Syntax10.Scn.Fnt MODULE Rectangles; (*NW 25.2.90 / 1.2.92*) IMPORT Display, Files, Input, Printer, Texts, Oberon, Graphics, GraphicFrames; TYPE Rectangle* = POINTER TO RectDesc; RectDesc* = RECORD (Graphics.ObjectDesc) lw*, vers*: INTEGER END ; VAR method*: Graphics.Method; shade: INTEGER; PROCEDURE New*; VAR r: Rectangle; BEGIN NEW(r); := method; := r END New; PROCEDURE Copy(src, dst: Graphics.Object); BEGIN dst.x := src.x; dst.y := src.y; dst.w := src.w; dst.h := src.h; dst.col := src.col; dst(Rectangle).lw := src(Rectangle).lw; dst(Rectangle).vers := src(Rectangle).vers END Copy; PROCEDURE mark(f: GraphicFrames.Frame; col, x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN Display.ReplConstC(f, col, x-4, y, 4, 4, 0) END mark; PROCEDURE Draw(obj: Graphics.Object; VAR M: Graphics.Msg); VAR x, y, w, h, lw, col: INTEGER; f: GraphicFrames.Frame; PROCEDURE draw(col: INTEGER); BEGIN Display.ReplConstC(f, col, x, y, w, lw, 0); Display.ReplConstC(f, col, x+w-lw, y, lw, h, 0); Display.ReplConstC(f, col, x, y+h-lw, w, lw, 0); Display.ReplConstC(f, col, x, y, lw, h, 0) END draw; BEGIN WITH M: GraphicFrames.DrawMsg DO x := obj.x + M.x; y := obj.y + M.y; w := obj.w; h := obj.h; f := M.f; lw := obj(Rectangle).lw; IF (x < f.X1) & (x+w > f.X) & (y < f.Y1) & (y+h > f.Y) THEN IF M.col = THEN col := obj.col ELSE col := M.col END ; IF M.mode = 0 THEN draw(col); IF obj.selected THEN mark(f, Display.white, x+w-lw, y+lw) END ; IF obj(Rectangle).vers # 0 THEN Display.ReplPatternC(f, col, Display.grey0, x, y, w, h, x, y, 1) END ELSIF M.mode = 1 THEN mark(f, Display.white, x+w-lw, y+lw) ELSIF M.mode = 2 THEN mark(f,, x+w-lw, y+lw) ELSIF obj(Rectangle).vers = 0 THEN draw(f.col); mark(f, f.col, x+w-lw, y+lw) ELSE Display.ReplConstC(f, f.col, x, y, w, h, 0) END END END END Draw; PROCEDURE Selectable(obj: Graphics.Object; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (obj.x + obj.w - 4 <= x) & (x <= obj.x + obj.w) & (obj.y <= y) & (y <= obj.y + 4) END Selectable; PROCEDURE Handle(obj: Graphics.Object; VAR M: Graphics.Msg); VAR x0, y0, x1, y1, dx, dy: INTEGER; k: SET; BEGIN IF M IS Graphics.WidMsg THEN obj(Rectangle).lw := M(Graphics.WidMsg).w ELSIF M IS Graphics.ColorMsg THEN obj.col := M(Graphics.ColorMsg).col ELSIF M IS GraphicFrames.CtrlMsg THEN WITH M: GraphicFrames.CtrlMsg DO WITH obj: Rectangle DO M.res := 1; x0 := obj.x + obj.w + M.f.x; y0 := obj.y + M.f.y; mark(M.f, Display.white, x0 - obj.lw, y0 + obj.lw); REPEAT Input.Mouse(k, x1, y1); DEC(x1, (x1-M.f.x) MOD 4); DEC(y1, (y1-M.f.y) MOD 4); Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x1, y1) UNTIL k = {}; mark(M.f,, x0 - obj.lw, y0 + obj.lw); IF (x0 - obj.w < x1) & (y1 < y0+ obj.h) THEN GraphicFrames.EraseObj(M.f, obj); dx := x1 - x0; dy := y1 - y0; INC(obj.y, dy); INC(obj.w, dx); DEC(obj.h, dy); GraphicFrames.DrawObj(M.f, obj) END END END END END Handle; PROCEDURE Read(obj: Graphics.Object; VAR R: Files.Rider; VAR C: Graphics.Context); VAR w, v: SHORTINT; len: INTEGER; BEGIN Files.ReadInt(R, len); Files.Read(R, w); Files.Read(R, v); obj(Rectangle).lw := w; obj(Rectangle).vers := v END Read; PROCEDURE Write(obj: Graphics.Object; cno: SHORTINT; VAR W: Files.Rider; VAR C: Graphics.Context); BEGIN Graphics.WriteObj(W, cno, obj); Files.WriteInt(W, 2); Files.Write(W, SHORT(obj(Rectangle).lw)); Files.Write(W, SHORT(obj(Rectangle).vers)) END Write; PROCEDURE Print(obj: Graphics.Object; x, y: INTEGER); VAR w, h, lw, s: INTEGER; BEGIN INC(x, obj.x * 4); INC(y, obj.y * 4); w := obj.w * 4; h := obj.h * 4; lw := obj(Rectangle).lw * 2; s := obj(Rectangle).vers; Printer.ReplConst(x, y, w, lw); Printer.ReplConst(x+w-lw, y, lw, h); Printer.ReplConst(x, y+h-lw, w, lw); Printer.ReplConst(x, y, lw, h); IF s > 0 THEN Printer.ReplPattern(x, y, w, h, s) END END Print; PROCEDURE Make*; (*command*) VAR x0, x1, y0, y1: INTEGER; R: Rectangle; G: GraphicFrames.Frame; BEGIN G := GraphicFrames.Focus(); IF (G # NIL) & ( # NIL) THEN GraphicFrames.Deselect(G); x0 := G.mark.x; y0 := G.mark.y; x1 :=; y1 :=; NEW(R); R.col := Oberon.CurCol; R.w := ABS(x1-x0); R.h := ABS(y1-y0); IF x1 < x0 THEN x0 := x1 END ; IF y1 < y0 THEN y0 := y1 END ; R.x := x0 - G.x; R.y := y0 - G.y; R.lw := Graphics.width; R.vers := shade; := method; Graphics.Add(G.graph, R); GraphicFrames.Defocus(G); GraphicFrames.DrawObj(G, R) END END Make; PROCEDURE SetShade*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class = Texts.Int THEN shade := SHORT(S.i) END END SetShade; BEGIN shade := 0; NEW(method); method.module := "Rectangles"; method.allocator := "New"; := New; method.copy := Copy; method.draw := Draw; method.selectable := Selectable; method.handle := Handle; := Read; method.write := Write; method.print := Print END Rectangles.