Syntax10.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc Syntax24b.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 27 May 96 Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax20b.Scn.Fnt Syntax16b.Scn.Fnt (* AMIGA *) MODULE Pictures; (* cn, RD IMPORT SYSTEM,Amiga,Files,E:=AmigaExec,G:=AmigaGraphics,I:=AmigaIntuition,Kernel,AmigaLayers, O:=Console; CONST black*=0; white*=15; replace*=0; (* The new graphical object completely replaces whatever was before in the destination area. *) paint*=1; (* The new graphical object is added to whatever was before in the dertination area. *) invert*=2; (* The new graphical object inverts whatever was before in the dertination area. The color specifies, which planes are affected (inverted) and which aren't *) PictFileId*= - 4093; BitMapPtr=POINTER TO G.BitMap; LayerPtr=POINTER TO G.Layer; RastPortPtr=POINTER TO G.RastPort; WindowPtr=POINTER TO I.Window; ScreenPtr=POINTER TO I.Screen; ColMem=ARRAY 256 OF RECORD r, g, b: CHAR END; Pattern*=LONGINT; Picture*=POINTER TO PictureDesc; Notifier*=PROCEDURE (P: Picture; X, Y, W, H : INTEGER); PictureDesc*=RECORD width*,height*,depth*:INTEGER; XOff, YOff: INTEGER; notify*:Notifier; bitMap:G.BitMap; (* Used only in CreateLayer, FreeLayer; V<39*) bitMapPtr:G.BitMapPtr; (* Used only in CreateLayer, FreeLayer; V>=39*) layer:G.LayerPtr; layerInfo: G.LayerInfoPtr; (* Used only in CreateLayer, FreeLayer *) rp*: G.RastPortPtr; pal: ColMem; oldCol:INTEGER; oldMode:INTEGER END ; Frame*=POINTER TO FrameDesc; FrameMsg*=RECORD END; Handler*=PROCEDURE (f: Frame; VAR msg: FrameMsg); FrameDesc*=RECORD dsc*, next*: Frame; X*, Y*, W*, H*: INTEGER; handle*: Handler END; PatternNode=POINTER TO RECORD p: Amiga.PatternInfoPtr; next: PatternNode END; dots*: Pattern; ToPrint*: Picture; rev: ARRAY 16 OF INTEGER; defaultPicture:Picture; nofCols:INTEGER; patternRoot:PatternNode; gfxBase:LONGINT; swap: ARRAY 256 OF SYSTEM.BYTE; DispColBuffer: ColMem; PROCEDURE SetDisplayColor*(col, red, green, blue: INTEGER); (*col < 0: overlay color not supported on the Amiga*) Set the RGB values for a screen color. scr:ScreenPtr; win: WindowPtr; BEGIN IF Amiga.ModifyColors & (col=0) THEN win := SYSTEM.VAL(WindowPtr, Amiga.window); scr := SYSTEM.VAL(ScreenPtr, win.wScreen); IF G.gfxVersion<39 THEN G.SetRGB4( SYSTEM.VAL(G.ViewPortPtr,SYSTEM.ADR(scr.viewPort)),(col MOD nofCols)+Amiga.ColorOffset, red DIV 16, green DIV 16,blue DIV 16) ELSE G.SetRGB32( SYSTEM.VAL(G.ViewPortPtr,SYSTEM.ADR(scr.viewPort)),(col MOD nofCols)+Amiga.ColorOffset, SYSTEM.LSH(LONG(red),24),SYSTEM.LSH(LONG(green),24),SYSTEM.LSH(LONG(blue),24) END END SetDisplayColor; PROCEDURE GetDisplayColor*(col: INTEGER; VAR red, green, blue: INTEGER); Return the RGB values for a screen color. long:LONGINT; rgbTable:RECORD r,g,b:LONGINT END; scr:ScreenPtr; win: WindowPtr; BEGIN win := SYSTEM.VAL(WindowPtr, Amiga.window); scr:=SYSTEM.VAL(ScreenPtr, win.wScreen); IF G.gfxVersion<39 THEN long:=G.GetRGB4(scr.viewPort.colorMap,(col MOD nofCols)+Amiga.ColorOffset); red:=SHORT(long DIV 256 MOD 16)*17; green:=SHORT(long DIV 16 MOD 16)*17; blue:=SHORT(long MOD 16)*17 ELSE G.GetRGB32(scr.viewPort.colorMap,(col MOD