Syntax10.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 25 Apr 96 FoldElems Syntax10.Scn.Fnt PROCEDURE f1():REAL; BEGIN RETURN 8 END f1; PROCEDURE Do*; BEGIN f:=f1; w:=f(); Out.Real(w,8); w:=f1(); Out.Real(w,8); END Do; MODULE OPV; (* Control Module for the backend of the Oberon-2-Compiler for Sun-3. Diplomarbeit Samuel Urech Date: 30.10.92 Current version: Try to fix a bug in Expr. Hope it will work. RD 17.4.96 had problems *) IMPORT OPT, OPC, OPL, OPM; CONST (* object modes *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; SProc = 8; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; Mod = 11; Head = 12; TProc = 13; (* opcodes *) ASh = 0; LSh = 1; ROt = 3; (* Condition codes *) false = 1; true = 0; CC = 4; CS = 5; EQ = 7; GE = 12; GT = 14; HI = 2; LE = 15; LS = 3; LT = 13; MI = 11; NE = 6; PL = 10; VC = 8; VS = 9; (* operation node subclasses *) times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; ash = 17; msk = 18; len = 19; conv = 20; abs = 21; cap = 22; odd = 23; not = 33; (* SYSTEM *) adr = 24; cc = 25; bit = 26; lsh = 27; rot = 28; val = 29; (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char = 3; SInt = 4; Int = 5; LInt = 6; Real = 7; LReal = 8; Set = 9; String = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; intSet = { SInt, Int, LInt }; realSet = { Real, LReal }; (* node classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nguard = 5; Neguard = 6; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Nupto = 10; Nmop = 11; Ndop = 12; Ncall = 13; Ninittd = 14; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nenter = 18; Nassign = 19; Nifelse =20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nreturn = 26; Nwith = 27; Ntrap = 28; (* function numbers *) assign = 0; newfn = 1; incfn = 13; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; copyfn = 18; assertfn = 32; (* SYSTEM function numbers *) getfn = 24; putfn = 25; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; sysnewfn = 30; movefn = 31; VarParSize = OPM.PointerSize; RecVarParSize = 2 * OPM.PointerSize; ProcOff = 8; (* procedure flags *) hasBody = 1; isRedef = 2; (* accessibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; (* trap numbers *) WithTrap = 15; CaseTrap = 16; FuncTrap = 17; VAR assert, findpc, typCheck : BOOLEAN; loopEnd : OPL.Label; PROCEDURE Init*( opt : SET; bpc : LONGINT ); CONST ass = 7; fpc = 8; typchk = 3; BEGIN typCheck := typchk IN opt; assert := ass IN opt; findpc := fpc IN opt; IF findpc THEN OPM.breakpc := bpc ELSE OPM.breakpc := MAX( LONGINT ) END END Init; PROCEDURE Base( typ : OPT.Struct ) : INTEGER; (* Returns the alignment of a type. *) BEGIN WHILE typ.comp = Array DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ.form IN { Byte, Bool, Char, SInt } THEN RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 2 END END Base; PROCEDURE Align( VAR adr : LONGINT; base : LONGINT ); (* Aligns the given address with the given base. *) BEGIN IF adr > 0 THEN INC( adr, ( -adr ) MOD base ); ELSE DEC( adr, adr MOD base ); END; END Align; PROCEDURE ^TypSize*( typ : OPT.Struct; dummy : BOOLEAN ); PROCEDURE ParamAdr( par : OPT.Object; VAR psize : LONGINT ); (* Calculates the sizes of the parameters of a procedure and returns their sum in psize. *) VAR typ : OPT.Struct; c : INTEGER; BEGIN (* ParamAdr *) WHILE par # NIL DO typ := par.typ; c := typ.comp; TypSize( typ, FALSE ); IF par.mode = VarPar THEN par.adr := psize; IF c = Record THEN INC( psize, RecVarParSize ) ELSIF c = DynArr THEN INC( psize, typ.size ) ELSE INC( psize, VarParSize ) END; ELSE IF typ.form IN {Byte, Bool, Char, SInt, Int} THEN INC( psize, OPM.LIntSize ); ELSE