Syntax20b.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc Syntax24b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt (* AMIGA *) MODULE Oberon; (*JG 6.9.90*) (* << RC 19.3.93, shml, cn 2.6.94 *) IMPORT SYSTEM, Amiga, AmigaDos, Kernel, Modules, Input, Display, Fonts, Viewers, Texts, V24, AmigaIntuition; CONST (*message ids*) consume* = 0; track* = 1; (* InputMsg *) defocus* = 0; neutralize* = 1; mark* = 2; (* ControlMsg *) BasicCycle = 20; ESC = 1BX; SETUP = 0A4X; TYPE Painter* = PROCEDURE (x, y: INTEGER); Marker* = RECORD Fade*, Draw*: Painter END; Cursor* = RECORD marker*: Marker; on*: BOOLEAN; X*, Y*: INTEGER END; ParList* = POINTER TO ParRec; ParRec* = RECORD vwr*: Viewers.Viewer; frame*: Display.Frame; text*: Texts.Text; pos*: LONGINT END; InputMsg* = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) id*: INTEGER; keys*: SET; X*, Y*: INTEGER; ch*: CHAR; fnt*: Fonts.Font; col*, voff*: SHORTINT END; SelectionMsg* = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) time*: LONGINT; text*: Texts.Text; beg*, end*: LONGINT END; ControlMsg* = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) id*, X*, Y*: INTEGER END; CopyOverMsg* = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) text*: Texts.Text; beg*, end*: LONGINT END; CopyMsg* = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) F*: Display.Frame END; Task* = POINTER TO TaskDesc; Handler* = PROCEDURE; TaskDesc* = RECORD next: Task; safe*: BOOLEAN; time*: LONGINT; handle*: Handler END; User*: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; Password*: LONGINT; Arrow*, Star*: Marker; Mouse*, Pointer*: Cursor; FocusViewer*: Viewers.Viewer; Log*: Texts.Text; Par*: ParList; (*actual parameters*) CurTask*, PrevTask: Task; CurFnt*: Fonts.Font; CurCol*, CurOff*: SHORTINT; DW, DH, CL, H0, H1, H2, H3: INTEGER; unitW: INTEGER; ActCnt: INTEGER; (*action count for GC*) Mod: Modules.Module; (*user identification*) PROCEDURE Code(VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT; VAR i: INTEGER; a, b, c: LONGINT; BEGIN a := 0; b := 0; i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO c := b; b := a; a := (c MOD 509 + 1) * 127 + ORD(s[i]); INC(i) END; IF b >= 32768 THEN b := b - 65536 END; RETURN b * 65536 + a END Code; PROCEDURE SetUser* (VAR user, password: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN COPY(user, User); Password := Code(password) END SetUser; (*clocks*) PROCEDURE GetClock* (VAR t, d: LONGINT); BEGIN Kernel.GetClock(t, d) END GetClock; PROCEDURE SetClock* (t, d: LONGINT); BEGIN Kernel.SetClock(t, d) END SetClock; PROCEDURE Time* (): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN Input.Time() END Time; (*cursor handling*) PROCEDURE FlipArrow (X, Y: INTEGER); BEGIN (*IF X < CL THEN *) (*IF X > DW - 15 THEN X := DW - 15 END *) (*ELSE *) (*IF X > CL + DW - 15 THEN X := CL + DW - 15 END *) (*END; *) (*IF Y < 14 THEN Y := 14 ELSIF Y > DH THEN Y := DH END; *) IF X < CL THEN X := CL ELSIF X > CL + DW-1 THEN X := CL + DW-1 END; IF Y < 0 THEN Y := 0 ELSIF Y > DH THEN Y := DH END; Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Display.arrow, X, Y - 14, 2) END FlipArrow; PROCEDURE FlipStar (X, Y: INTEGER); BEGIN IF X < CL THEN IF X < 7 THEN X := 7 ELSIF X > DW - 8 THEN X := DW - 8 END ELSE IF X < CL + 7 THEN X := CL + 7 ELSIF X > CL + DW - 8 THEN X := CL + DW - 8 END END ; IF Y < 7 THEN Y := 7 ELSIF Y > DH - 8 THEN Y := DH - 8 