nofCols)+Amiga.ColorOffset,1,rgbTable); red:=SHORT(SYSTEM.LSH(rgbTable.r,-24)); green:=SHORT(SYSTEM.LSH(rgbTable.g,-24)); blue:=SHORT(SYSTEM.LSH(rgbTable.b,-24)) END GetDisplayColor; PROCEDURE ColorsToScreen(m: ColMem); Copy colors from ColMem to screen VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i:=0 TO nofCols-1 DO SetDisplayColor(i, ORD(m[i].r), ORD(m[i].g), ORD(m[i].b)) END; END ColorsToScreen; PROCEDURE GetScreenColors(VAR m: ColMem); Copy screen colors to ColMem VAR i, r, g, b: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i:=0 TO nofCols-1 DO GetDisplayColor(i, r, g, b); m[i].r:=CHR(r); m[i].g:=CHR(g); m[i].b:=CHR(b) END; END GetScreenColors; PROCEDURE UseOberonColors*(p: Picture); Store current screen colors to DispColBuffer and copy colors of Picture p to screen BEGIN GetScreenColors(DispColBuffer); ColorsToScreen(p.pal) END UseOberonColors; PROCEDURE UseBufferedColors*; Copy colors from DispColBuffer to screen BEGIN ColorsToScreen(DispColBuffer) END UseBufferedColors; PROCEDURE InitLayer(pic:Picture); Precondition: pic has already initialized depth, width and height fields. Creates bitmap and layer. VAR i:INTEGER; l: LayerPtr; rp: RastPortPtr; BEGIN pic.layer:=0; IF G.gfxVersion>=39 THEN rp:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, defaultPicture.rp); pic.bitMapPtr:=G.AllocBitMap(pic.width, pic.height, Amiga.Depth, {G.bmbClear}, rp.bitMap); IF pic.bitMapPtr=0 THEN HALT(60) END; pic.layerInfo:=AmigaLayers.NewLayerInfo(); IF pic.layerInfo=0 THEN HALT(65) END; pic.layer:=AmigaLayers.CreateUpfrontLayer( pic.layerInfo,pic.bitMapPtr,0,0,pic.width-1,pic.height-1,{G.layerSimple,G.layerBackdrop},0 ELSE G.InitBitMap(pic.bitMap,Amiga.Depth,pic.width,pic.height); i := 0; WHILE i=39 THEN G.FreeBitMap(pic.bitMapPtr) ELSE i := 0; WHILE i=39 THEN G.SetWriteMask(pic.rp,nofCols-1) ELSE rpPtr:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, pic.rp); rpPtr.mask := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, CHR(nofCols-1)) END; G.SetAPen(pic.rp, col) END | paint: drMode := G.jam1; IF pic.oldMode=invert THEN IF G.gfxVersion>=39 THEN G.SetWriteMask(pic.rp, nofCols-1) ELSE rpPtr:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, pic.rp); rpPtr.mask := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, CHR(nofCols-1)) END; G.SetAPen(pic.rp, col) END | invert: drMode := G.complement; IF pic.oldCol=col THEN IF G.gfxVersion>=39 THEN G.SetWriteMask(pic.rp, col) ELSE rpPtr:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, pic.rp); rpPtr.mask := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, CHR(col)) END END END; pic.oldMode := mode; G.SetDrMd(pic.rp, drMode) END; IF pic.oldCol # col THEN (* Set Drawing Color *) pic.oldCol := col; IF mode=invert THEN IF G.gfxVersion>=39 THEN G.SetWriteMask(pic.rp, col) ELSE rpPtr:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, pic.rp); rpPtr.mask := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, CHR(col)) END ELSE G.SetAPen(pic.rp, col+Amiga.ColorOffset) END END SetDrawMode; PROCEDURE CopyBlock*(sP, dP: Picture; SX, SY, W, H, DX, DY, mode: INTEGER); Copy a rectangular area within the display to another place. This procedure assumes, that any single area does not cross the boundary between primary