INC( psize, typ.size ); END; par.adr := psize - typ.size; par.linkadr := par.adr; END; (* IF *) Align( psize, 4 ); (* all parameters are aligned to 4 bytes. *) par :=; END; (* WHILE *) END ParamAdr; PROCEDURE ^VarAdr( var : OPT.Object; VAR dsize : LONGINT ); PROCEDURE ^Traverse( obj : OPT.Object; exported : BOOLEAN ); PROCEDURE ProcSize( obj : OPT.Object; firstpass : BOOLEAN ); (* Writes the size of the local variables into the field obj.conval.intval and calculates the addresses of all parameters. *) VAR oldPos : LONGINT; conval: OPT.Const; typ : OPT.Struct; redef : OPT.Object; BEGIN (* ProcSize *) conval := obj.conval; oldPos := OPM.errpos; OPM.errpos := obj.scope.adr; IF ( ( obj.vis # internal ) = firstpass ) OR ( obj.mode = TProc ) THEN obj.adr := -1; obj.linkadr := OPL.NewLabel; IF obj.mode IN { XProc, IProc, TProc } THEN IF OPL.entno < OPL.MaxEntry THEN obj.adr := OPL.entno; INC( OPL.entno ); ELSE OPM.err( 226 ); obj.adr := 1; END; END; IF obj.mnolev > 0 THEN conval.intval2 := ProcOff + OPM.PointerSize; (* for static link *) ELSE conval.intval2 := ProcOff; END; ParamAdr(, conval.intval2 ); IF obj.mode = TProc THEN typ :=; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; OPT.FindField(, typ.BaseTyp, redef ); IF redef # NIL THEN obj.adr := 10000H * ( redef.adr DIV 10000H ) (* mthno *) + obj.adr (* entno *); IF ~( isRedef IN obj.conval.setval ) THEN OPM.err( 134 ) END; ELSE INC( obj.adr, 10000H * typ.n ); INC( typ.n ); END; (* IF *) END; (* IF *) END; (* IF *) IF ~firstpass THEN IF ~( hasBody IN conval.setval ) THEN OPM.err( 129 ) END; conval.intval := 0; VarAdr( obj.scope.scope, conval.intval ); (* local variables *) Traverse( obj.scope.right, FALSE ); (* local types and procedures *) END; OPM.errpos := oldPos END ProcSize; PROCEDURE TypSize*( typ : OPT.Struct; dummy : BOOLEAN ); (* Writes the size of a type into typ.size. All subordinate type sizes are calculated, all record fields get an offset. *) VAR offset, size : LONGINT; fld : OPT.Object; btyp : OPT.Struct; BEGIN (* TypSize *) IF typ.size = -1 THEN CASE typ.form OF Pointer : typ.size := OPM.PointerSize; IF typ.BaseTyp = OPT.undftyp THEN OPM.Mark( 128, typ.n ); ELSE TypSize( typ.BaseTyp, FALSE ); END; | ProcTyp : size := ProcOff; typ.size := OPM.ProcSize; ParamAdr(, size ); (* inserts the addresses of the parameters. *) | Comp : CASE typ.comp OF Record : btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF btyp = NIL THEN offset := 0; ELSE TypSize( btyp, FALSE ); offset := btyp.size; END; fld :=; WHILE ( fld # NIL ) & ( fld.mode = Fld ) DO btyp := fld.typ; TypSize( btyp, FALSE ); size := btyp.size; Align( offset, Base( btyp ) ); fld.adr := offset; INC( offset, size ); fld := END; (* WHILE *) Align( offset, 2 ); (* all records are at least 2 Bytes long *) typ.size := offset; | Array : TypSize( typ.BaseTyp, FALSE ); typ.size := typ.n * typ.BaseTyp.size; | DynArr : btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF typ.offset < 0 THEN typ.offset := typ.n; END; IF btyp.comp = DynArr THEN btyp.offset := typ.n; END; TypSize( btyp, FALSE ); IF btyp.comp = DynArr THEN typ.size := btyp.size + 4; ELSE typ.size := 8; END; END; (* CASE *) ELSE (* nothing *) END; (* CASE typ.form *) END; (* IF *) END TypSize; PROCEDURE VarAdr( var : OPT.Object; VAR dsize : LONGINT ); (* Inserts entry-numbers and addresses into the variables. Exported variables are entered into the entry list. *) VAR typ: OPT.Struct; adr: LONGINT; BEGIN adr := -dsize; WHILE var # NIL DO typ := var.typ; TypSize( typ, FALSE ); DEC( adr, typ.size ); IF typ.form = Comp THEN Align( adr, 4 ); ELSE Align( adr, Base( typ ) ); END; (* IF *) IF var.vis = internal THEN