END; Display.CopyPattern(Display.white,, X - 7, Y - 7, 2) END FlipStar; PROCEDURE OpenCursor* (VAR c: Cursor); BEGIN c.on := FALSE; c.X := 0; c.Y := 0 END OpenCursor; PROCEDURE FadeCursor* (VAR c: Cursor); BEGIN IF c.on THEN c.marker.Fade(c.X, c.Y); c.on := FALSE END END FadeCursor; PROCEDURE DrawCursor* (VAR c: Cursor; VAR m: Marker; X, Y: INTEGER); BEGIN IF c.on & ((X # c.X) OR (Y # c.Y) OR (m.Draw # c.marker.Draw)) THEN c.marker.Fade(c.X, c.Y); c.on := FALSE END; IF ~c.on THEN m.Draw(X, Y); c.marker := m; c.X := X; c.Y := Y; c.on := TRUE END END DrawCursor; (*display management*) PROCEDURE RemoveMarks* (X, Y, W, H: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (Mouse.X > X - 16) & (Mouse.X < X + W + 16) & (Mouse.Y > Y - 16) & (Mouse.Y < Y + H + 16) THEN FadeCursor(Mouse) END; IF (Pointer.X > X - 8) & (Pointer.X < X + W + 8) & (Pointer.Y > Y - 8) & (Pointer.Y < Y + H + 8) THEN FadeCursor(Pointer) END END RemoveMarks; PROCEDURE HandleFiller (V: Display.Frame; VAR M: Display.FrameMsg); BEGIN WITH V: Viewers.Viewer DO IF M IS InputMsg THEN WITH M: InputMsg DO IF = track THEN DrawCursor(Mouse, Arrow, M.X, M.Y) END END ELSIF M IS ControlMsg THEN WITH M: ControlMsg DO IF = mark THEN DrawCursor(Pointer, Star, M.X, M.Y) END END ELSIF M IS Viewers.ViewerMsg THEN WITH M: Viewers.ViewerMsg DO IF ( = Viewers.restore) & (V.W > 0) & (V.H > 0) THEN RemoveMarks(V.X, V.Y, V.W, V.H); Display.ReplConst(, V.X, V.Y, V.W, V.H, 0) ELSIF ( = Viewers.modify) & (M.Y < V.Y) THEN RemoveMarks(V.X, M.Y, V.W, V.Y - M.Y); Display.ReplConst(, V.X, M.Y, V.W, V.Y - M.Y, 0) END END END END END HandleFiller; PROCEDURE OpenDisplay* (UW, SW, H: INTEGER); VAR Filler: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN Input.SetMouseLimits(Viewers.curW + UW + SW, H); Display.ReplConst(, Viewers.curW, 0, UW + SW, H, 0); NEW(Filler); Filler.handle := HandleFiller; Viewers.InitTrack(UW, H, Filler); (*init user track*) NEW(Filler); Filler.handle := HandleFiller; Viewers.InitTrack(SW, H, Filler) (*init system track*) END OpenDisplay; PROCEDURE DisplayWidth* (X: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN DW END DisplayWidth; PROCEDURE DisplayHeight* (X: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN DH END DisplayHeight; PROCEDURE OpenTrack* (X, W: INTEGER); VAR Filler: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN NEW(Filler); Filler.handle := HandleFiller; Viewers.OpenTrack(X, W, Filler) END OpenTrack; PROCEDURE UserTrack* (X: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN X DIV DW * DW END UserTrack; PROCEDURE SystemTrack* (X: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN X DIV DW * DW + DW DIV 8 * 5 END SystemTrack; PROCEDURE UY (X: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR fil, bot, alt, max: Display.Frame; BEGIN Viewers.Locate(X, 0, fil, bot, alt, max); IF fil.H >= DH DIV 8 THEN RETURN DH END; RETURN max.Y + max.H DIV 2 END UY; PROCEDURE AllocateUserViewer* (DX: INTEGER; VAR X, Y: INTEGER); BEGIN IF Pointer.on THEN X := Pointer.X; Y := Pointer.Y ELSE X := DX DIV DW * DW; Y := UY(X) END END AllocateUserViewer; PROCEDURE SY (X: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR fil, bot, alt, max: Display.Frame; BEGIN Viewers.Locate(X, DH, fil, bot, alt, max); IF fil.H >= DH DIV 8 THEN RETURN DH END; IF max.H >= DH - H0 THEN RETURN max.Y + H3 END; IF max.H >= H3 - H0 THEN RETURN max.Y + H2 END; IF max.H >= H2 - H0 THEN RETURN max.Y + H1 