and secondary screen. VAR minterm: CHAR; BEGIN IF (W <= 0) OR (H <= 0) THEN RETURN END; SetDrawMode(dP, dP.oldCol, mode); (* only to set mask *) CASE mode OF | replace: minterm:=0C0X (* dest:=BC + B~C *) | paint: minterm:=0E0X (* dest:=BC + ~BC + B~C *) | invert: minterm:=60X (* dest:=B~C + ~BC *) END; G.ClipBlit(sP.rp, SX+sP.XOff, sP.height-SY(*-1*)-H+sP.YOff, dP.rp, DX+dP.XOff, dP.height-DY(*-1*)-H+dP.YOff, W, H, minterm) END CopyBlock; PROCEDURE CopyBlockC*(sP, dP:Picture; f: Frame; SX, SY, W, H, DX, DY, mode: INTEGER); As CopyBlock, but the destination area is clipped against the Frame boundary. VAR dx, dy: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (W <= 0) OR (H <= 0) THEN RETURN END; dx := f.X-DX; IF dx > 0 THEN INC(SX, dx); DX := f.X; DEC(W, dx) END; dx := DX+W-(f.X+f.W); IF dx > 0 THEN DEC(W, dx) END; dy := f.Y-DY; IF dy > 0 THEN INC(SY, dy); DY := f.Y; DEC(H, dy) END; dy := DY+H-(f.Y+f.H); IF dy > 0 THEN DEC(H, dy) END; IF (W > 0) & (H > 0) THEN CopyBlock(sP, dP, SX, SY, W, H, DX, DY, mode) END END CopyBlockC; PROCEDURE AdjustPointer(wordIn,bitIn:LONGINT; VAR wordStart:LONGINT; VAR bitOffset:INTEGER); Given a base address and a bit offset from this address, a new start and offset are computed such, that the new start is word aligned, and the offset is in the range 0..15. BEGIN wordStart:=wordIn+bitIn DIV 8; bitOffset:=SHORT(bitIn MOD 8); IF ODD(wordStart) THEN DEC(wordStart); INC(bitOffset,8) END AdjustPointer; PROCEDURE copyPattern(pic:Picture; col: INTEGER; pat: Pattern; X, Y, dx, dy, w, h, mode: INTEGER); Routine used by CopyPattern and CopyPatternC. It will copy a pattern into the designated destination area. This routines is able to extract an arbitrary rectangular region from the origin pattern. p: Amiga.PatternInfoPtr; wordStart:LONGINT; bitOffset:INTEGER; BEGIN col:=col MOD nofCols; SetDrawMode(pic, col, mode); p := SYSTEM.VAL( Amiga.PatternInfoPtr, pat); w := p.w+w; h := p.h+h; IF (w > 0) & (h > 0) THEN AdjustPointer(*p.modulo,dx+p.offset,wordStart,bitOffset); G.BltTemplate(wordStart, bitOffset, p.modulo, pic.rp, X+pic.XOff, pic.height-Y-h+pic.YOff, w, h) END copyPattern; PROCEDURE CopyPattern*(pic:Picture; col: INTEGER; pat: Pattern; X, Y, mode: INTEGER); Copy a pattern to the specified location. BEGIN copyPattern(pic, col, pat, X, Y, 0, 0, 0, 0, mode) END CopyPattern; PROCEDURE CopyPatternC*(pic:Picture; f: Frame; col: INTEGER; pat: Pattern; X, Y, mode: INTEGER); As CopyPattern, but clips the pattern against the frame boundary. dx, sx, dy, sy, w, h: INTEGER; p: Amiga.PatternInfoPtr; BEGIN p := SYSTEM.VAL(Amiga.PatternInfoPtr, pat); dx := f.X-X; sx := 0; sy := 0; w := p.w; h := p.h; IF dx > 0 THEN sx := dx; X := f.X; DEC(w, dx) END; dx := X+w-(f.X+f.W); IF dx > 0 THEN DEC(w, dx) END; dy := f.Y-Y; IF dy > 0 THEN Y := f.Y; DEC(h, dy) END; (* don't adjust sy offset here. *) dy := Y+h-(f.Y+f.H); IF dy > 0 THEN sy := dy; DEC(h, dy) END; (* adjust sy offset here, because of Amiga display model *) copyPattern(pic, col, pat, X, Y, sx, sy, w-p.w, h-p.h, mode) END CopyPatternC; PROCEDURE Dot*(pic:Picture; col: INTEGER; X, Y, mode: INTEGER); Change a single pixel. BEGIN col:=col MOD nofCols; SetDrawMode(pic, col, mode); IF