var.adr := adr; ELSE OPL.SetEntry( OPL.entno, adr ); var.adr := OPL.entno; INC( OPL.entno ); END; (* IF *) var.linkadr := adr; var := END; (* WHILE *) dsize := -adr; Align( dsize, 8 ); END VarAdr; PROCEDURE Traverse( obj : OPT.Object; exported : BOOLEAN ); (* Completes types and procedures. *) VAR typ: OPT.Struct; PROCEDURE TraverseRecord( typ : OPT.Struct ); (* Inserts the type descriptor address into the types and the method numbers into the methods. *) BEGIN IF typ.tdadr = OPM.TDAdrUndef THEN IF typ.BaseTyp # NIL THEN TraverseRecord( typ.BaseTyp ); typ.n := typ.BaseTyp.n; END; (* IF *) Traverse(, FALSE ); (* traverse methods *) OPL.AllocTypDesc( typ ); END; (* IF *) END TraverseRecord; BEGIN (* Traverse *) IF obj # NIL THEN Traverse( obj.left, exported ); IF ( obj.mode = Typ ) & ( ( obj.vis # internal ) = exported ) THEN typ := obj.typ; TypSize( typ, FALSE ); IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ.comp = Record THEN TraverseRecord( typ ) END; ELSIF obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, TProc, CProc, IProc} THEN ProcSize( obj, exported ) END ; Traverse( obj.right, exported ) END END Traverse; PROCEDURE AdrAndSize*; (* Completes the symbol table: types, variables, record-fields and procedures. *) BEGIN (* AdrAndSize *) OPL.dsize := 0; VarAdr( OPT.topScope.scope, OPL.dsize ); OPM.errpos := OPT.topScope.adr; (* text position of the scope *) Traverse( OPT.topScope.right, TRUE ); (* first run for all exported types and procedures *) Traverse( OPT.topScope.right, FALSE ); (* second run for all local types and procedures *) END AdrAndSize; PROCEDURE BaseTyp( typ : OPT.Struct ) : OPT.Struct; (* Returns the record type belonging to typ. *) BEGIN (* BaseTyp *) IF typ.form = Pointer THEN RETURN typ.BaseTyp ELSE RETURN typ END END BaseTyp; PROCEDURE ^Expr( node : OPT.Node; VAR res : OPL.Item ); PROCEDURE Designator( node : OPT.Node; VAR res : OPL.Item ); (* Returns an item for a designator. res.mode is in { regx, pcx }. *) VAR index, tag : OPL.Item; BEGIN (* Designator *) CASE node.class OF Nvar, Nvarpar : OPC.MakeVar( node.obj, res ); | Nfield : Designator( node.left, res ); OPC.MakeField( res, node.obj.adr, node.typ ); | Nderef : Designator( node.left, res ); OPC.DeRef( node.typ, res ); | Nindex : Expr( node.right, index ); Designator( node.left, res ); OPC.MakeIndex( index, res ); | Nguard, Neguard : Designator( node.left, res ); IF typCheck THEN OPC.saveRegs:=FALSE; OPC.MakeTag( node.left.obj, node.left.typ, res, tag ); OPC.TypeTest( tag, BaseTyp( node.typ ), TRUE, node.class = Neguard ); OPC.saveRegs:=TRUE; END; (* IF *) | Nproc : OPC.MakeProc( node.obj, node.subcl, res ); END; (* CASE *) res.typ := node.typ; END Designator; PROCEDURE AllocParams( formalPar : OPT.Object; VAR psize : LONGINT ); (* Allocates space on the stack for the parameters and increments psize by their size. *) BEGIN (* AllocParams *) WHILE formalPar # NIL DO IF formalPar.mode = VarPar THEN IF formalPar.typ.comp = Record THEN INC( psize, RecVarParSize ) ELSIF formalPar.typ.comp = DynArr THEN INC( psize, formalPar.typ.size ) ELSE INC( psize, VarParSize ) END; ELSE INC( psize, formalPar.typ.size ); END; (* IF *) Align( psize, 4 ); formalPar :=; END; (* WHILE *) OPC.AddToSP( -psize ); END AllocParams; PROCEDURE AssignParams( formalPar : OPT.Object; actualPar : OPT.Node ); (* Moves the actual parameters to the stack. *) VAR par, par1, tag : OPL.Item; BEGIN (* AssignParams *) WHILE formalPar # NIL DO IF formalPar.typ.comp = DynArr THEN Expr( actualPar, par ); OPC.MoveDynArrStack( formalPar.typ, formalPar.adr - ProcOff, par ); ELSIF formalPar.mode = VarPar THEN Designator( actualPar, par ); par1 := par; OPC.MoveAdrStack( formalPar.adr - ProcOff, par ); IF formalPar.typ.comp = Record THEN OPC.MakeTag( actualPar.obj, actualPar.typ, par, tag ); OPC.MoveStack( formalPar.adr + 4 - ProcOff, tag ); ELSIF ( formalPar.typ = OPT.sysptrtyp ) & ( actualPar.typ # OPT.sysptrtyp ) THEN (* pass static type to enable run time tests *) OPC.StaticTag( actualPar.typ.BaseTyp, tag ); OPC.Assign( tag, par1 ); ELSIF ( formalPar.typ = OPT.sysptrtyp ) & ( actualPar.typ = OPT.sysptrtyp ) & ( actualPar.obj.mode # VarPar ) THEN (* pass NIL to disable run time tests *) OPC.MakeIntConst( 0, OPT.linttyp, tag ); OPC.Assign( tag, par1 ); END; (* IF *) ELSE par.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; par.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( actualPar, par ); OPC.Convert( par, formalPar.typ ); OPC.MoveStack( formalPar.adr - ProcOff, par ); END; (* IF *) OPL.usedRegs := { }; actualPar :=; formalPar :=; END; (* WHILE *) END AssignParams; PROCEDURE Expr( node : OPT.Node; VAR res : OPL.Item ); (* Returns an item for the result of an exression. *) VAR expr1, expr2, expression, set, element, procItem, arr, tag : OPL.Item; swap : OPL.Label; savedRegs : SET; psize: LONGINT; Dummy: SHORTINT; BEGIN (* Expr *) CASE node.class OF Nconst : OPC.MakeConst( node.obj, node.conval, node.typ, res ); | Nupto : Expr( node.left, expr1 ); Expr( node.right, expr2 ); OPC.UpTo( expr1, expr2, res ); | Nmop : CASE node.subcl OF not : swap := res.tJump; res.tJump := res.fJump; res.fJump := swap; Expr( node.left, res ); swap := res.tJump; res.tJump := res.fJump; res.fJump := swap; OPC.Not( res ); | minus : Expr( node.left, res ); OPC.Neg( res ); | is : Designator( node.left, res ); tag.tJump := res.tJump; tag.fJump := res.fJump; OPC.saveRegs:=FALSE; OPC.MakeTag( node.left.obj, node.left.typ, res, tag ); OPC.TypeTest( tag, BaseTyp( node.obj.typ ), FALSE, FALSE ); OPC.saveRegs:=TRUE; res := tag; | conv : Expr( node.left, res ); IF node.typ.form = Set THEN OPC.SetElem( res ); ELSE OPC.Convert( res, node.typ ); END; (* IF *) | abs : Expr( node.left, res ); OPC.Abs( res ); | cap : Expr( node.left, res ); OPC.Cap( res ); | odd : Expr( node.left, res ); OPC.Odd( res ); | adr : Expr( node.left, res ); OPC.Adr( res ); | cc : OPC.MakeCocItem( SHORT( node.left.conval.intval ), res ); | val : res.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; res.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( node.left, res ); IF res.typ.comp = DynArr THEN OPC.GetDynArrVal( res ); END; res.typ := node.typ; END; (* CASE *) | Ndop : CASE node.subcl OF times : Expr( node.left, expression ); Expr( node.right, res ); OPC.Mul( node.typ, expression, res ); | slash : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Divide( node.typ, expression, res ); | div : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Div( expression, res ); | mod : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Mod( expression, res ); | and : savedRegs := OPL.usedRegs; expression.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expression.fJump := res.fJump; Expr( node.left, expression ); OPC.FalseJump( expression, expression.fJump ); OPL.usedRegs := savedRegs; Expr( node.right, res ); OPC.Test( res ); res.fJump := OPL.MergedLinks( expression.fJump, res.fJump ); | plus : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Plus( node.typ, expression, res ); | minus : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Minus( node.typ, expression, res ); | or : savedRegs := OPL.usedRegs; expression.tJump := res.tJump; expression.