Syntax10.Scn.Fnt MODULE KeplerElems; (* J. Templ, 27.09.93 *) (* shows how to extend the Write editor by an additional element class *) IMPORT KeplerGraphs, KeplerFrames, KeplerPorts, TextFrames, Texts, TextPrinter, Files, Oberon, Input, Viewers, MenuViewers, Display; CONST unit = TextFrames.Unit; (* screen pixel size *) Unit = TextPrinter.Unit; (* printer pixel size *) MM = 1; (* mouse middle *) Menu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow KeplerElems.Update"; TYPE Elem = POINTER TO ElemDesc; ElemDesc = RECORD (Texts.ElemDesc) G: KeplerGraphs.Graph; dx, dy, w, h, grid: INTEGER; END; Frame = POINTER TO FrameDesc; FrameDesc = RECORD (KeplerFrames.FrameDesc) E: Elem; END ; PROCEDURE Draw(E: Elem; X, Y: INTEGER; VAR DF: Display.Frame); VAR F: KeplerFrames.Frame; BEGIN F := KeplerFrames.New(E.G); DF := F; F.X := X; F.Y := Y; F.W := SHORT(E.W DIV unit); F.H := SHORT(E.H DIV unit); F.x0 := - E.dx; F.y0 := - (F.H * 4 + E.dy); F.scale := 4; IF E.G.cons # NIL THEN E.G.Draw(F) ELSE F.DrawRect(0, 0, 99, 99, Display.white, Display.replace) END END Draw; PROCEDURE Print(E: Elem; X, Y: INTEGER); VAR P: KeplerPorts.PrinterPort; BEGIN NEW(P); P.X := X; P.Y := Y; P.W := SHORT(E.W DIV Unit); P.H := SHORT(E.H DIV Unit); P.x0 := - E.dx; P.y0 := - (P.H + E.dy); P.scale := 1; E.G.Draw(P) END Print; PROCEDURE Copy(G: KeplerGraphs.Graph): KeplerGraphs.Graph; VAR buf: Files.File; R: Files.Rider; o: KeplerGraphs.Object; BEGIN buf := Files.New(""); Files.Set(R, buf, 0); KeplerGraphs.Reset; KeplerGraphs.WriteObj(R, G); Files.Set(R, buf, 0); KeplerGraphs.Reset; KeplerGraphs.ReadObj(R, o); RETURN o(KeplerGraphs.Graph) END Copy; PROCEDURE *FrameHandle (F: Display.Frame; VAR M: Display.FrameMsg); VAR F1: Frame; BEGIN WITH F: Frame DO WITH M: Oberon.CopyMsg DO NEW(F1); M.F := F1; F1^ := F^ ELSE KeplerFrames.Handle(F, M) END END END FrameHandle; PROCEDURE Edit(E: Elem); VAR keysum, keys: SET; X, Y: INTEGER; F: Frame; V: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN keysum := {MM}; REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, X, Y); keysum := keysum + keys; Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, X, Y) UNTIL keys = {}; IF keysum = {MM} THEN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, X, Y); NEW(F); F.G := Copy(E.G); (*copy out*) F.G.notify := KeplerFrames.NotifyDisplay; F.handle := FrameHandle; F.grid := E.grid; F.scale := 4; F.x0 := 0; F.y0 := 0; F.E := E; V := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("KeplerElem", Menu), F, TextFrames.menuH, X, Y) END END Edit; PROCEDURE Load(VAR R: Files.Rider; E: Elem); VAR o: KeplerGraphs.Object; err: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; version: INTEGER; BEGIN KeplerGraphs.Reset; KeplerGraphs.ReadObj(R, o); E.G := o(KeplerGraphs.Graph); Files.ReadInt(R, E.dx); Files.ReadInt(R, E.dy); Files.ReadInt(R, E.w); Files.ReadInt(R, version); (*upward compatible version encoding*) IF version >= 0 THEN E.h := version; ELSIF version = -1 THEN Files.ReadInt(R, E.h); Files.ReadInt(R, E.grid) (* ELSIF .. future versions *) ELSE err := "version not supported"; HALT(99) END END Load; PROCEDURE Store(VAR R: Files.Rider; E: Elem); BEGIN KeplerGraphs.Reset; KeplerGraphs.WriteObj(R, E.G); Files.WriteInt(R, E.dx); Files.WriteInt(R, E.dy); Files.WriteInt(R, E.w); Files.WriteInt(R, (*version*) -1); Files.WriteInt(R, E.h); Files.WriteInt(R, E.grid); END Store; PROCEDURE Focus(E: Elem; focus: BOOLEAN; F: KeplerFrames.Frame); BEGIN IF focus THEN F.grid := E.grid ELSE F.grid := 0 END ; F.Restore(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H) END Focus; PROCEDURE* ElemHandle (E: Texts.Elem; VAR M: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR e: Elem; BEGIN WITH E: Elem DO WITH M: TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF M.prepare THEN E.W := E.w * LONG(unit) DIV 4; E.H := E.h * LONG(unit) DIV 4 ELSE Draw(E, M.X0, M.Y0, M.elemFrame) END | M: TextPrinter.PrintMsg DO IF M.prepare THEN E.W := E.w * LONG(Unit); E.H := E.h * LONG(Unit) ELSE Print(E, M.X0, M.Y0) END | M: Texts.IdentifyMsg DO M.mod := "KeplerElems"; M.proc := "Alloc" | M: Texts.FileMsg DO IF = Texts.load THEN Load(M.r, E); ELSIF = THEN Store(M.r, E) END | M: Texts.CopyMsg DO NEW(e); Texts.CopyElem(E, e); M.e := e; e.dx := E.dx; e.dy := E.dy; e.w := E.w; e.h := E.h; e.grid := E.grid; e.G := Copy(E.G) | M: TextFrames.TrackMsg DO IF M.keys = {MM} THEN Edit(E) END | M: TextFrames.FocusMsg DO Focus(E, M.focus, M.elemFrame(KeplerFrames.Frame)); ELSE END END END ElemHandle; PROCEDURE Alloc*; VAR e: Elem; BEGIN NEW(e); e.handle := ElemHandle; := e END Alloc; PROCEDURE Insert*; VAR e: Elem; M: TextFrames.InsertElemMsg; BEGIN NEW(e); e.w := 100; e.h := 100; e.grid := 5; e.handle := ElemHandle; NEW(e.G); M.e := e; Viewers.Broadcast(M) END Insert; PROCEDURE Update*; VAR G: KeplerGraphs.Graph; F: Frame; E: Elem; B: KeplerPorts.BalloonPort; R: Texts.Reader; T: Texts.Text; BEGIN IF IS Frame THEN F :=; G := F.G; E := F.E; G.All(0); (*deselect*); NEW(B); KeplerPorts.InitBalloon(B); G.Draw(B); (*get bounding box*) E.dx := B.X; E.dy := B.Y; E.w := B.W + 4; E.h := B.H + 4; E.G := Copy(G); (*copy in*) E.grid := F.grid; T := Texts.ElemBase(E); IF E.G.cons = NIL THEN E.dx := 0; E.dy := 0; E.w := 100; E.h := 100 END ; IF T # NIL THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, 0); REPEAT Texts.ReadElem(R) UNTIL R.elem = E; T.notify(T, Texts.replace, Texts.Pos(R)-1, Texts.Pos(R)) END END END Update; END KeplerElems.