G.WritePixel(pic.rp, X+pic.XOff, pic.height-Y-1+pic.YOff) THEN END; END Dot; PROCEDURE DotC*(pic:Picture; f: Frame; col: INTEGER; X, Y, mode: INTEGER); As Dot, but the the pixel is only written, if contained within the frame boundary. BEGIN IF (X >= f.X) & (X < f.X+f.W) & (Y >= f.Y) & (Y < f.Y+f.H) THEN Dot(pic, col, X, Y, mode) END END DotC; PROCEDURE Get*(P: Picture; X, Y: INTEGER): INTEGER; Don't yet know what this is for. col:INTEGER; rpPtr:RastPortPtr; BEGIN IF (X<0) OR (X>=P.width) OR (Y<0) OR (Y>=P.height) THEN RETURN black END ; IF P.oldMode=invert THEN P.oldMode:=replace; IF G.gfxVersion>=39 THEN G.SetWriteMask(P.rp, nofCols-1) ELSE rpPtr:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, P.rp); rpPtr.mask := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, CHR(nofCols-1)) END; G.SetDrMd( P.rp, replace) END; col:=G.ReadPixel(P.rp,X+P.XOff,P.height-Y-1+P.YOff); RETURN col-Amiga.ColorOffset END Get; PROCEDURE Copy*(sP, dP: Picture; xs, ys, ws, hs, xd, yd, wd, hd, mode: INTEGER); Used to produce a scaled copy of a Picture VAR hx, hy, wd2, ws2: LONGINT; dx, dy, xso, xdo: INTEGER; BEGIN dy:=yd + hd; dx:=xd + wd; xso:=xs; xdo:=xd; wd2:=2*wd; ws2:=2*ws; hy:=2*hs - hd; WHILE yd < dy DO hx:=2*ws - wd; xd:=xdo; xs:=xso; WHILE xd < dx DO Dot(dP, Get(sP, xs, ys), xd, yd, mode); WHILE hx > 0 DO INC(xs); DEC(hx, wd2) END; INC(xd); INC(hx, ws2) END ; WHILE hy > 0 DO INC(ys); hy:=hy - 2*hd END; INC(yd); hy:=hy + 2*hs END Copy; PROCEDURE ReplConst*(pic: Picture; col, X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER); Generate a rectangle with the specified color and paint mode. BEGIN IF (W <= 0) OR (H <= 0) THEN RETURN END; col:=col MOD nofCols; SetDrawMode(pic, col, mode); G.RectFill(pic.rp, X+pic.XOff, pic.height-Y-H+pic.YOff, X+W-1+pic.XOff, pic.height-Y-1+pic.YOff) END ReplConst; PROCEDURE ReplConstC*(pic: Picture; f: Frame; col: INTEGER; X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER); As ReplConst, but the rectangle is clipped against the frame boundary. dx, dy: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (W <= 0) OR (H <= 0) THEN RETURN END; dx := f.X-X; IF dx > 0 THEN X := f.X; DEC(W, dx) END; dx := X+W-(f.X+f.W); IF dx > 0 THEN DEC(W, dx) END; dy := f.Y-Y; IF dy > 0 THEN Y := f.Y; DEC(H, dy) END; dy := Y+H-(f.Y+f.H); IF dy > 0 THEN DEC(H, dy) END; IF (W >0) & (H > 0) THEN ReplConst(pic,col, X, Y, W, H, mode) END END ReplConstC; PROCEDURE ReplPattern*(pic: Picture; col: INTEGER; pat: Pattern; X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER); Fill the specified area with the pattern. x, y, w, h, X1, Y1: INTEGER; p: Amiga.PatternInfoPtr; wordStart:LONGINT; bitOffset:INTEGER; BEGIN col:=col MOD nofCols; SetDrawMode(pic, col, mode); p := SYSTEM.VAL(Amiga.PatternInfoPtr, pat); X1 := X+W; Y1 := Y+H; y := Y; WHILE y < Y1 DO IF y+p.h > Y1 THEN h := Y1-y ELSE h := p.h END; x := X; WHILE x < X1 DO IF x+p.w > X1 THEN w := X1-x ELSE w := p.w END; AdjustPointer(*p.modulo,p.offset,wordStart,bitOffset); G.BltTemplate(wordStart, bitOffset, p.modulo, pic.rp, x+pic.XOff, pic.height-y-h+pic.YOff, w, h); x := x+p.w END; y := y+p.h END ReplPattern; PROCEDURE Min(x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Min; PROCEDURE