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( node.left, expression ); OPC.TrueJump( expression, expression.tJump ); OPL.usedRegs := savedRegs; Expr( node.right, res ); OPC.Test( res ); res.tJump := OPL.MergedLinks( expression.tJump, res.tJump ); | eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq : expr1.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expr1.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; expr2.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expr2.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( node.left, expr1 ); OPC.LoadCC( expr1 ); Expr( node.right, expr2 ); OPC.Compare( node.subcl, expr1, expr2, res ); | in : Expr( node.left, element ); Expr( node.right, set ); OPC.In( element, set, res ); | ash : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Shift( ASh, expression, res ); | msk : Expr( node.left, res ); OPC.Mask( -node.right.conval.intval-1, res ); | len : Designator( node.left, arr ); OPC.MakeLen( arr, node.right.conval.intval, res ); | bit : Expr( node.left, expr1 ); Expr( node.right, expr2 ); OPC.SYSBit( expr1, expr2, res ); | lsh : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Shift( LSh, expression, res ); | rot : Expr( node.left, res ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.Shift( ROt, expression, res ); END; (* CASE *) | Ncall : savedRegs := OPL.usedRegs; OPC.PushRegs( OPL.usedRegs ); OPL.usedRegs := { }; IF ( node.left.obj # NIL ) & ( node.left.obj.mode = LProc ) & ( node.left.obj.mnolev > 0 ) THEN psize := OPM.PointerSize; (* for static link *) ELSE psize := 0; END; AllocParams( node.obj, psize ); OPC.WriteStaticLink( node.left.obj ); AssignParams( node.obj, node.right ); Designator( node.left, procItem ); OPC.Call( procItem, node.left.obj ); OPC.AddToSP( psize ); OPL.usedRegs := savedRegs; Dummy:=node.left.typ.form; node.left.typ.form:=node.typ.form; OPC.GetResult( node.left.typ, res ); node.left.typ.form:=Dummy; OPC.PopRegs( savedRegs ); ELSE Designator( node, res ); END; (* CASE *) res.typ := node.typ; END Expr; PROCEDURE Checkpc; BEGIN IF findpc & (OPL.pc > OPM.breakpc) & OPM.noerr THEN OPM.err(255) END (* in the case of a call, the breakpc value shown in the trap viewer must point to the call instruction and not to the next instruction, i.e. breakpc # return address !! *) END Checkpc; PROCEDURE StatSeq( node : OPT.Node ); (* Generates code for a statement sequence. *) VAR proc : OPT.Object; designator, expression, sourceAdr, destAdr, procItem, reg, tag : OPL.Item; begLabel, savedLoopEnd : OPL.Label; psize : LONGINT; PROCEDURE CaseStatement( node : OPT.Node ); (* Generates code for a case statement. *) VAR expression : OPL.Item; lo, hi, i, jtAdr : LONGINT; elseLabel, endLabel : OPL.Label; case, caseLabel : OPT.Node; BEGIN (* CaseStatement *) Expr( node.left, expression ); node := node.right; lo := node.conval.intval; hi := node.conval.intval2; IF hi >= lo THEN elseLabel := OPL.NewLabel; endLabel := OPL.NewLabel; OPC.Case( expression, lo, hi, elseLabel, jtAdr ); FOR i := 0 TO hi - lo DO OPL.ConstWord( SHORT( jtAdr + 2 * i ), OPL.pc DIV 2 ); END; OPL.DefineLabel( elseLabel ); END; (* IF *) Checkpc; IF node.conval.setval = { } THEN OPC.Trap( CaseTrap ); ELSE StatSeq( node.right ); END; IF hi >= lo THEN case := node.left; WHILE case # NIL DO OPL.Jump( true, endLabel ); caseLabel := case.left; WHILE caseLabel # NIL DO FOR i := caseLabel.conval.intval - lo TO caseLabel.conval.intval2 - lo DO OPL.ConstWord( SHORT( jtAdr + 2 * i ), OPL.pc DIV 2 ); END; (* FOR *) caseLabel :=; END; (* WHILE *) StatSeq( case.right ); case :=; END; (* WHILE *) OPL.DefineLabel( endLabel ); END; (* IF *) END CaseStatement; PROCEDURE IfStatement( node : OPT.Node; trap : BOOLEAN ); (* Generates code for an IF-Statement. If trap is true, a Trap is generated in the ELSE-Case. *) VAR endLabel : OPL.Label; curNode : OPT.Node; expression : OPL.Item; BEGIN (* IfStatement *) endLabel := OPL.NewLabel; curNode := node.left; WHILE curNode # NIL DO expression.