END; IF max # bot THEN RETURN max.Y + max.H DIV 2 END; IF bot.H >= H1 THEN RETURN bot.H DIV 2 END; RETURN alt.Y + alt.H DIV 2 END SY; PROCEDURE AllocateSystemViewer* (DX: INTEGER; VAR X, Y: INTEGER); BEGIN IF Pointer.on THEN X := Pointer.X; Y := Pointer.Y ELSE X := DX DIV DW * DW + DW DIV 8 * 5; Y := SY(X) END END AllocateSystemViewer; PROCEDURE MarkedViewer* (): Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN RETURN Viewers.This(Pointer.X, Pointer.Y) END MarkedViewer; PROCEDURE PassFocus* (V: Viewers.Viewer); VAR M: ControlMsg; BEGIN := defocus; FocusViewer.handle(FocusViewer, M); FocusViewer := V END PassFocus; (*command interpretation*) PROCEDURE Call* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; par: ParList; new: BOOLEAN; VAR res: INTEGER); VAR Mod: Modules.Module; P: Modules.Command; i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN (*Amiga.Turbo; (* set task priority high *)*) (*< 0 THEN name[i] := 0X; IF new THEN Modules.Free(name, FALSE) END; Mod := Modules.ThisMod(name); IF Modules.res = 0 THEN INC(i); j := i; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO name[j - i] := name[j]; INC(j) END; name[j - i] := 0X; P := Modules.ThisCommand(Mod, name); IF Modules.res = 0 THEN Par := par; Par.vwr := Viewers.This(par.frame.X, par.frame.Y); P; res := 0 ELSE res:=Modules.res END ELSE res := Modules.res END END; (*Amiga.Idle (* set task priority low *)*) (*<= 0 THEN text := M.text; beg := M.beg; end := M.end END END GetSelection; PROCEDURE GC; BEGIN IF ActCnt<=0 THEN Kernel.GC(TRUE); ActCnt:=BasicCycle END END GC; PROCEDURE Install* (T: Task); VAR t: Task; BEGIN t := PrevTask; WHILE ( # PrevTask) & ( # T) DO t := END; IF # T THEN := PrevTask; := T END END Install; PROCEDURE Remove* (T: Task); VAR t: Task; BEGIN t := PrevTask; WHILE ( # T) & ( # PrevTask) DO t := END; IF = T THEN :=; PrevTask := END; IF CurTask = T THEN CurTask := END END Remove; PROCEDURE Collect* (count: INTEGER); BEGIN ActCnt := count END Collect; PROCEDURE SetFont* (fnt: Fonts.Font); BEGIN CurFnt := fnt END SetFont; PROCEDURE SetColor* (col: SHORTINT); BEGIN CurCol := col END SetColor; PROCEDURE SetOffset* (voff: SHORTINT); BEGIN CurOff := voff END SetOffset; PROCEDURE NotifyTasks; (* << JT *) Call handler of all those task, which have set their time field to -1. VAR t0, t1: Task; BEGIN t0 := PrevTask; REPEAT CurTask :=; IF CurTask.time = -1 THEN IF THEN := END; t1 := CurTask; CurTask.handle; := CurTask; IF CurTask # t1 THEN RETURN END (*detect Remove(CurTask)*) END; PrevTask := CurTask UNTIL CurTask = t0 END NotifyTasks; PROCEDURE NotifyAllTasks; (* << RD for Time depending MainLoop *) Call handler of all those task, which have set their time field to -1. VAR t0, t1: Task; ti: LONGINT; BEGIN t0 := PrevTask; ti:=Input.Time(); REPEAT CurTask :=; IF (CurTask.time <= ti) & (CurTask.time # -1) THEN IF THEN := END; t1 := CurTask; CurTask.handle; := CurTask; IF CurTask # t1 THEN RETURN END (*detect Remove(CurTask)*) END; PrevTask := CurTask UNTIL CurTask = t0 END NotifyAllTasks; PROCEDURE Loop*; The Oberon loop. The "task scheduler" of Oberon. TYPE winptr = POINTER TO AmigaIntuition.Window; VAR frame:RECORD END; V: Viewers.Viewer; M: InputMsg; N: ControlMsg; prevX, prevY, X, Y: INTEGER; keys: SET; ch: CHAR; VM: Viewers.ViewerMsg; (* << *) LastLoopType: BOOLEAN; (* <> *) win: winptr; (*< refresh