Max(x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x > y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Max; PROCEDURE ReplPatternC*(pic:Picture; f: Frame; col: INTEGER; pat: Pattern; X, Y, W, H, X0, Y0, mode: INTEGER); (* Replicates a pattern pat within the block (X, Y, W, H), clipped against F. The pattern origin is X0, Y0; i.e. for each completely visible occurrence of the pattern pat the following holds: ((x - X0) MOD w = 0) & ((y-Y0) MOD h = 0) where (x, y) denotes the left and bottom corner, and (w, h) the size of the pattern. *) rectangle: G.Rectangle; region, oldRegion: G.RegionPtr; p: Amiga.PatternInfoPtr; dx, dy: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (W <= 0) OR (H <= 0) THEN RETURN END; region := G.NewRegion(); rectangle.minX := Max(f.X, X)+pic.XOff; rectangle.maxX := Min(f.X+f.W-1, X+W-1)+pic.XOff; rectangle.minY := Max(pic.height-f.Y-f.H, pic.height-Y-H)+pic.YOff; rectangle.maxY := Min(pic.height-f.Y-1, pic.height-Y-1)+pic.YOff; IF G.OrRectRegion(region, SYSTEM.ADR(rectangle)) THEN p := SYSTEM.VAL(Amiga.PatternInfoPtr, pat); dx := (X-X0) MOD p.w; dy := (Y-Y0) MOD p.h; oldRegion := AmigaLayers.InstallClipRegion(pic.layer, region); ReplPattern(pic, col, pat, X-dx, Y-dy, W+dx, H+dy, mode); region := AmigaLayers.InstallClipRegion(pic.layer, oldRegion); G.DisposeRegion(region) END ReplPatternC; PROCEDURE Update*(P: Picture; X, Y , W, H: INTEGER); BEGIN IF P.notify # NIL THEN P.notify(P, X, Y, W, H) END END Update; PROCEDURE DisplayBlock*(P: Picture; X, Y, W, H, DX, DY, mode: INTEGER); I assume, this copies the picture to the screen. BEGIN IF defaultPicture=NIL THEN HALT(54) ELSE CopyBlock(P,defaultPicture,X,Y,W,H,DX,DY,mode) END DisplayBlock; PROCEDURE ReadInt(VAR R: Files.Rider; VAR i: INTEGER); VAR hi: SHORTINT; lo: CHAR; li: LONGINT; BEGIN Files.Read(R, lo); Files.Read(R, hi); li:=ORD(lo) + 256*hi; i:=SHORT(li) END ReadInt; PROCEDURE WriteInt(VAR R: Files.Rider; i: INTEGER); BEGIN Files.Write(R, CHR(i MOD 256)); Files.Write(R, CHR(i DIV 256 MOD 256)) END WriteInt; PROCEDURE ReadPal(VAR R: Files.Rider; P: Picture; nofcol: LONGINT); col:LONGINT; BEGIN FOR col:=0 TO nofcol-1 DO Files.Read(R, P.pal[col].r); Files.Read(R, P.pal[col].g); Files.Read(R, P.pal[col].b) END ReadPal; PROCEDURE WritePal(VAR R: Files.Rider; P: Picture; nofcol: LONGINT); VAR col: LONGINT; BEGIN FOR col:=0 TO nofcol-1 DO Files.Write(R, P.pal[col].r); Files.Write(R, P.pal[col].g); Files.Write(R, P.pal[col].b) END WritePal; PROCEDURE Define(P: Picture; width, height, depth: INTEGER); (* set width, height, depth, next, pixmap *) BEGIN IF (P.width # width) OR (P.height # height) OR (P.depth # depth) OR (P.layer=0) THEN IF (width=0) OR (height=0) OR (depth=0) THEN HALT(50) END ; IF P.layer # 0 THEN FreeLayer(P) ELSE Kernel.RegisterObject(P, Finalize) END ; P.width:=width; P.height:=height; P.depth:=depth; InitLayer(P); IF P.layer=0 THEN HALT(40) END; P.oldCol:=-1; P.oldMode:=-1; P.XOff:=0; P.YOff:=0; END Define; PROCEDURE ReadData(VAR R: Files.Rider; P: Picture; exp, map, rv: BOOLEAN); Load run length encoded picture. ch,ch1:CHAR; k:INTEGER; x,y,yoff:INTEGER; width, height, depth: INTEGER; m:ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; r:G.RastPortPtr; rptr:RastPortPtr; bptr:BitMapPtr; bpr: LONGINT; planes: ARRAY 8 OF LONGINT; (* faster Version of Dot, only for ReadData *) PROCEDURE NDot(col, X, Y: INTEGER); BEGIN IF P.oldCol # col THEN P.oldCol := col; G.SetAPen(r, col+Amiga.ColorOffset) END; IF G.WritePixel(r, X, P.height-Y-1) THEN END END NDot; PROCEDURE Unpack(p: LONGINT); i: INTEGER; pixel: INTEGER; BEGIN i:=8; REPEAT IF ODD(p) THEN pixel:=white ELSE pixel:=black END; NDot(pixel,x,yoff-y-1); INC(x); p:=ASH(p,-1); DEC(i) UNTIL (i=0) OR (x=width) END Unpack; (* new unpack writes data direct to the planes *) PROCEDURE Unpack(p: INTEGER); VAR offset, count: LONGINT; b: SYSTEM.BYTE; BEGIN b:=swap[p]; offset:=y*bpr+ASH(x,-3); IF Amiga.OberonDepth<5 THEN FOR count:=0 TO Amiga.OberonDepth-1 DO SYSTEM.PUT(planes[count]+offset, b) END ELSE FOR count:=0 TO 3 DO SYSTEM.PUT(planes[count]+offset, b) END; FOR count:=4 TO Amiga.OberonDepth-1 DO SYSTEM.PUT(planes[count]+offset, 0X) END END; INC(x, 8) END Unpack; BEGIN r:=P.rp; Dot(P, 0, 0, 0, replace); (* needed for new Dot *) rptr:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, r); depth:=P.depth; height:=P.height; width:=P.width; yoff:=P.height-1; IF depth=1 THEN (* install everythink for new Unpack *) rptr:=SYSTEM.VAL(RastPortPtr, r); bptr:=SYSTEM.VAL(BitMapPtr, rptr.bitMap); bpr:=bptr.bytesPerRow; FOR k:=0 TO Amiga.OberonDepth DO planes[k]:=SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, bptr.planes[k]) END END; IF map THEN (*WHILE k < 256 DO m[k] := CHR((k MOD 2)*15); INC(k) END ; m[12] := CHR(15); m[13] := CHR(0); m[14] := CHR(15)*) x:=SHORT(ASH(1,depth));m[0]:=0X; FOR k:=1 TO 255 DO m[k]:=CHR(k MOD x); IF m[k]=0X THEN m[k]:=0FX END END END; y:=0; FOR y:=0 TO height-1 DO x:=0; WHILE xAmiga.OberonDepth THEN map:=TRUE; depth:=Amiga.OberonDepth END ; (* IF (depth#Amiga.Depth) & (depth#1) THEN HALT(43) END; *) Define(P,width,height,depth); ReadData(R,P,expand,map,FALSE); len:=Files.Pos(R)-pos END Load; PROCEDURE Store*(P: Picture; F: Files.File; pos: LONGINT; VAR len: LONGINT); stores picture to run length encoded file F (including tag) a, b, x, y, width, height, depth, oridepth: INTEGER; j: LONGINT; h: CHAR; buf: ARRAY 129 OF CHAR; R: Files.Rider; PROCEDURE Pack(): CHAR; VAR i, j, p: INTEGER; BEGIN i:=8; j:=1; p:=0; REPEAT IF Get(P, x, P.height-y-1)#black THEN INC(p, j) END; INC(x); j:=j*2; DEC(i) UNTIL (i=0) OR (x=width); RETURN CHR(p) END Pack; (* store pictures with 4 planes in Ceres 4 colors-format *) PROCEDURE PackColor(): CHAR; VAR ch, ch1: INTEGER; BEGIN ch:=Get(P, x, P.height-y-1)-Amiga.ColorOffset; INC(x); ch1:=Get(P, x, P.height-y-1)-Amiga.ColorOffset; INC(x); RETURN CHR(ch+ch1*16) END PackColor; BEGIN width:=P.width; height:=P.height; oridepth:=P.depth; (* only store as 1, 4 or 8 Plane Pict *) depth:=oridepth; IF (oridepth=2) OR (oridepth=3) THEN depth:=4 END; IF (oridepth>4) & (oridepth<7) THEN depth:=8 END; Files.Set(R, F, pos); WriteInt(R, PictFileId); WriteInt(R, width); WriteInt(R, height); WriteInt(R, depth); WritePal(R, P, ASH(1, depth)); (* fill Colortabel with 0 *) IF depth#oridepth THEN FOR j:=1 TO (ASH(1, depth)-ASH(1, oridepth))*3 DO Files.Write(R, CHR(0)) END END; y:=0; WHILE height > 0 DO x:=0; a:=0; j:=1; buf[0]:=0X; IF