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expression.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( curNode.left, expression ); OPC.FalseJump( expression, expression.fJump ); Checkpc; StatSeq( curNode.right ); IF ( # NIL ) OR ( node.right # NIL ) OR trap THEN (* last ELSIF part with no ELSE following *) OPL.Jump( true, endLabel ); END; OPL.DefineLabel( expression.fJump ); curNode :=; END; (* WHILE *) IF trap THEN OPC.Trap( WithTrap ); ELSE StatSeq( node.right ); END; (* IF *) OPL.DefineLabel( endLabel ); END IfStatement; PROCEDURE Size( typ : OPT.Struct; node : OPT.Node; VAR res : OPL.Item ); (* Returns an item that denotes the size of the memory space in bytes that has to be allocated for a dynamic array. *) VAR dim, offsetItem : OPL.Item; noflen : INTEGER; BEGIN (* Size *) Expr( node, res ); noflen := 1; node :=; typ := typ.BaseTyp.BaseTyp; WHILE node # NIL DO Expr( node, dim ); INC( noflen ); OPC.Mul( OPT.linttyp, dim, res ); node :=; typ := typ.BaseTyp; END; (* WHILE *) IF typ.size > 1 THEN OPC.MakeIntConst( typ.size, OPT.linttyp, dim ); OPC.Mul( OPT.linttyp, dim, res ); END; (* IF *) OPC.MakeIntConst( 4 * noflen, OPT.linttyp, offsetItem ); OPC.Plus( OPT.linttyp, offsetItem, res ); END Size; PROCEDURE EnterLengths( VAR item : OPL.Item; node : OPT.Node ); (* Writes the lengths in node to the address in item. Used for NEW( p, len1, len2, ... ). *) VAR length, adr : OPL.Item; BEGIN (* EnterLengths *) adr := item; OPC.DeRef( OPT.sysptrtyp, adr ); WHILE node # NIL DO Expr( node, length ); OPC.Convert( length, OPT.linttyp ); OPL.Move( length, adr ); INC(, 4 ); node :=; END; (* WHILE *) END EnterLengths; PROCEDURE Prepend( s : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Writes the given name in parentheses to the reference file. *) VAR i : INTEGER; ch : CHAR; BEGIN (* Prepend *) i := 0; ch := s[ 0 ]; OPM.RefW( "(" ); WHILE ch # 0X DO OPM.RefW( ch ); INC( i ); ch := s[ i ]; END; (* WHILE *) OPM.RefW( ")" ); END Prepend; BEGIN (* StatSeq *) WHILE ( node # NIL ) & OPM.noerr DO OPM.errpos := node.conval.intval; OPL.BegStat; CASE node.class OF Nenter : IF node.obj = NIL THEN (* module *) OPC.EnterMod; StatSeq( node.right ); OPC.Return( NIL, FALSE, expression ); OPL.OutRefPoint; OPL.OutRefName( "$" ); OPL.OutRefs( OPT.topScope ); INC( OPL.level ); StatSeq( node.left ); DEC( OPL.level ); ELSE (* procedure *) proc := node.obj; INC( OPL.level ); StatSeq( node.left ); DEC( OPL.level ); OPC.EnterProc( proc ); StatSeq( node.right ); IF proc.typ # OPT.notyp THEN OPC.Trap( FuncTrap ); ELSE OPC.Return( proc, FALSE, expression ); END; OPL.OutRefPoint; IF proc^.mode = TProc THEN Prepend( proc^.link^.typ^.strobj^.name ) END; OPL.OutRefName( proc^.name ); OPL.OutRefs( proc^.scope^.right ); END; (* IF *) | Ninittd : | Nassign : CASE node.subcl OF assign : expression.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expression.