display*) := neutralize; Viewers.Broadcast(N); FadeCursor(Pointer); := Viewers.suspend; Viewers.Broadcast(VM); := Viewers.restore; Viewers.Broadcast(VM) ELSIF (chint>245) & (chint<255) THEN (*251) & (Kernel.FKey[13]=NIL) THEN dumMod:=Modules.ThisMod("Clipboard") END; IF Kernel.FKey[chint-240]#NIL THEN Kernel.FKey[chint-240] END; ELSIF ch = 0EFX THEN Amiga.Terminate ELSE := consume; := ch; M.fnt := CurFnt; M.col := CurCol; M.voff := CurOff; FocusViewer.handle(FocusViewer, M); DEC(ActCnt); NotifyTasks END END HandleChar; BEGIN Remember the current stack, so that the Kernel's stack collector knows where to look for pointers. LastLoopType:=~Amiga.MainLoopType; (* <> *) Kernel.stackBottom := SYSTEM.ADR(frame); (* << *) prevX:=-1; prevY:=1; win:=SYSTEM.VAL(winptr, Amiga.window); LOOP IF AmigaIntuition.windowActive IN win.flags THEN Input.Mouse(keys, X, Y); ELSE X:=prevX; Y:=prevY; keys:={}; END; IF Amiga.MainLoopType THEN (* Time depending MainLoop *) IF ~LastLoopType THEN Amiga.Turbo; LastLoopType:=TRUE END; IF Input.Available() > 0 THEN (* Handle all special characters, before handling the standard case. *) HandleChar(); (* 0 THEN (* Char available at the Serial Device => It is an event => notify ALL tasks *) NotifyTasks ELSE (* On mouse coordinate change notify the viewer below the actual mouse position. *) IF (X # prevX) OR (Y # prevY) OR ~Mouse.on THEN := track; M.X := X; M.Y := Y; M.keys := {}; V := Viewers.This(X, Y); V.handle(V, M); prevX := X; prevY := Y END; (* Call handler of background task with a time not in the future and advance task pointer to next ready task. Tasks which are called by NotifiyTask (time=-1) are not called here. *) NotifyAllTasks END; Amiga.WaitTime(0, Amiga.TicsToWait); (* Wait for a while *) ELSE (* ever running MainLoop, low Task-Pri *) (* This is the way nearer the original *) IF LastLoopType THEN Amiga.Idle; LastLoopType:=FALSE END; IF Input.Available() > 0 THEN (* Handle all special characters, before handling the standard case. *) Amiga.Turbo; HandleChar(); (* 0 THEN (* Char available at the Serial Device => It is an event => notify ALL tasks *) NotifyTasks ELSE (* On mouse coordinate change notify the viewer below the actual mouse position. *) IF (X # prevX) OR (Y # prevY) OR ~Mouse.on THEN Amiga.Turbo; := track; M.X := X; M.Y := Y; M.keys := {}; V := Viewers.This(X, Y); V.handle(V, M); prevX := X; prevY := Y; Amiga.Idle END; (* Call handler of background task with a time not in the future and advance task pointer to next ready task. Tasks which are called by NotifiyTask (time=-1) are not called here. *) CurTask :=; IF (CurTask.time <= Input.Time()) & (CurTask.time # -1) THEN IF THEN := END; CurTask.handle; := CurTask END; PrevTask := CurTask END END END END Loop; PROCEDURE Init; BEGIN User[0] := 0X; Arrow.Fade := FlipArrow; Arrow.Draw := FlipArrow; Star.Fade := FlipStar; Star.Draw := FlipStar; OpenCursor(Mouse); OpenCursor(Pointer); DW := Display.Width; DH := Display.Height; CL := Display.ColLeft; H3 := DH - DH DIV 3; H2 := H3 - H3 DIV 2; H1 := DH DIV 5; H0 := DH DIV 10; unitW := DW DIV 8; OpenDisplay(unitW * 5, unitW * 3, DH); FocusViewer := Viewers.This(0, 0); CurFnt := Fonts.Default; CurCol := Display.white; CurOff := 0; Collect(BasicCycle); NEW(PrevTask); PrevTask.handle := GC; := TRUE; PrevTask.time := -1; (* << (instead of 0) JT *) := PrevTask; Display.SetMode(0, {}) END Init; BEGIN Init; (* only if System not in boot file: *) Mod:=Modules.ThisMod("System") END Oberon.