depth=1 THEN h:=Pack() ELSIF depth=4 THEN h:=PackColor() ELSE h:=CHR(Get(P, x, P.height-y-1)); INC(x) END ; b:=1; buf[j]:=h; WHILE x < width DO IF depth=1 THEN h:=Pack() ELSIF depth=4 THEN h:=PackColor() ELSE h:=CHR(Get(P, x, P.height-y-1)); INC(x) END; IF ((b - a) < 127) & ((buf[0]=0X) OR ((h=buf[j]) & (j=1)) OR ((h # buf[j]) & (j > 1))) THEN (* same run *) IF h # buf[j] THEN INC(SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, buf[0])); INC(j); buf[j]:=h ELSE DEC(SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, buf[0])) END ELSE (* new run *) IF (buf[j]=h) & (b - a # 127) THEN DEC(SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, buf[0])); Files.WriteBytes(R, buf, j); buf[0]:=0FFX ELSE Files.WriteBytes(R, buf, j + 1); buf[0]:=0X END ; j:=1; buf[j]:=h; a:=b END ; INC(b) END ; Files.WriteBytes(R, buf, j + 1); DEC(height); INC(y) END ; len:=Files.Pos(R) - pos END Store; PROCEDURE Create*(P: Picture; width, height, depth: INTEGER); Create a picture with the requested size. The main work is done in Define. This only clears the picture area and the color palette. col: INTEGER; BEGIN Define(P, width, height, depth); ReplConst(P, black, 0, 0, P.width, P.height, replace); FOR col:=0 TO 255 DO P.pal[col].r:=0X; P.pal[col].g:=0X; P.pal[col].b:=0X END END Create; PROCEDURE Open*(P: Picture; name: ARRAY OF CHAR); Load a file into a picture. F:Files.File; R:Files.Rider; len: LONGINT; x, d: INTEGER; dname: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN F:=Files.Old(name); IF F#NIL THEN Files.Set(R,F,0); x:=0; ReadInt(R,x); IF x=0 THEN (* MacPaint format *) Define(P,576,720,1); Files.Set(R,F,Files.Pos(R)+510); ReadData(R,P,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE) ELSIF x=PictFileId THEN Load(P,F,2,len) ELSIF x=07F7H THEN (* Skipping System3 File-Header *) Files.ReadString(R, dname); Files.ReadInt(R, d); Files.ReadInt(R, d); Files.ReadInt(R, d); Files.ReadInt(R, d); Files.ReadInt(R, x); IF x=PictFileId THEN Load(P, F, Files.Pos(R), len) ELSE O.Str("System3-File, Unknown format");O.Ln END ELSE O.Str("Unknown format");O.Ln END ELSE O.Str("Pictures.Open: "); O.Str(name); O.Str(" failed"); O.Ln; Create(P,Amiga.Width*5 DIV 8 -20,Amiga.Height-80,Amiga.OberonDepth) END Open; PROCEDURE SetColor*(P:Picture; col,red,green,blue:INTEGER); Change the RGB values of a palette entry. BEGIN IF (col=0) THEN P.pal[col].r:=CHR(red); P.pal[col].g:=CHR(green); P.pal[col].b:=CHR(blue) END SetColor; PROCEDURE GetColor*(P: Picture; col: INTEGER; VAR red, green, blue: INTEGER); Retrieve the RGB values of a palette entry. BEGIN IF (col=0) THEN red:=ORD(P.pal[col].r); green:=ORD(P.pal[col].g); blue:=ORD(P.pal[col].b) END GetColor; PROCEDURE NewPattern*(VAR image: ARRAY OF SET; w, h: INTEGER): Pattern; (* Allocates a new pattern with width w and height h. The i-th pattern line from bottom (increasing y-value) corresponds to the image entries (i+1)*lineLen .. (i+2)*lineLen-1, where lineLen = (w+31) DIV 32. The set elements describe the pixels from left to right (increasing x-value). *) CONST header=4; ch: CHAR; src, dest: LONGINT; byte, bytesPerRow, i, size: LONGINT; pattern: Amiga.PatternInfoPtr; patNode: PatternNode; BEGIN Amiga.Assert((0