Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt MODULE RX; (* Andreas Margelisch, 1990 *) IMPORT RXA, Oberon, Texts, Viewers, MenuViewers, TextFrames, Display; CONST blank = 32; (* blank *) tab = 9; (* tab *) cr = 13; (* carriage return *) dq = 34; (* double quotes *) noerror = 0; strtoolong = -1; linetoolong = -2; (* nofline = 32000; *) nofline = 20000; (* nofrepl = 32000; *) nofrepl = 20000; w: Texts.Writer; sbeg, send, errorvar : INTEGER; sdfa : RXA.DFA; stext : Texts.Text; stextpos, slinelen : LONGINT; sline : ARRAY(nofline+1) OF CHAR; sreplaced, casesens, replset : BOOLEAN; replstr : ARRAY(nofrepl+1) OF CHAR; ch : CHAR; PROCEDURE Focus():TextFrames.Frame; VAR f : Display.Frame; BEGIN IF Oberon.FocusViewer.state > 1 THEN f := Oberon.FocusViewer.dsc; IF ( f # NIL ) & ( # NIL ) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame ) THEN RETURN TextFrames.Frame ) END; END; RETURN NIL END Focus; PROCEDURE MyCAP( ch : CHAR ) : CHAR; BEGIN IF ("a" <= ch ) & ( ch <= "z" ) THEN RETURN CAP( ch ) ELSE RETURN ch END; END MyCAP; PROCEDURE GetText( VAR text : Texts.Text; VAR name : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR s : Texts.Scanner ); f : Display.Frame; ss : Texts.Scanner; v : Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN Texts.Scan( s ); text := NIL; name[0] := 0X; IF s.class = Texts.Name THEN NEW( text ); Texts.Open( text, s.s ); COPY( s.s, name ); ELSIF ( s.class = Texts.Char ) & ( s.c = "*" ) THEN v := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); f := v.dsc; IF ( v.state > 1 ) & ( f # NIL ) & ( # NIL ) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame ) THEN IF ( f IS TextFrames.Frame ) THEN Texts.OpenScanner( ss, f(TextFrames.Frame ).text, 0 ); Texts.Scan( ss ); IF ss.class = Texts.Name THEN COPY ( ss.s, name) END; END; text := TextFrames.Frame ).text; END; END; END GetText; PROCEDURE GetOption( VAR reader : Texts.Reader; VAR opti : BOOLEAN ); BEGIN casesens := TRUE; opti := FALSE; Texts.Read( reader, ch ); WHILE ( ORD(ch) = tab ) OR ( ORD(ch) = blank ) OR ( ORD(ch) = cr ) DO Texts.Read( reader, ch ) END; IF ch = "\" THEN REPEAT Texts.Read( reader, ch ); CASE ch OF "c" : casesens := ~casesens | "i" : opti := ~opti | "~" : RETURN; ELSE END; UNTIL ( ORD(ch) = blank ) OR ( ORD(ch) = cr ) OR ( ORD(ch) =tab ); END; END GetOption; PROCEDURE GetStr( VAR reader : Texts.Reader; VAR str : ARRAY OF CHAR ); VAR strfull, inquotes, first : BOOLEAN; strind : INTEGER; PROCEDURE Append( chr : CHAR ); BEGIN IF strind < LEN( str ) THEN str[strind] := chr; INC(strind) ELSE strfull := TRUE END; END Append; BEGIN strfull := FALSE; strind := 0; inquotes := FALSE; first := FALSE; WHILE ( ORD(ch) = tab ) OR ( ORD(ch) = cr ) OR ( ORD(ch) = blank ) DO Texts.Read( reader, ch ) END; WHILE ( ~reader.eot ) & ( ORD(ch) # cr ) DO IF ~first & ( ORD(ch) = dq ) THEN inquotes := ~inquotes; first := inquotes; Append( ch ); ELSE IF inquotes & ~casesens THEN Append( MyCAP( ch ) ) ELSE Append( ch ) END; first := FALSE; END; Texts.Read( reader, ch ); END; Append( CHR(0) ); IF strfull THEN errorvar := strtoolong END; END GetStr; PROCEDURE RXAErrorHandler( error, pos : INTEGER ); BEGIN CASE error OF RXA.noposfree : Texts.WriteString( w,"regular expression too long ( position table full )") | RXA.nostatesfree : Texts.WriteString( w,"regular expression too long ( state table full )") | RXA.nometaexp : Texts.WriteString( w,"no metasymbol at pos "); Texts.WriteInt( w, pos, 3 ); Texts.WriteString( w," expected ") | RXA.chrleft : Texts.WriteString( w,"regular expression not correct ( ')', ']' or '}' on a wrong place )") | RXA.wsubexpr : Texts.WriteString( w,"subexpression, String or shorthands 't' or 'c' at pos "); Texts.WriteInt( w,pos, 3); Texts.WriteString( w," expected ") | RXA.subexprrest : Texts.WriteString( w,"marked subexpression at pos "); Texts.WriteInt( w,pos, 3); Texts.WriteString( w," shouldn't be enclosed by '{ }' ") | RXA.wshorthand : Texts.WriteString( w,"wrong shorthand identifier at pos "); Texts.WriteInt( w,pos, 3); Texts.WriteLn( w ); Texts.WriteString( w,"permitted are : A, a, b, c, d, h, i, l, o, t, w ") | RXA.nodfa : Texts.WriteString( w,"replace faild : automata is missing") | RXA.repllinefull : Texts.WriteString( w,"replace faild : replacestring is full ") | RXA.notnotexp : Texts.WriteString( w,"metasymbol or more than one literal in qutoes after notoperator") | RXA.linecopofl : Texts.WriteString( w, "array linecop in RXA.Replace is too small"); ELSE Texts.Write(w, "'"); Texts.Write(w, CHR(error)); Texts.Write(w, "'"); Texts.WriteString( w," at pos "); Texts.WriteInt( w,pos, 3); Texts.WriteString( w," expected "); END; Texts.WriteLn( w ); Texts.Append( Oberon.Log, w.buf); END RXAErrorHandler; PROCEDURE RXErrorHandler( text : ARRAY OF CHAR ); BEGIN CASE errorvar OF strtoolong, linetoolong : Texts.WriteString( w, text ); Texts.WriteString( w," too long "); | ELSE Texts.WriteString( w, text ); END; Texts.WriteLn( w ); Texts.Append( Oberon.Log, w.buf); errorvar := noerror; END RXErrorHandler; PROCEDURE ParseTexts( text : Texts.Text; name : ARRAY OF CHAR; dfa : RXA.DFA; opti : BOOLEAN ); VAR ch : CHAR; r : Texts.Reader; line, linec : ARRAY(nofline+1) OF CHAR; lineind, i, beg, end : INTEGER; wtext: Texts.Text; x, y: INTEGER; v: Viewers.Viewer; linefull : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Append( chr : CHAR ); BEGIN IF lineind < LEN( line ) THEN line[lineind] := chr; INC(lineind) ELSE linefull := TRUE END; END Append; BEGIN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer( Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y ); wtext := TextFrames.Text(""); v := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("RX.Grep", "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow"), TextFrames.NewText(wtext, 0), TextFrames.menuH, x, y); Texts.OpenReader( r, text, 0 ); WHILE ( ~ r.eot ) DO lineind := 0; linefull := FALSE; REPEAT Texts.Read( r, ch ); Append( ch ); UNTIL r.eot OR ( ch = CHR(cr) ); Append( CHR(0) ); IF linefull THEN RXErrorHandler( " ERROR : line is too long "); ELSE beg := 0; IF casesens THEN RXA.Search( dfa, line, beg, end ); ELSE COPY( line, linec ); i := 0; ch := linec[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO linec[i] := MyCAP( ch ); INC(i); ch := linec[i] END; RXA.Search( dfa, linec, beg, end ); END; IF ( ( end >= 0 ) & (~opti) ) OR ( ( end < 0 ) & opti ) THEN i := 0; WHILE i < lineind-1 DO Texts.Write(w, line[i] ); INC(i) END; Texts.Append( wtext, w.buf ); END; END; END; END ParseTexts; PROCEDURE Grep*; VAR opti : BOOLEAN; rx : ARRAY(nofline+1) OF CHAR; error, erpos : INTEGER; dfa : RXA.DFA; s : Texts.Scanner; text : Texts.Text; name : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN Oberon.Collect(0); Texts.OpenScanner( s, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos ); GetText( text, name, s ); GetOption( s, opti ); GetStr( s, rx ); IF errorvar = noerror THEN RXA.New( rx, dfa, error, erpos ); IF (error = RXA.noerror) & ( text # NIL ) THEN ParseTexts( text, name, dfa, opti ) ELSE RXAErrorHandler( error, erpos ) END; ELSE RXErrorHandler("regular expression"); END; END Grep; PROCEDURE SetSearch*; VAR opti : BOOLEAN; rx : ARRAY(nofline+1) OF CHAR; ind : INTEGER; error, erpos : INTEGER; r : Texts.Reader; BEGIN Oberon.Collect(0); Texts.OpenReader( r, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos ); GetOption( r, opti ); GetStr( r, rx ); IF errorvar = noerror THEN RXA.New( rx, sdfa, error, erpos ); IF error # RXA.noerror THEN RXAErrorHandler( error, erpos ) END; ELSE RXErrorHandler("regular expression"); END; (* RXA.Dump( sdfa, w ); Texts.Append( Oberon.Log, w.buf ); *) END SetSearch; PROCEDURE SetReplace*; VAR r : Texts.Reader; BEGIN replset := TRUE; Texts.OpenReader( r, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos ); Texts.Read(r, ch); (* << mmb *) GetStr( r, replstr ); IF errorvar # noerror