN (*from u, v compute x, y, s*) x[0] := sp.u[0] + x0; y[0] := sp.v[0] + y0; s[0] := 0; n := sp.n; i := 1; WHILE i < n DO x[i] := sp.u[i] + x0; dx := x[i] - x[i-1]; y[i] := sp.v[i] + y0; dy := y[i] - y[i-1]; s[i] := ABS(dx) + ABS(dy) + s[i-1]; INC(i) END ; IF THEN OpenSpline(s, x, xd, n); OpenSpline(s, y, yd, n) ELSE ClosedSpline(s, x, xd, n); ClosedSpline(s, y, yd, n) END ; (*compute coefficients from x, y, xd, yd, s*) i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO ds := 1.0/(s[i+1] - s[i]); dx := (x[i+1] - x[i])*ds; p[i].a := ds*ds*(xd[i] + xd[i+1] - 2.0*dx); p[i].b := ds*(3.0*dx - 2.0*xd[i] -xd[i+1]); p[i].c := xd[i]; p[i].d := x[i]; p[i].t := s[i]; dy := ds*(y[i+1] - y[i]); q[i].a := ds*ds*(yd[i] + yd[i+1] - 2.0*dy); q[i].b := ds*(3.0*dy - 2.0*yd[i] - yd[i+1]); q[i].c := yd[i]; q[i].d := y[i]; q[i].t := s[i]; INC(i) END ; p[i].t := s[i]; q[i].t := s[i]; (*display polynomials*) i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO ShowPoly(f, col, p[i], q[i], p[i+1].t - p[i].t); INC(i) END END CompSpline; PROCEDURE New*; VAR sp: Spline; BEGIN NEW(sp); := method; := sp END New; PROCEDURE Copy(src, dst: Graphics.Object); BEGIN dst(Spline)^ := src(Spline)^ END Copy; PROCEDURE Draw(obj: Graphics.Object; VAR M: Graphics.Msg); VAR x, y, w, h, col: INTEGER; f: GraphicFrames.Frame; BEGIN WITH M: GraphicFrames.DrawMsg DO x := obj.x + M.x; y := obj.y + M.y; w := obj.w; h := obj.h; f := M.f; IF (x < f.X1) & (f.X <= x+w) & (y < f.Y1) & (f.Y <= y+h) THEN IF M.col = THEN col := obj.col ELSE col := M.col END ; WITH obj: Spline DO IF M.mode = 0 THEN IF obj.selected THEN mark(f, Display.white, x, y, obj) END ; CompSpline(f, col, x, y, obj); markOrg(f, Display.white, x, y, obj) ELSIF M.mode = 1 THEN mark(f, Display.white, x, y, obj) ELSIF M.mode = 2 THEN mark(f, f.col, x, y, obj); markOrg(f, Display.white, x, y, obj) ELSE mark(f, f.col, x, y, obj); CompSpline(f, f.col, x, y, obj); markOrg(f, f.col, x, y, obj) END END END END END Draw; PROCEDURE Selectable(obj: Graphics.Object; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR x0, y0: INTEGER; BEGIN x0 := obj.x + obj(Spline).u[0]; y0 := obj.y + obj(Spline).v[0]; RETURN (x0 - 4 <= x) & (x <= x0 + 4) & (y0 - 4 <= y) & (y <= y0 + 4) END Selectable; PROCEDURE Handle(obj: Graphics.Object; VAR M: Graphics.Msg); BEGIN IF M IS Graphics.ColorMsg THEN obj.col := M(Graphics.ColorMsg).col END END Handle; PROCEDURE Read(obj: Graphics.Object; VAR R: Files.Rider; VAR C: Graphics.Context); VAR i, j, len: INTEGER; s: SHORTINT; BEGIN i := 0; j := 0; Files.ReadInt(R, len); WITH obj: Spline DO obj.n := (len-1) DIV 4; Files.Read(R, s); := s=1; WHILE i < obj.n DO Files.ReadInt(R, obj.u[i]); INC(i) END; WHILE j < obj.n DO Files.ReadInt(R, obj.v[j]); INC(j) END END END Read; PROCEDURE Write(obj: Graphics.Object; cno: SHORTINT; VAR W: Files.Rider; VAR C: Graphics.Context); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; j := 0; WITH obj: Spline DO Graphics.WriteObj(W, cno, obj); Files.WriteInt(W, obj.n * 4 + 1); IF THEN Files.Write(W, 1) ELSE Files.Write(W, 0) END ; WHILE i < obj.n DO Files.WriteInt(W, obj.u[i]); INC(i) END; WHILE j < obj.n DO Files.WriteInt(W, obj.v[j]); INC(j) END END END Write; PROCEDURE Print(obj: Graphics.Object; x, y: INTEGER); VAR i, j, n, open: INTEGER; u, v: ARRAY N OF INTEGER; BEGIN WITH obj: Spline DO IF THEN open := 1 ELSE open := 0 END ; n := obj.n; i := 0; WHILE i < n DO u[i] := obj.u[i]*4; v[i] := obj.v[i]*4; INC(i) END ; Printer.Spline(obj.x*4 + x, obj.y*4 + y, n, open, u, v) END END Print; PROCEDURE MakeSpline(open: BOOLEAN); VAR x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, i, n: INTEGER; spl: Spline; G: GraphicFrames.Frame; L: GraphicFrames.Location; BEGIN G := GraphicFrames.Focus(); IF (G # NIL) & ( # NIL) THEN GraphicFrames.Deselect(G); NEW(spl); x0 := G.mark.x; y0 := G.mark.y; x1 := x0; y1 := y0; spl.u[0] := x0; spl.v[0] := y0; L :=; i := 0; n := 1; WHILE (L # NIL) & (n < N-1) DO x2 := L.x; spl.u[n] := x2; y2 := L.y; spl.v[n] := y2; IF x2 < x0 THEN x0 := x2 END ; IF x1 < x2 THEN x1 := x2 END ; IF y2 < y0 THEN y0 := y2 END ; IF y1 < y2 THEN y1 := y2 END ; INC(n); L := END ; WHILE i < n DO DEC(spl.u[i], x0); DEC(spl.v[i], y0); INC(i) END ; IF ~open THEN spl.u[n] := spl.u[0]; spl.v[n] := spl.v[0]; INC(n) END ; spl.x := x0 - G.x; spl.y := y0 - G.y; spl.w := x1 - x0 + 1; spl.h := y1 - y0 + 1; := open; spl.n := n; spl.col := Oberon.CurCol; := method; Graphics.Add(G.graph, spl); GraphicFrames.Defocus(G); GraphicFrames.DrawObj(G, spl) END END MakeSpline; PROCEDURE MakeOpen*; BEGIN MakeSpline(TRUE) END MakeOpen; PROCEDURE MakeClosed*; BEGIN MakeSpline(FALSE) END MakeClosed; BEGIN NEW(method); method.module := "Splines"; method.allocator := "New"; := New; method.copy := Copy; method.draw := Draw; method.selectable := Selectable; method.handle := Handle; := Read; method.write := Write; method.print := Print END Splines.