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.LoadCC( expression ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPC.Assign( expression, designator ); | newfn : Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); IF node.right = NIL THEN IF node.left.typ.BaseTyp.comp = Record THEN OPC.StaticTag( node.left.typ.BaseTyp, tag ); OPC.New( designator, tag ); ELSE OPC.MakeIntConst( node.left.typ.BaseTyp.size, OPT.linttyp, expression ); OPC.SYSNew( designator, expression ); END; (* IF *) ELSE Size( node.left.typ, node.right, expression ); OPC.SYSNew( designator, expression ); EnterLengths( designator, node.right ); END; (* IF *) | incfn : Expr( node.right, expression ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); OPC.Increment( designator, expression ); | decfn : Expr( node.right, expression ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); OPC.Decrement( designator, expression ); | inclfn : Expr( node.right, expression ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); OPC.Include( designator, expression ); | exclfn : Expr( node.right, expression ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); OPC.Exclude( designator, expression ); | copyfn : Expr( node.right, expression ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPC.Copy( expression, designator ); | getfn : Expr( node.right, sourceAdr ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); OPC.SYSGet( sourceAdr, designator ); | putfn : Expr( node.left, destAdr ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.SYSPut( expression, destAdr ); | getrfn : OPC.MakeConst( node.obj, node.right.conval, OPT.inttyp, reg ); Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); OPC.SYSGetReg( designator, reg ); | putrfn : OPC.MakeConst( node.obj, node.left.conval, OPT.inttyp, reg ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.SYSPutReg( expression, reg ); | sysnewfn : Designator( node.left, designator ); OPL.LoadAdr( designator ); Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.SYSNew( designator, expression ); | movefn : Expr( node.left, sourceAdr ); Expr( node.right, destAdr ); Expr(, expression ); OPC.SYSMove( destAdr, sourceAdr, expression ); END; (* CASE *) | Ncall : IF ( node.left.obj # NIL ) & ( node.left.obj.mode = LProc ) & ( node.left.obj.mnolev > 0 ) THEN psize := OPM.PointerSize; (* for static link *) ELSE psize := 0; END; AllocParams( node.obj, psize ); OPC.WriteStaticLink( node.left.obj ); AssignParams( node.obj, node.right ); Designator( node.left, procItem ); OPC.Call( procItem, node.left.obj ); OPC.AddToSP( psize ); | Nifelse : IF ( node^.subcl # assertfn ) OR assert THEN IfStatement( node, FALSE ); END; | Ncase : CaseStatement( node ); | Nwhile : begLabel := OPL.NewLabel; OPL.DefineLabel( begLabel ); expression.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expression.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( node.left, expression ); OPC.FalseJump( expression, expression.fJump ); StatSeq( node.right ); OPL.Jump( true, begLabel ); OPL.DefineLabel( expression.fJump ); | Nrepeat : expression.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expression.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; OPL.DefineLabel( expression.fJump ); StatSeq( node.left ); OPL.BegStat; Expr( node.right, expression ); OPC.FalseJump( expression, expression.fJump ); | Nloop : savedLoopEnd := loopEnd; begLabel := OPL.NewLabel; loopEnd := OPL.NewLabel; OPL.DefineLabel( begLabel ); StatSeq( node.left ); OPL.Jump( true, begLabel ); OPL.DefineLabel( loopEnd ); loopEnd := savedLoopEnd; | Nexit : OPL.Jump( true, loopEnd ); | Nreturn : IF node.left # NIL THEN expression.tJump := OPL.NewLabel; expression.fJump := OPL.NewLabel; Expr( node.left, expression ) END; OPC.Return( node.obj, node.left # NIL, expression ); | Nwith : IfStatement( node, node.subcl = 0 ); | Ntrap : IF node.right.conval.intval = 0 THEN node.right.conval.intval := 14 END ; (* should be parameter for front end*) OPC.Trap( SHORT( node.right.conval.intval ) ); END; (* CASE *) Checkpc; node :=; END; (* WHILE *) END StatSeq; PROCEDURE Module*( prog : OPT.Node ); BEGIN StatSeq( prog ) END Module; END OPV.