THEN RXErrorHandler("replace pattern"); END; END SetReplace; PROCEDURE SearchPattern( text : Texts.Text; textpos : LONGINT ); VAR r : Texts.Reader; beg, end, lineind : INTEGER; ch : CHAR; line : ARRAY(nofline+1) OF CHAR; linelen : LONGINT; linefull : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Append( chr : CHAR ); BEGIN IF lineind < LEN( line ) THEN IF ~casesens THEN line[lineind] := MyCAP( chr ) ELSE line[lineind] := chr END; INC(lineind); ELSE linefull := TRUE; END; END Append; BEGIN end := -1; Texts.OpenReader( r, text, textpos ); WHILE ( ~ r.eot ) & ( end < 0 ) DO lineind := 0; linefull := FALSE; textpos := Texts.Pos( r ); REPEAT Texts.Read( r, ch ); Append( ch ); UNTIL r.eot OR ( ch = CHR(cr) ); linelen := lineind; Append( CHR(0) ); IF linefull THEN RXErrorHandler( " ERROR : line is too long "); ELSE beg := 0; RXA.Search( sdfa, line, beg, end ); END; END; IF end >= 0 THEN stext := text; stextpos := textpos; slinelen := linelen; sbeg := beg; send := end; sreplaced := FALSE; COPY( line, sline ); END; END SearchPattern; PROCEDURE Search*; VAR frame : TextFrames.Frame; textpos : LONGINT; BEGIN errorvar := noerror; frame := Focus(); IF frame # NIL THEN IF frame.hasCar THEN textpos := frame.carloc.pos ELSE textpos := 0 END; SearchPattern( frame.text, textpos ); IF ( ~sreplaced ) & ( frame.text = stext ) THEN Oberon.RemoveMarks( frame.X, frame.Y, frame.W, frame.H ); TextFrames.RemoveSelection( frame ); TextFrames.RemoveCaret( frame ); IF stextpos + send > TextFrames.Pos( frame, frame.X + frame.W, frame.Y ) THEN TextFrames.Show( frame, stextpos + send-200 ); END; TextFrames.SetSelection( frame, stextpos + sbeg, stextpos + send ); TextFrames.SetCaret( frame, stextpos + send ); END END; END Search; PROCEDURE Replace*; VAR error, pos, i : INTEGER; frame : TextFrames.Frame; textpos : LONGINT; BEGIN IF ( ~sreplaced ) & replset THEN frame := Focus(); IF frame # NIL THEN IF frame.hasCar & ( frame.carloc.pos = stextpos + send ) THEN RXA.Replace( sdfa, sline, replstr, sbeg, send, error, pos ); sreplaced := error = RXA.noerror; IF sreplaced THEN Oberon.RemoveMarks( frame.X, frame.Y, frame.W, frame.H ); TextFrames.RemoveSelection( frame ); TextFrames.RemoveCaret( frame ); Texts.Delete( frame.text, stextpos, stextpos + slinelen ); i := 0; WHILE( i < LEN( sline ) ) & ( sline[i] # 0X ) DO Texts.Write( w, sline[i] ); INC(i) END; Texts.Insert( frame.text, stextpos, w.buf ); textpos := stextpos + pos; SearchPattern( frame.text, textpos ); IF ~sreplaced THEN IF stextpos + send > TextFrames.Pos( frame, frame.X + frame.W, frame.Y ) THEN TextFrames.Show( frame, stextpos + send-200 ); END; TextFrames.SetSelection( frame, stextpos + sbeg, stextpos + send ); TextFrames.SetCaret( frame, stextpos + send ); ELSE IF # textpos - 200 THEN TextFrames.Show( frame, textpos-200 ) END; TextFrames.SetCaret( frame, textpos ); END; ELSE RXAErrorHandler( error, pos ); END; END END; END; END Replace; PROCEDURE ReplaceAll*; VAR frame : TextFrames.Frame; textpos : LONGINT; error, pos, i : INTEGER; BEGIN errorvar := noerror; frame := Focus(); IF ( frame # NIL ) & replset THEN IF frame.hasCar THEN textpos := frame.carloc.pos ELSE textpos := 0 END; Oberon.RemoveMarks( frame.X, frame.Y, frame.W, frame.H ); TextFrames.RemoveSelection( frame ); TextFrames.RemoveCaret( frame ); LOOP SearchPattern( frame.text, textpos ); IF ~sreplaced THEN RXA.Replace( sdfa, sline, replstr, sbeg, send, error, pos ); IF error = RXA.noerror THEN sreplaced := TRUE; Texts.Delete( frame.text, stextpos, stextpos + slinelen ); i := 0; WHILE( i < LEN( sline ) ) & ( sline[i] # 0X ) DO Texts.Write( w, sline[i] ); INC(i) END; Texts.Insert( frame.text, stextpos, w.buf ); textpos := stextpos + pos; ELSE RXAErrorHandler( error, pos ); RETURN END; ELSE EXIT; END; END END; END ReplaceAll; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter( w ); errorvar := noerror; replset := FALSE; sreplaced := TRUE; sdfa := NIL; END RX.